Through the Booking Glass: UWF June 1987 Week 4

June 1987, Monday, Week 4
The latest round of drug test results came back and Sid Steele (real name Sid Eudy) has tested positive for an unnamed drug. UWF owner Jared Hawkins has informed Steele that he now has two failures and a third will result in his immediate termination. Steele reportedly stormed out angry at the situation but pretty much everybody agrees he’s getting off easy.

We’re hearing a ton of great feedback for last night’s episode of Power Pro Wrestling, which drew a shade under 4,000 last night (3,296 paid). Sting’s face turn in particular got over very well and it’s pretty much agreed if the booking is even above average, Sting could be the face of the company within two years.

June 1987, Tuesday, Week 4
Terry Taylor vs. Sting has been announced for Power Pro Wrestling this weekend. The UWF issued a press release indicating that Eddie Gilbert still had Sting under contract and thus could negotiate all of Sting’s contracts, so he signed this match to make Sting’s life miserable. Simple and effective.

June 1987, Wednesday, Week 4
Chris Adams has gained a noticeable amount of weight as of late (pretty much all muscle) and is now being classified as a light heavyweight. He apparently picked up the weight to become eligible for the UWF Heavyweight Title as he fell just a few pounds under the weight limit. Given the increased muscle mass, I’m not sure he’s gained that weight through natural causes.

June 1987, Thursday, Week 4
TV this week is going to be contingent on the main event of Sting vs. Terry Taylor. Only a few names have been announced but that match has been pushed heavily in local advertising this week.

June 1987, Friday, Week 4
In what seems to be an ongoing theme, the UWF creative team is still trying to figure out a way to use Ted DiBiase prior to his contract expiring in a few months. Right now it is generally agreed that DiBiase is the best all-around worker in the company, but he hasn’t appeared since February due to his Japanese commitments.

June 1987, Saturday, Week 4
There has been a lot of open discussion about the TV match to take place tomorrow between Sting and Terry Taylor. Some feel the rocket needs to be placed on Sting’s back now, but some feel a slow build with a few losses would do better for him. The result for tomorrow could be very interesting to say the least.

June 1987, Sunday, Week 4
We don’t have an official number, but ratings for the replay of Power Pro Wrestling appear to be similar to what they were last week.

Ricky Morton is expected to feud with Nikita Koloff in Jim Crockett Promotions between UWF dates.

Power Pro Wrestling live coverage (June 1987, Sunday, Week 4)
Live from the Jack Stephens Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

In a non-title match, UWF Tag Team Champions The Lightning Express defeated Fury and The Enforcer in 1:33 when Brad Armstrong pinned The Enforcer with a Russian Leg Sweep. The more Armstrong and Tim Horner team up, the more I like them as champions.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Terry Taylor defeated Sting in 13:49 by pinfall with a Five Arm following interference from Eddie Gilbert. Taylor and Sting have great chemistry but the finish hurt it.

Buzz Sawyer defeated Brazo de Oro in 2:43 by pinfall with a Diving Splash.

Gary Young defeated Steve Cox in 3:03 by pinfall with a Piledriver. It looks like the Steve Cox experiment might be over.

In an extremely short match, Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts (w/Sunshine) defeated The Sheepherders in 2:25 when Michael Hayes defeated Luke Williams by submission. Not seeing the logic here.

UWF Western States Heritage Champion Chavo Guerrero and Chris Adams defeated The New Breed in 4:45 when Adams pinned Champion.

Jim Ross interviewed Sting backstage. Sting issued a challenge to Eddie Gilbert.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Rock ‘N Roll Express defeated Awesome Twosome in 6:44 when Ricky Morton defeated Rick Rude by pinfall with a Double dropkick. This was the best match of the show but the crowd isn’t feeling the teased face turn for Fernandez.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Ivan Koloff defeated The Missing Link (w/Dark Journey) in 11:17 by pinfall with a Russian Sickle. This had no right being this good.

Good wrestling but aside from Sting vs. Gilbert they’re not building up anything at all right now.


Written by JHawk

Jared Hawkins is an indy wrestling referee and a former recapper of WWE Raw and SmackDown for the now-defunct and co-hosts Pro Wrestling Weekend, available through every Sunday at 6pm Eastern. When not doing something wrestling-related, he is generally getting higher doses of his anxiety medication due to the aggravation of his Cleveland sports teams.

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