The fact that people value wrestling on close enough to a par with human life that they can even justify watching him still, and are able to talk about separating the wrestler from the man, the art form from the acts, completely blows my mind. Being a shitty human being means more than anything else. HE KILLED HIS SON AND WIFE. No matter why he did it, if you can't see that every time you look at him or hear his music, than your ability to separate yourself from reality for your own egotistical yearnings is, well, what it is. But next time you do watch one of his matches, imagine the life that the Toffoloni family lives; imagine the life that Benoit's kids from his first marriage live. Imagine being Michael Benoit for any amount of time. Just for a second, instead of chasing your own momentary enjoyment, try to imagine the immediate and long-term aftermath, and the reality of those actions for the real people that it affected.