
Comic Book Toys and Collectibles

Baby Shoes

Baby Shoes
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I have these habits of going down rabbit holes online and then making purchases from doing so.

A few months ago, I was prepping for a birthday of a buddy of mine. He has always been a big Batman fan and has all kinds of stuff in his Batman collection. He has an affinity for Two-Face so I was trying to find one of those busts or action figures or something to put with some of the gift I was putting together. I found that DC Collectibles had released a Two-Face figure recently that was part of a wave to Build a Figure of Clayface. The Clayface looked so awesome to me


So when I was deciding to get him a Two-Face, I looked and saw if you get a Rebirth Superman, Martian Manhunter (from the Supergirl show), Two-Face, Batwoman and Jessica Cruz, you build Two-Face. Searching around online, Two-Face was a little bit higher than the retail price and Jessica Cruz was a little bit higher than that but I found the other three cheap and decided to treat myself to the full set for cheaper than if I walked into a retail outlet to get all five, despite the inflated prices on two figures. I built the Two-Face and it was awesome. The Batwoman was actually my favorite of the figures in person, so I was pretty happy.

I kept going down the rabbit hole because I was finding all these figures that were getting sold for crazy amounts online, as well as looking cool. I had seen some of the awesome Marvel ones like the new comics accurate version of The Thing that got released exclusively to Walgreens.


I decide I want to get him and as I am doing that I read that they release a special exclusive figure of Magik unannounced, which I find at the same store and I am able to pick up and sell online to cover the cost of my Thing figure for myself.

So I've been collecting random ones of these figures, picking up deals here and there - like finding the whole set of Suicide Squad movie figures that build a Killer Croc for $34 shipped.

A couple of my favorites in my recent pickups include this WalMart Exclusive Harley Quinn:


and Marvel's Spider-Punk


I think the thing that is cool but dangerous for me with my completionist tendencies is all the Build a Figure stuff. If you see in Spider-Punk, there is an arm for the Lizard. And his figure looks really cool - so I scouted out marked down versions of all the figures in that wave, despite a couple characters I probably wouldn't normally get. But the Mysterio from that line is apparently really hard to find, so when I got him cheap on Amazon, he is still on backorder - which means I left them all sitting in package to not lose anything. Kinda past the point of keeping a lot of this stuff in package as really if I am going to be goofy and spend money on these things, I want them to be display pieces - and it all started because of stumbling on that damn Clayface. And it seems like people spend good amounts of money even buying the open figures or the build a piece figures. Some people are buying the Clayface online for maybe $20 less than it cost to pick up all the figures that built him.

The other piece with some of these figures that I caved in and got, was I actually found a deal on a replica Infinity Gauntlet.


This thing showed up last night - much bigger than I expected. Have to put the batteries in it but it looks awesome. I guess they made electronic masks for Star Lord and Black Panther in this line that went way up in value once they stopped selling them. I was able to coupon this one down to about half of what some people have paid for this so I have a cool piece now that I would assume the value could go up if I lose interest in having it later.

Baby Shoes

Baby Shoes
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Whoops - guess I put this in the wrong folder. Can a mod help me and move it to the right folder?


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Don't collect too much outside of Harley figures but one of my favorites remains the pose on top of the card deck.


And this statue may have to go on a future Christmas list of mine.

Baby Shoes

Baby Shoes
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Lots of cool new stuff releases since last post but it doesn’t seem like a ton of interest here.

For the casual collector, the start of the year saw the DC license for collector level figures leave Mattel and go to McFarlane. First few hit stores and are pretty cool. I picked up comics Batman and Superman because Target had them 20% off last week. My buddy ordered some of the more deluxe ones online that aren’t in stores yet and the pictures he sent me of the Batman Who Laughs look pretty awesome.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

I took a bunch of photos of my collection yesterday. It's not everything I have, but you can get an idea of the scope of things.

My basement is not a studio, so the lighting is not optimal for some of the pics.


Integral Poster
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New York City
I'm not big into toys or statues, but I have really been interested in comics (and grading) lately. I want to start buying stuff but I also want to wait until I have more space (currently living in a two bedroom apartment thats starting to get a little cramped).


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

You guys think wrestling twitter is bad.... over in the collectables side of things Retroblasting (Michael French) did a 37 min diss video on former MOTU brand manager "Spector Creative", who has been doing MOTU lore and retail business YT videos for the past several months.
So tonight they are having a live debate on a third party channel
French's former nemesis ThatJunkman (a Kenner fanboy and 50 year old internet troll) has stepped up and is doing his own livestream to diss French and Retroblasting ally Analog Toys. Junkman faked being a female online and teased that girl being suicidal and such to troll people for months. I believe he also tried to use the girl gimmick to get people to buy her stuff too. He "jokes" that he steals stuff from Walmart and whatnot on his videos, so he's scummy.
Analog Toys has a military background, and has done his own diss videos gently threatening the Junkman.
French's channel is the closest one to any sort of "success" as he has 90K subs, but averages 15K views or so with his videos, so this is all monkeys throwing poop at each other.
Retroblasting's French definitely has something off with him, perhaps just a massive ego that he needs attention and placating. His livestreams w/ his wife and friends has seen him have mini meltdowns over gentle needling from the fans chatter or his live friends.
Yesterday he had a 350 dollar Indiana Jones figure on his table as part of his ambiance for his livestream. It fell over and the paint was scratched a little bit. He stormed off and bought a new one on ebay on the spot as his wife gave him dagger eyes. His buddy was just like "It was pretty dumb to have it out in the first place."
French gave up a good paying gig in the real world to try and make his channel work, but his wife is a nurse, so she pays the bills.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Day one of our trip to Chicago-land was a huge success. Geek Toy Hut in Arlington Hts was packed with old school stuff, NECA, etc etc. My buddy and I dropped near a total of 500 bucks there. There was a comic book shop down the street from there that had not made my Google-Fu list but it was also packed with goodies. (I don't recall a name off hand).
Stop 2 was Crush Collectables in Elmhurst. The place was smallish but packed with stuff, and priced insanely well. (I bought some new MOTU stuff that was almost 10 dollars below current retail prices.)
Stop 3 was "Alien Entertainment" which had statues and figures of comic book guys for my buddy, but nothing really vintage for me. The owners came from the UK many moons ago and so they have a huge section of Dr. Who merch. Buffy and other modern nerd brands were also there.
Stop 4 was "Collector's Kid", which was a sports card/hobby shop. They had a ton of old cards, magazines, toys and modern Pokemon crap to pillage the local parents wallets. I bought a Mario/Link lunchbox (25 bucks) and the 1st ever edition of Sports Illustrated (which he oddly just had tossed on a rack without even having a protective cover on it like many of the other mags. I also snagged the SI from the week promoting Hank Aaron beating the Home run record. I couldn't believe he had these 45 year old mags priced so well and wound up buying 4 or 5 total for under 30 dollars.
The stop at Keith's Comix netted my buddy more stuff, but it wasn't my bag.
Last stop was at WaxPax toys/Quake Collectables. The store is smallish, but packed wall to wall, on the floor, on the desk, and everywhere else with carded figures and totes of random loose crap. Zero organization and almost painful to dig through since you can't escape an aisle if more than 2 people are wedged in. I couldn't find much there (mostly due to owning so much of the stuff I would want already) but I can see many people scoring stuff if they get past the hoarding eyesore. They have tons of vintage stuff, but priced for ebay, not Johnny off the street.

DAY 2: KANE County toy show here we come!


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Dude at the Kane County Toy Show had the WCCW board game for 150 bucks, several of the WWF board games from the Hulkamania era, 2 sealed and minty AJPW theme records from around 1981, and an assortment of AJPW plush dolls.
He had a late 1997/98 era WWF trivia game listed for several hundred dollars. I was unaware there was a rare one to find.
Another vendor had the Hulkamania Workout set in a battered box. I was afraid to ask how much because I would have had to buy it.

The show works as a toy museum as you'll see all sorts of rare stuff from the 70s, 80s, and 90s in box and loose, that you will never, ever find in the wild.
Prices of vintage toys are crazy high right now, and very few vendors are there to empty their stock, so you have to search for deals.

At the end of the convention I was doubling back just to make sure I saw all I needed to see. I came across a vendor selling really old toys (50s/60s I guess). He had an A-Team activity book from 1983 on his table. I picked it up and he said "I'm asking NINETY-FIVE dollars for it, but I'll sell it to you for 60. It's a nice piece." I just slowly set it down and walked right out of the whole con to the wet and windy outside. He blew my mind. (Real Con price was 5-20 if he was being at all realistic.)

I wound up dropping around 600 over the weekend. Big finds were the new MOTU Castle Grayskull, a late 80s Ghostbusters Board game, NECA Krang and Super Shredder, a Wrestling/Boxing magazine from the 50s (w/Lou Thesz, Rocky Marciano, Primo Carnera etc for 2 bucks!!!), A Mario Pirrama plant lamp, a Rocky 3 era kids book on Sportsmanship, Rocky 3 and 4 magazines, a Rock and Wrestling Cartoon book, vintage wrestling PPV posters (on heavy cardstock for 2.50 each!), MOTU puzzles and coloring books, an aggressive amount of Funkos and much more.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Dude at the Kane County Toy Show had the WCCW board game for 150 bucks, several of the WWF board games from the Hulkamania era, 2 sealed and minty AJPW theme records from around 1981, and an assortment of AJPW plush dolls.
He had a late 1997/98 era WWF trivia game listed for several hundred dollars. I was unaware there was a rare one to find.
Another vendor had the Hulkamania Workout set in a battered box. I was afraid to ask how much because I would have had to buy it.

The show works as a toy museum as you'll see all sorts of rare stuff from the 70s, 80s, and 90s in box and loose, that you will never, ever find in the wild.
Prices of vintage toys are crazy high right now, and very few vendors are there to empty their stock, so you have to search for deals.

At the end of the convention I was doubling back just to make sure I saw all I needed to see. I came across a vendor selling really old toys (50s/60s I guess). He had an A-Team activity book from 1983 on his table. I picked it up and he said "I'm asking NINETY-FIVE dollars for it, but I'll sell it to you for 60. It's a nice piece." I just slowly set it down and walked right out of the whole con to the wet and windy outside. He blew my mind. (Real Con price was 5-20 if he was being at all realistic.)

I wound up dropping around 600 over the weekend. Big finds were the new MOTU Castle Grayskull, a late 80s Ghostbusters Board game, NECA Krang and Super Shredder, a Wrestling/Boxing magazine from the 50s (w/Lou Thesz, Rocky Marciano, Primo Carnera etc for 2 bucks!!!), A Mario Pirrama plant lamp, a Rocky 3 era kids book on Sportsmanship, Rocky 3 and 4 magazines, a Rock and Wrestling Cartoon book, vintage wrestling PPV posters (on heavy cardstock for 2.50 each!), MOTU puzzles and coloring books, an aggressive amount of Funkos and much more.
Did you look on Ebay afterwards to compare prices? I know the entire collectibles market has gone batshit crazy (Sports Cards, Videogames, VHS Tapes, etc.) so I'm curious if there were sellers who were selling stuff at Ebay comp prices or were they fairly low/under those prices in an effort to just move them?

Did you see any trades or were they more out & out sales/deals?


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Did you look on Ebay afterwards to compare prices? I know the entire collectibles market has gone batshit crazy (Sports Cards, Videogames, VHS Tapes, etc.) so I'm curious if there were sellers who were selling stuff at Ebay comp prices or were they fairly low/under those prices in an effort to just move them?

Did you see any trades or were they more out & out sales/deals?
Some stuff was right off current Walmart/Amazon with a big price hike. I accidentally embarrassed a vendor by asking about the new Turbo man he had marked for 55 dollars. I asked him if the Walmarts around here were packed with these figures too since NE Wisconsin has them collecting dust in every WM.
This is not a convention for people looking for cheap items. I'd say I gave 5 booths out of however many vendors were there (100-200 for sure) most of my cash as they were reasonably priced and had rare stuff in my wheel house.
Funko Pops are in in a great many of the booths, all priced about the same, and all the same general blend of figures. The market is flush with them, and it almost comes down to where u see what u want first.
I think the trading aspect is mostly done the prior 2 days before the show as the vendors have a premium event (50 dollar entry) where they let people in to buy the good stuff first and work trades with one another. Vendors admitted to buying things Saturday and marking them up Sunday for the general public.


Integral Poster
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I wouldn't mind having that Von Erich WCCW game in my collection at some point. Box is cool enough to just display the whole thing like that.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I think the trading aspect is mostly done the prior 2 days before the show as the vendors have a premium event (50 dollar entry) where they let people in to buy the good stuff first and work trades with one another. Vendors admitted to buying things Saturday and marking them up Sunday for the general public.

*Sobs* The MegaPowers of ToyYoutube are pillaging the stock of toys!! (I won't be going until the November show :( )


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Day one of flea markets saw me spend more on food, beer and booze than goods.
I did pick up WWF Wilton Cookie Cutters, an 80s era Little People Airport and the book case for Charlie Brown's 80s Encyclopedia set for 25 bucks total. A local antique mall had a Sesame Street lunch box and thermos for under 9 bucks, so I swept that up too.
We then headed to a brewery in a beautiful old movie theater. The place was understaffed and the drinks were slightly overpriced for my penny pinching ways (8 bucks for a swifter). Next came an Italian diner (and by Italian, I mean the food as the staff and cooks were Hispanic) for a massive loaded Bloody Mary (pickle, onion, Brussel sprout, cheese, mushrooms, olives and beef stick on top) and a delicious Alfredo seafood dish. The eatery had an aggressive note on the door to be nice to the few employees that they do have and our waitress openly admitted she had stayed after work the day before to get drunk with the other waitress and was thus hungover. When my slightly sauced buddy rattled off a big order she told him to "Calm your tits!"
Taking a 2 hour drive at 4 am to the Milwaukee outskirts for a massive 500 vendor flea market this AM. Like yesterday, the road trip with old friends will make the trip well worth it, even if gold isn't found at the end of the rainbow.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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the book case for Charlie Brown's 80s Encyclopedia set for 25 bucks total. A local antique mall had a Sesame Street lunch box and thermos for under 9 bucks, so I swept that up too.

Can you throw up pics of these? They sound cool and it's always neat to see pics of such items when not having a real mental image of what they actually are.
The eatery had an aggressive note on the door to be nice to the few employees that they do have and our waitress openly admitted she had stayed after work the day before to get drunk with the other waitress and was thus hungover. When my slightly sauced buddy rattled off a big order she told him to "Calm your tits!"
That sounds very Wisconsin...


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
One vendor had a ton of cool vintage toys BUT they wanted ebay PLUS 100 bucks for their stuff. My buddy got there 1st and when the guy quoted his price, my buddy whipped up the ebay sales for the item. The vendor argued back and told him "It's not 1983 buddy!" My buddy came over and warned me. As I walked up to the booth the guy was shit talking my buddy to another and said "I've had 3 people argue over prices already. They don't get it!" His pal said "Yeah, people are assholes".

Example - he had a vintage MOTU Scare Glow - loose and without weapons. He was asking 400. Ebay prices with weapons float around 280.

I didn't bother even inquiring about prices and moved on.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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That Snoopy book thing is cool and way different from what I was imagining, lol. Same for the hair dryer, cool pick up! I'm all about anything Peanuts though so I'm biased ;)


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
That Snoopy book thing is cool and way different from what I was imagining, lol. Same for the hair dryer, cool pick up! I'm all about anything Peanuts though so I'm biased ;)
Apparently the Snoopy dryer has a base stand that looks like the rest of his body. Looks like it came out in 90/91, which surprised me as it looks really clean.

Next thing on the reasonable wish list is to get an 80s Little People Zoo. As the pictures show, I did the hard part already and rounded up most if not of the animals that came with it.

July 10th is the next major flea market and in Aug is Chicago's C2E2


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I went out to the boonies for a toddler 1st birthday party. Ran into a random rummage sale and got these for FREE:
Top race thing is from 1965. Only has the track, no cars.

White football thing says parts are there, but won't turn on.

I think I will just bring the Football things to a local Packer Antique shop and see what I can get.

Track thing I haven't dug deep in yet, but a quick ebay scan was quite promising.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
My vanity searching chat led to AA439 or some shit asking "How much does Brody spend on toys?"

Thanks for the question random CXFer who is probably an actual popular commenter, but since he doesn't @ me moaning I am unaware of who you are.
Anyway.... I've never gotten rid of my childhood WWF ring and Hasbros. Plus a bunch of MOTU and some randos that survived normal kid stuff.
I was hitting up 2nd hand toy stores after High School and gobbling up MOTU and stuff for like 50 cents each at the time. I know I paid 9 dollars for a Snake Mountain (now easily 50-100) and snagged a few other MOTU playsets for as low as 2 dollars.
I bought most of the MOTU 200X series and kept it boxed in my parents cubby hole, which was a bad idea as they came out a little moldy a decade later. I also paid for the Black box commemorative MOTU series at the time (which are now like X5 what I paid)
I went totally gaga on the ebay toy hunts once I bought my house and had room to display.
For a normal adult I can see spending money on rubber and plastic is retarded, but as a collector I find great pleasure in it, but I almost always pay under retail, and thankfully snagged stuff before the last 3 years of price explosions.
-For example I paid 60 for the Technodrome (eye included!) and my buddy paid like 240 last year.
I now have stuff dating from the 60s Mr. Potato Heads, the 70s Mego Marvel and DC dolls and playsets, a metric butt ton of 80s stuff (Thundercats, BraveStarr, Pee Wee, Mr T, WWF, Ghostbusters, Police Academy, TMNT, Little People, Peanuts, Chuck Norris, Inhumonoids, Golden Girl, Happy Meal toys, Care Bears, Bearenstain Bears, a dash of GI Joes..... etc etc No Star Wars... It just didn't tickle me I guess. (Ditto Transformers)
I've got clocks, shampoos, radios, pinball machines, banners, birthday supplies, and a million other trinkets.
Last summer I redid my 2 spare bed rooms and made one boxed MOTU stuff almost wall to wall, and the other was all TMNT stuff. Both rooms have plenty of space left to fill.
My bedroom has my pile of plush Muppets and childhood animals tucked on my dresser like a weirdo.
I have a slew of board games in the closet that I never intend to play but they are 80s stuff.
And the basement has tons of square footage to fill so it has a bunch of shelving units with stuff and stuff.
Last count I believe all rooms combined had 22 or 23 bookcases or shelves with collectables.
I also have a ton of old sports mags and Apter mags and WWF mags.
I have a ton of video game systems too, but those I would be more than willing to sell. I have SNES, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, NES, 2 different Segas, 2 N64s, PS1, 2 and 3 and several random plug and play cheapo collections. I believe we counted like 20 systems in all a few years ago thanks to having doubles of some. I have boxes for N64, SNES, PS3 and some other randos. I also have a sealed SNES controller that I like to think is worth more than it really is.
The collecting was my fun money for a decade while I paid double on my mortgage in order to pay off my house before I was 40. (Turns out I did it before I turned 39.)
Since then I slowed way down. Everything costing a mint is a good detractor, but I still love rummage sales and thrifting for gold.
My fun money is now going for about 500 bucks in STONKS each month. I want to be rich when my heart explodes.

I think an argument could be made that the toy hunting was all cover for my emotions as my toys were the distraction from the insanity my Dad brought into my world as a kid. They represent the innocence I lost. Plus I wasn't always able to get toys I wanted, so I am making up for being one of the poors who had to listen to the rich kids get cool shit.


Integral Poster
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My vanity searching chat led to AA439 or some shit asking "How much does Brody spend on toys?"

Thanks for the question random CXFer who is probably an actual popular commenter, but since he doesn't @ me moaning I am unaware of who you are.
Anyway.... I've never gotten rid of my childhood WWF ring and Hasbros. Plus a bunch of MOTU and some randos that survived normal kid stuff.
I was hitting up 2nd hand toy stores after High School and gobbling up MOTU and stuff for like 50 cents each at the time. I know I paid 9 dollars for a Snake Mountain (now easily 50-100) and snagged a few other MOTU playsets for as low as 2 dollars.
I bought most of the MOTU 200X series and kept it boxed in my parents cubby hole, which was a bad idea as they came out a little moldy a decade later. I also paid for the Black box commemorative MOTU series at the time (which are now like X5 what I paid)
I went totally gaga on the ebay toy hunts once I bought my house and had room to display.
For a normal adult I can see spending money on rubber and plastic is retarded, but as a collector I find great pleasure in it, but I almost always pay under retail, and thankfully snagged stuff before the last 3 years of price explosions.
-For example I paid 60 for the Technodrome (eye included!) and my buddy paid like 240 last year.
I now have stuff dating from the 60s Mr. Potato Heads, the 70s Mego Marvel and DC dolls and playsets, a metric butt ton of 80s stuff (Thundercats, BraveStarr, Pee Wee, Mr T, WWF, Ghostbusters, Police Academy, TMNT, Little People, Peanuts, Chuck Norris, Inhumonoids, Golden Girl, Happy Meal toys, Care Bears, Bearenstain Bears, a dash of GI Joes..... etc etc No Star Wars... It just didn't tickle me I guess. (Ditto Transformers)
I've got clocks, shampoos, radios, pinball machines, banners, birthday supplies, and a million other trinkets.
Last summer I redid my 2 spare bed rooms and made one boxed MOTU stuff almost wall to wall, and the other was all TMNT stuff. Both rooms have plenty of space left to fill.
My bedroom has my pile of plush Muppets and childhood animals tucked on my dresser like a weirdo.
I have a slew of board games in the closet that I never intend to play but they are 80s stuff.
And the basement has tons of square footage to fill so it has a bunch of shelving units with stuff and stuff.
Last count I believe all rooms combined had 22 or 23 bookcases or shelves with collectables.
I also have a ton of old sports mags and Apter mags and WWF mags.
I have a ton of video game systems too, but those I would be more than willing to sell. I have SNES, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, NES, 2 different Segas, 2 N64s, PS1, 2 and 3 and several random plug and play cheapo collections. I believe we counted like 20 systems in all a few years ago thanks to having doubles of some. I have boxes for N64, SNES, PS3 and some other randos. I also have a sealed SNES controller that I like to think is worth more than it really is.
The collecting was my fun money for a decade while I paid double on my mortgage in order to pay off my house before I was 40. (Turns out I did it before I turned 39.)
Since then I slowed way down. Everything costing a mint is a good detractor, but I still love rummage sales and thrifting for gold.
My fun money is now going for about 500 bucks in STONKS each month. I want to be rich when my heart explodes.

I think an argument could be made that the toy hunting was all cover for my emotions as my toys were the distraction from the insanity my Dad brought into my world as a kid. They represent the innocence I lost. Plus I wasn't always able to get toys I wanted, so I am making up for being one of the poors who had to listen to the rich kids get cool shit.

Hey, I probably spent a couple hundred bucks on "collectibles" over the pandemic so I wasn't judging.

I actually read on another forum that some guy found a (mostly) complete Flagg at a flea market for some absurd price -- like 100 dollars or something


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Pro flipper and Youtuber Hairy Tornado said in his videos that church rummage sales are a good place to hit because they have a short time to sell everything and prices are usually good. So last Fri I hit one up 1 min from my house. I thought like 7 people would be in line, but to my shock the lot was very full and a line was waiting to get in.
They had the basement organized into glassware, gadgets, holiday junk, etc. And thankfully one room was all toys!!
I scored MOTU figures for 25 cents each and Little People playsets (full of accessories and toys) for a buck each. So I dropped maybe 20 bucks total? (Includes some other not toy junk I grabbed)
Here's my score:
Toys 1.jpgToys 2.jpgToys 3.jpgtoys 4.jpgToys 5.jpgToys 6.jpg\

I bought the Bart Starr mag for 5 bucks at a Packer Antique shop next to Lambeau. I tried to sell them my recently acquired electric football games, but they did not want them. The local toy 2nd hand store also turned me down to even make an offer.
Since the stock car track I had is worth 20+ on ebay, the guy really must not have understood he could have tripled his money on the deal.


Integral Poster
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Action figure prices have gone up a ridiculous amount since the pandemic. I collected some modern era G.I. Joes ("new" 3.75 inch) for display and then stopped for a couple of years. I looked at prices now and some of the figures I have bagged and in storage are now double the value I paid for them. I have also purchased some Classified (6" Joe figures) for display and even some of those have gone up a crazy amount. The action figure market is definitely speculative and geared towards adult collectors now as opposed to kids, which is in many ways sad.