So, who's up for some GOTY voting? Instead of doing a whole bunch of categories, let's just stick to a simple top 10 list where the top game on your list gets 10 points, #2 gets 9 and so on. I'll tabulate the ballots and list the final top 10 by points earned on New Year's Eve. Tiebreaker goes to which game gets more #1 votes.
The ballot:
1. (10 points)
2. (9 points)
3. (8 points)
4. (7 points)
5. (6 points)
6. (5 points)
7. (4 points)
8. (3 points)
9. (2 points)
10. (1 point)
The ballot:
1. (10 points)
2. (9 points)
3. (8 points)
4. (7 points)
5. (6 points)
6. (5 points)
7. (4 points)
8. (3 points)
9. (2 points)
10. (1 point)