
The Resident Evil Thread

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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Resident Evil 5
Formats: PS3, Xbox360
Formated Reviewed: Xbox360

Come on, say it with me in your most sinister gravel voice; Resident Evil… 5! So it’s here and we’ve all had a chance, well most of us, to play it, taste it and a bit of time to mull over it to see if it satisfied our needs. So has it?

Frankly yes it has.

Resident Evil 5 is a great game, yet the only thing that makes it a resident evil game is the, now very dated, control system and the plot. The game play elements are gone; it’s no longer dark and creepy and feels more like a slowly paced action game at times. The plot is pretty basic and typical Resident Evil, though it is the first game to directly return to RE roots and has Chris Redfield return to try and discover the secrets behind Umbrella. Yet what made Resident Evil, well, Resident Evil, was the tension, suspension and the drama created in your head from the pre rendered environments you explore and the ambient music and drones. When you did come across a Zombie it was almost a relief to finally let loose and fight or run away to regroup.
Now, however, there is a constant stream of zombies and other monsters, which make the game, feel more like an action game with slow controls. In a bizarre 360 turn of events, it’s now a relief when there are no zombies so you can get a rest bite (no pun intended). Gone too is the near silent background music and ambient soundscaping, which has been replaced by action music and gentler music during quiet times. This too adds to the deflation of a once great horror suspense game as Resident Evil.

Another element changed from the original Resident Evil experience, similar to how the Zombie numbers have increased, is that there’s always ammo and health available. Granted I only played on normal, so it’s possible that an increased difficulty level will decrease the amount of drops, however the majority of ‘Zombies’ killed would drop ammo, gold or health (in the form of herbs or sprays). If they didn’t, then there was enough destroyable scenery around the levels to smash open and search; which again would contain ammo, Gold or Health. Fair enough it never leaves you without ammo, and sometimes it slowly suggest you’re going to run out of ammo during intense zombie clearing fight fights, but it will always provide you with ammo when its needed. Comparing this to the days of having to decide if you take the ammo or the health and store them away for later, it almost seems like a bonanza of ammo and health at your finger tips whenever you need them. Changing the difficulty of the game does decrease the amount of world and enemy drops for health and ammo.
The gold you acquire throughout the game can be used to buy new equipment at the end of each sub chapter. This equipment ranges from new weapons, to health and survival jackets. As well as gold you can find and sell on rare treasures, all of which appear on an inventory screen that allows you to mange your treasures and items found. A valuable addition that allows for the swapping and trading of weapons between both characters and the 'store' itself - handy if you think a shotgun would be more effective in small corridors and you've previously had a sniper rifle.

Another change in game play that moves away from the tension filled experiences of the past is the introduction to a constant by your side partner. Partners are not something new in the Resident Evil world, with Resident Evil 1 and 2 having split games between them, but it’s the first time one has been at your side from start to finish.

The thing is you’ll either love her or hate her. She’ll either be smart as hell when to use the health sprays, or decide to unload a clip of ammo into the back of your head as she tries to kill a zombie in front of you. The AI is pretty basic and seems to consist of follow, shoot and pick up things. It won’t think outside of these walls, it won’t think to offer covering fire, to out flank the enemies. It will follow you at a set distance like a dog on a short leash. One plus though, she won’t let you die. Like David Hasslehof she’ll be ready, weather that’s with healing you with health collected throughout the game, or by breaking a Zombie’s hold on you.
All of the above AI annoyances with your new partner can be avoided if you go Co-op and play with a friend or even a random person over Xbox live. Hearing screams for help from your friends as Zombie’s maul them is something that everyone should experience at least once with this game.

So once you can wrap your head around the almost action orientated feel the game has, and the sometimes sadly dire AI, you’ll soon start to enjoy this game. It looks amazing, and with a few screen tear issues aside during cut scenes (a technical issue with the Xbox’s lack of V-Sync) you’ll soon appreciate how spotless and detailed the graphics and skins are. Backgrounds and environments look as detailed as the original RE pre-rendered backdrops, if not more so.
The animations have slightly improved over the years, however there are still times when it looks a little 'floating on ice' when you see the AI partner running around. However, it must be said that the creation of bosses seems a little lackluster and uninspiring, especially considering there are some pretty big boss battles in this game. The game does feel to suffer from a little 'laziness' as it progresses through the chapters with the earlier levels being more of a showcase then the later ones, which are pretty generic looking and at times just lazy copy and paste art work (lift level). This has been balanced out though with a fantastically designed and created underground Ancient Aztec-esque temple, which wouldn't be out of place from a Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones game.

There are still Resident Evil elements to the game and the majority of them are in the plot and the characters based around the game. There's still the rather cliché and somewhat predictable twists, and also the strangely poor (by today's standards) voice acting and 'acted animation', which for me are traits of the franchise and should never be changed. Despite all these negatives the game is fun, as there's little more satisfying the blow the heads off of zombies. Once you realize that this isn't going to be a tip toe horror based game, and at best it will be an action game, then you'll start to appreciate what it has to offer.
With several different weapons - all upgradeable - to choose from there are plenty of methods for you Zombie massacre mayhem. Pistols, shotguns, flame throwers, rocket launchers, sniper rifles and several different grenades are at your disposal. In later levels the 'Zombies' themselves are armed to the teeth with a wide range of weapons, leading to some intense cross firing battles.

The pacing of the chapters is very effective too, with it throwing you straight into the thick of things after a brief tutorial, what better way to learn then being thrown into the water and learning how to swim. Its not an easy introduction by any means as you're up against a horde of the potential undead and a huge guy swinging a huge axe. The action levels peak and ebb effectively so you don't feel like you're always under constant threat and pressure, and sections of the game are broken up with quick time events and vechial riding moments. The aforementioned boss battles are also slightly different and are based around a theme. Some require fire to die, others giant space lasers, but all follow a central theme based on reports you find littered throughout the game.

There's plenty on offer within the game, which even includes a 'new game+' option once completed, as well as unlocking mercenary mode (waves of zombies that need to be killed within a time limit) and collectibles in the game to unlock. All of which will drag you back for further play time. On top of that there is the promise of online multiplayer deathmatch modes in the form of DLC in the works - no news on a release date yet.

Graphics: 7 - It ranges from visually stunning to laziness, most noticeably in the level design and artwork. Main Character models are near flawless and some of the best I've seen in a game, yet the later levels don't inspire you and feel very dated or borrowed from other games with almost a very strong nod to Metal Gear Solid 4 during the last chapter. Explosions, blood splatters and exploding heads are all satisfyingly gory.

Gameplay: 9 - There's nothing game breaking within the game and the layout of unlockables will keep you coming back for more. Once completed a new game mode is available that is pretty addictive and fun to play with a friend. Its loosely based around the same idea as Gears of War's 'Horde' mode, only this time its wave of Zombies on levels you've played coming to get you and have to kill as many as you can to extend the time limit so you can be rescued. Emblems are also scattered throughout levels, with the more you find the more you can unlock in the shop. The only thing that could have improved would have been to ditch the old school Resident Evil control system, but this might have made the game far too easy - it will also be very interesting to see how the DLC multiplayer works considering this.

Sound: 6 - A let down. One of the key elements to past RE games is the soundtrack and ambiance, while this game has a soundtrack doesn't have the ambiance of past Resident Evil games which fails to build an atmosphere scary or otherwise. Voice acting is your typical Resident Evil style, with strange emotions being put across verbally that don't quiet match the facial expressions or animation. The prolonged gap between lines is still present too.

Achievements: 8 - Basic Chapter and difficulty Achievements are present, but so too are a whole host of silly ones that make games worth playing again. Find all 4 egg types, kill an enemy with a rotten egg and deflect an arrow with your knife will either have you ripping your hair out or basking in glory once achieved.

Overall: 9 - Its too early to tell if this will be one of the best games of 2009 but its a very strong contender. It might be a bit 'Out of the Loop' to people who have never played Resident Evil before, but it does enough back story filling, and has its own story arch, to make it engaging for those dipping into the franchise for the first time. Likewise, it might feel a bit odd and constraining to anyone who has never played Resident Evil before that you can't run and shoot at the same time. However, once those issues have been put to one side you have a very fun 'action orientated' game. This isn't your Zombie Survival Horror thriller that grabbed people's imaginations 10 years ago - its its own game and personality. If you can get a friend on board, either over xbox live or sharing the same screen, it will be one of the game you play together the most.


I finally changed this.
Reaction score
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Graphics: 7 - It ranges from visually stunning to laziness, most noticeably in the level design and artwork. Main Character models are near flawless and some of the best I've seen in a game, yet the later levels don't inspire you and feel very dated or borrowed from other games with almost a very strong nod to Metal Gear Solid 4 during the last chapter. Explosions, blood splatters and exploding heads are all satisfyingly gory.
Very much agree that later levels are dated/borrowed. While it was great to see a return to more laboratories and such stark environments of the older titles, they don't lend themselves to being super memorable. I really enjoyed playing through the later level on a cargo container type ship but when I look back on it nothing stands out visually. When I think of RE4 I remember the level where you fight Krauser as sticking out at least as different and the (albeit over the top) underground fire-breathing death traps in Salazar's place were at least memorable! It may be an unfortunate choice of color actually as everything is, in my memory at least, pretty much brown or steel/grey/metallic colored. :(

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Gameplay: 9 - There's nothing game breaking within the game and the layout of unlockables will keep you coming back for more. Once completed a new game mode is available that is pretty addictive and fun to play with a friend. Its loosely based around the same idea as Gears of War's 'Horde' mode, only this time its wave of Zombies on levels you've played coming to get you and have to kill as many as you can to extend the time limit so you can be rescued. Emblems are also scattered throughout levels, with the more you find the more you can unlock in the shop. The only thing that could have improved would have been to ditch the old school Resident Evil control system, but this might have made the game far too easy - it will also be very interesting to see how the DLC multiplayer works considering this.
This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. RE controls from part 3 to part 4 change pretty dramatically in the aiming and general gameplay department. Movement controls, not so much. I always picture controlling RE characters like driving a car, with Up being the gas. ;) RE4 introduced, "being attacked by more than 3 things" to RE and RE5 pretty much goes just shy of throwing you into their other title, Dead Rising! Co-Op, with an AI that is (on my PS3 version at least) actually useful and competent AND a decent and non-annoying part of gameplay is the big change in this title.

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Sound: 6 - A let down. One of the key elements to past RE games is the soundtrack and ambiance, while this game has a soundtrack doesn't have the ambiance of past Resident Evil games which fails to build an atmosphere scary or otherwise. Voice acting is your typical Resident Evil style, with strange emotions being put across verbally that don't quiet match the facial expressions or animation. The prolonged gap between lines is still present too.
Yes, the change in open-world style environments introduced in RE4 is complete and because of that they don't have good places to hang great music and music queues off of as easily. No "save rooms" to have soothing music playing in, etc. Voice acting for Sheva is perhaps the least annoying female voice acting to date, which is great because she is also the least annoying female video game character in a while as well. At least the voice acting wasn't RE1 bad. One of my wife's favorite part of RE 4 and 5 is when you fire it up and get the oddball, beat-and-a-half, wait between "evil" and "FOUR~!" or "FIVE~!"

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Achievements: 8 - Basic Chapter and difficulty Achievements are present, but so too are a whole host of silly ones that make games worth playing again. Find all 4 egg types, kill an enemy with a rotten egg and deflect an arrow with your knife will either have you ripping your hair out or basking in glory once achieved.
I'm one of those Achievement guys that prefers it when the achievements come about generally through playing the game. I prefer "beat the game" to multiple "beat the game on Easy/Hard/Expert." The achievements in games like Lego Indiana Jones, 99 Nights, Dynasty Warriors where they reward you for playing through and doing everything you would reasonably want to do. Unlike, say, Rock Band where they want you to play every playlist at every venue which gets super old as venues generally repeat the same songs back to back. I don't like it when they drastically alter gameplay for an achievement. I never looked at an arrow and thought, "ZOMG get out my knife and chop it!"

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Overall: 9 - Its too early to tell if this will be one of the best games of 2009 but its a very strong contender. It might be a bit 'Out of the Loop' to people who have never played Resident Evil before, but it does enough back story filling, and has its own story arch, to make it engaging for those dipping into the franchise for the first time. Likewise, it might feel a bit odd and constraining to anyone who has never played Resident Evil before that you can't run and shoot at the same time. However, once those issues have been put to one side you have a very fun 'action orientated' game. This isn't your Zombie Survival Horror thriller that grabbed people's imaginations 10 years ago - its its own game and personality. If you can get a friend on board, either over xbox live or sharing the same screen, it will be one of the game you play together the most.

Yes, overall I think the game is great. Little niggly things nibble at my brain like the removal of the great attache case from RE4. It feels a bit short in 1 player but I'm on the fence about that because RE4 felt interminably long the first time through and this seems to offer a decent alternative to that in alternate play modes and a Sheva play through, etc. Depending on what we see in DLC this could be a stellar Game of the Year candidate.

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Thanks for reading the review and replying to it!

Yeah, I guess rating achievements is going to be based on opinion. Bioshock had some of the best achievements because, as you said, you unlocked them as you played naturally. However, it doesn't draw me back to the game to get ones I've missed as they're pretty much play this game. So, I've taken the angle to rate them on how imaginative they are, how fun they likely are to try and earn them, how much of an actual achievement they are to unlock and if they'll bring you back to the game or not. I'd give Rock Band a lower score, as you said, they're there just to prolong the game and be annoying, rather then anything else - though I can imagine getting some of them will be very satisfying. Maybe I can do without rating the achievements on the game in the future.

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Capcom has just announced that the Versus mode for Resident Evil 5 will available tomorrow for Xbox 360 and PS3.

This multiplayer add-on costs 400 Microsoft Points (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.80) on Xbox Live Marketplace or GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99 on the PlayStation Store.

Versus comes with two game modes for four people to play online. The first, Slayer's Rule, is points-based and focuses on killing Majinis. The second, Survivor's Rule, has players face off against each other in either head-to-head bouts or as teams of two.

You can pick betwee Chris and Sheva, plus some secret characters we'll evidently have to uncover for ourselves. Chun Li please!

400ms isn't too bad. I'll probably buy it and let you guys know what I thought, since I've got some MS left over.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

So, tomorrow for you.. Thursday for us I take it? :D


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

..yah but we get our network releases (for PSN at least) on Thursdays. Hopefully this is slated for our schedule as well!

EDIT: well according to the Wiki entry we're getting it Tuesday!

On April 6th 2009, Capcom announced that the Versus DLC would be available to download in Europe and North America on April 7th 2009 for 400 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE, or $4.99/€4.99/£3.99 on the PlayStation Network.

I guess they're doing a special release for it - sweet!

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Xbox is rolling release across US and EU usually 10am GMT for us, you guys still get it the same day - at least you have with the last few map packs on xbox live (Gears of War 2, COD WaW, etc)


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

I loved, loved RE4 and was really looking forward to #5, but the demo killed it for me. Awful control, irritating partner character who kept chewing through all our ammo at warp speed and then dying, and a very clumsy inventory system that managed to blend all the worst qualities of real-time inventory and an inventory menu.

In short: can either of you guys convince me that the demo wasn't representative, and that I'll like RE5? Assume single-player only.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Edwin, a lot of that stuff I had the same issue with in the demo but I've noticed in the final game it's not even close to that bad. I've had no problems working with a CPU controlled Sheva so far. She might heal you when you don't need it that badly, but otherwise she's been pretty good with ammo and saving my ass when I need it.

Give it a rental if you're not sure. :)

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

dubq said:
No kidding? But why? :(

Firstly, its already on the disk, its 2mb... 2mb for a multiplayer mode? Yeah, I'm sure all it needed as 2mb of coding to program in a complete deathmatch experience - this is Capcom after all, who are NOTORIOUS for this kind of bullshit (see Street Fighter).

Secondaly the game's mechanics just don't lend well to a Deathmatch experience. As everyone predicted the stand still shoot off fest just isn't very exciting at all, intelligent people will just run around you and shoot in the back as you try to aim since you can't track them fast enough. It's just terrible and poorly executed - its the worst elements of why I hate Metal Gear Solid 4 online.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

That's too bad, I was really hoping it'd be better than that. I was iffy on the stand still and shoot thing as well. D'oh!

I also find it hilarious that it's on the disc. Capcom went all "oh this is above and beyond the scope of the RE5 project, which is why we're charging for it." Well, if it was above and beyond then why the fuck is it on the disc? Durrrr!


I finally changed this.
Reaction score
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Obi Chris Kenobi said:
Thanks for reading the review and replying to it!

Yeah, I guess rating achievements is going to be based on opinion. Bioshock had some of the best achievements because, as you said, you unlocked them as you played naturally. However, it doesn't draw me back to the game to get ones I've missed as they're pretty much play this game. So, I've taken the angle to rate them on how imaginative they are, how fun they likely are to try and earn them, how much of an actual achievement they are to unlock and if they'll bring you back to the game or not. I'd give Rock Band a lower score, as you said, they're there just to prolong the game and be annoying, rather then anything else - though I can imagine getting some of them will be very satisfying. Maybe I can do without rating the achievements on the game in the future.

I think it's perfectly valid to rate achievements! Just be sure to put out there what kind of "achiever" you are.
I have had a love/hate relationship with achievements. They actually managed to sway me on which platform to buy a game on as our company had a bit of a pissing contest going on in gamer points. That is "had" because then folks found out about sites that teach you which games give you points for least time and effort. Like putting sports games in demo mode and getting achievements etc.

Now I find myself more dreading my OCD dragging me kicking and screaming into an achievement. As mentioned the Rock Band 1 achievements still eat at my soul. I've put a RIDICULOUS amount of time into playing that game but I only have a handful (300 ish) achievement points. I had more points in the sequel within a day! Extra silly since I paid the premium to take the entire soundtrack with me into Rock Band 2 so it's not like I'm not basically still playing the original...

Oh, and I fully agree on the Multiplayer thing being repugnant. Both in philosophy of it's presentation to the public and its game play design.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Ok, well.. even though Chris said it sucked.. I put down the $5 to get this "DLC" last night. I do agree that playing against other people is rather stupid given the mechanics of the game. But otherwise, it just feels like 2 more Mercenaries modes with 2 more people and different scoring systems. Otherwise it does seem rather pointless. I'm sure I'll play it a few more times to get all of the unlockables and trophies.. but outside of that.. meh. Capcom should've put more thought into this.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Resident Evil 5 “Alternative Edition” will be available as DLC!

For those who don't know what the AE is:

During Sony's Press Conference at Tokyo Game Show 2009, Capcom announced that a Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition would be released in Japan in Spring 2010 for PlayStation 3. The new version will use the PlayStation Motion Controller. It will include a new scenario titled "Lost in Nightmares", where protagonists Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine infiltrate the Spencer Estate in 2006. Capcom US has anounced that the new content will be released as a DLC format for Australia, Europe and America. Japan will have a full retail disc.


Integral Poster
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Halifax, NS
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Before I traded the game in months ago I did buy the multi-player DLC and found it boring as hell. The stop and pop mechanic just doesn't work for a game like this.


Integral Poster
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Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Agreed. The main game was where the fun was, for me.

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Resident Evil 5 + DLC

Aye, it just doesn't transfer well at all into multiplayer. I enjoyed RE5 but it doesn't have much replay value, not when you compare it to RE2!


Integral Poster
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I just picked up Darkside Chronicles for the Wii. This will be the first game I've played on the system in at least a couple of months. Anyone else grab it?


Integral Poster
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Also, more info on the RE5 DLC:


The upcoming Alternative Edition DLC for Resident Evil 5 is going to include much more than motion controller support for PS3 and the "Lost in Nightmares" flashback episode. The latest issue of Japanese mag Famitsu (via Andriasang) notes that Capcom has two additional surprises for players: new costumes and new characters for a revamped "Mercenaries Reunion" (seen above), as well as an extra, yet-to-be-revealed chapter.

All this content will be released as four separate DLC packs:

* "Lost in Nightmares" Episode - 400 ($5)
* Costume Pack 1 - 160 ($2)
* Costume Pack 2 - 160 ($2)
* Additional TBA Episode - 400 ($5)

These prices are only confirmed for Japan, but it's unlikely the US release will be too different. Will two new campaign episodes lure you back into Resident Evil 5's monster safari?


Integral Poster
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Cloughmills - Northern Ireland
dubq said:
I just picked up Darkside Chronicles for the Wii. This will be the first game I've played on the system in at least a couple of months. Anyone else grab it?

Im getting it when its released UK style, i loved umbrella chronicles, so this will pwn.


Integral Poster
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Sabre said:
dubq said:
I just picked up Darkside Chronicles for the Wii. This will be the first game I've played on the system in at least a couple of months. Anyone else grab it?

Im getting it when its released UK style, i loved umbrella chronicles, so this will pwn.

My girlfriend and I were playing this this past weekend.. the fucking camera is the most frustrating thing EVER. Shakey as hell as it's supposed to be "through the eyes" of the character.. so apparently Michael J. Fox is the protagonist in this one.. It just keeps throwing your aim off.. fighting the Tyrant from RE2 was just plain old retarded and took us about 4 or 5 tries and we're usually really good at rail gun games.

Reaction score
Reading, England
I did read that the camera is a pain in the arse in this months ONM. Seems such a dissapointment. I was really excited for this game.


Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
I downloaded the first dlc episode (Lost in Nightmares) for Resident Evil 5 today. It was ok. Too short and not enough enemies, but for $5 it's not bad for a big RE fan like myself, but it could have been way better. It serves as a bit of set up for the main story of RE5.


Integral Poster
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Yeah I was a bit pissed that there is really only one type of enemy you fight in the game and that the zombies were just dudes on the floor who'd grab you once in a while.

But going back to this game after so many months.. just impossible for me to get into playing and enjoying the controls. So fucking clunky! I hope Capcom finally fixes this shit whenever they do the 6th one.


Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Yeah, I agree. I felt the same way today. The controls are rough. How is it that RE4 has way better controls and it's the same over the shoulder type of gameplay?