WWE NXT – November 13, 2013

WWE NXT – 11/13/13

Byron Saxton, William Regal and Tensai are the announce team, as Saxton welcomes us and hypes up tonight’s 2 out of 3 Falls Matchup between Corey Graves and Adrian Neville.

Tensai starts making old jokes about Regal, which turns into bald jokes in return.  Meanwhile, Charlotte and Bayley enter, followed by NXT’s Mean Girls, Summer Rae and Sasha Banks.

Charlotte & Bayley vs. Summer Rae & Sasha Banks

If you want to watch this on Hulu Plus, be aware the graphic for tonight’s show will probably spoil some of this match’s aftermatch.

Charlotte takes down Sasha very early and goes for a quick cover before tying up Banks.  Charlotte uses her athleticism to bridge things, even hammerlocks, while Regal talks about his love of bridging moves.

The crowd chants that they want Bayley and as she gets tagged in, Saxton says at times you have to feel sorry for her, due to her child-like enthusiasm.  Tensai and Regal both tell him that he’s dumb for feeling sorry for her.  Strangely, this match hits an early commercial break as Bayley is cornered.

The show returns and Sasha has Bayley in a headlock.  Summer Rae comes in and she does something as Dreamweaver plays in my head.  Summer wraps her legs around Bayley’s head and I agree, no one feel sorry for Bayley.

Regal and Tensai continue to bicker and Regal corrects Saxton for trying to interrupt them to call the match.

Sasha is in and driving Bayley’s head into the mat as Charlotte paces the apron.  Summer comes in and uses her long legs to choke Bayley before the mean girls utilize another quick tag.

Bayley hits her hugging belly to belly.  She goes to her corner to bring in Charlotte and the Flair daughter decks her teammate in the face.  She hits one of her gymnastic slams and saunters back into the corner.  Sasha watches as Summer shouts to make the cover.

Winners: Summer Rae & Sasha Banks

Charlotte comes in the ring and looks at the confused Summer & Sasha.  She raises their arms, much like the graphic for tonight’s show on Hulu.

We get a close up of Aiden English’s chair and he is doing vocal warm ups.  He is The Artiste.  We watch him warm up before UP NEXT pops on the screen and we go to commercial.

Much like he randomly surfaced on Main Event recently, Camacho randomly surfaces here on NXT.  Regal informs us that he has been spending time in Guadalajara.

Aiden English is announced next.  I guess they are going to treat the crowd reactions in Full Sail to make him a face here.  No way he gets to debut as a face in this gimmick on the main roster.

Camacho vs. Aiden English

While Camacho gives English a dirty look, English must not be a face as Regal talks about how he loves making crafts and disapproves the look of Meng’s “Mexican” son Camacho.

Aiden has an early advantage but when Camacho takes over, English begs him off.  Camacho yells and then stomps away on Aiden.  He mockingly does a bow, which gets the most heel heat I’ve ever heard him get.

Camacho plays around a lot while English is down, posturing and dropping a big leg.  He picks English up on his shoulders but the thespian slides out, nails the Director’s Cut, immediately getting a standing ovation from Regal and encore chants from the crowd.

Winner: Aiden English

Regal wants to know where his Rose is and English demands a spotlight.  English sings again, Regal sobs, the crowd eats it up.

Lana is backstage talking to Rusev in another language while Rusev breathes heavy.  Rusev is in impressive in the ring but this segment is more of what we should expect of him when he joins the main roster, which is rumored to be soon.  Well, he will do that until he loses a couple rushed main event programs and then starts becoming a dancing midcarder.

Danny Burch paces the ring as Byron Saxton tells us Bo Dallas will return next week.  Regal puts over his fellow Brit until YES MASON RYAN IS BACK ON NXT!

Danny Burch vs. Mason Ryan

Regal talks about the Welsh and the English not getting along as Burch tries to get some offense in.  Mason Ryan flings Danny in the corner and SMASHES HIM WITH A CLOTHESLINE.


Burch tries to smash Mason on the turnbuckle but NO IT IS A MASON RYAN SHOULDER BLOCK.

Burch lays some punches into the Welsh Wizard.  Burch gets a few licks in, as Regal says but then he foolish starts talking about him beating MASON RYAN.

Mason shakes off Danny and nails him with a knee.  Burch fights back and yells at the ref.  Sure sign he may dance with Rusev someday.

Mason has had enough and flattens Burch.  He tosses him neck first in the ropes, does a Batista like point and starts signaling he will break Burch.

Mason Ryan hits his big slam and WINS.

Winner: Mason Ryan

Mason continues to pose in the ring as Saxton speculates it is only a matter of time before something big happens for Mason Ryan.

Match graphic for Graves-Neville 2 out of 3 falls.

Emma promo talking about the Emma-lution, World Wrestling Emma-tainment.  I like a lot of the NXT Divas but Emma is one that I just don’t see what everyone else sees.

A graphic advertising Bo’s homecoming next week.

The main event starts as the stipulation is announced.  Corey Graves is introduced first.

Tensai calls this one of the most intense rivalries he has seen.

I don’t know what is up with Neville’s entrance music still.  Sounds like it is getting dubbed over, Neville’s actions do not match the music that is playing…

2 out of 3 Falls

Corey Graves vs. Adrian Neville

Graves seems to get an early advantage on the Jumping Jordy and wails on his former partner in the corner before nailing a suplex.

The announcers still question how these guys could break up, when they really were never a team prior to their win anyway…

Neville springs back and Regal discusses him discovering the pacing.  Neville nails Graves in the corner.  Graves crumbles down and Neville quickly gets up top for his Red Arrow.  He connects and the first fall is already done.

Neville 1, Graves 0

The replay airs while Graves crawls to his corner.  As the ref tries to get the match restarted, Saxton asks for Regal’s analysis.  Graves rolls out of the ring to recover, which is praised by Regal.  Neville follows and starts laying in the chops.

Neville gets Graves in the ring and looks to go back up for another Red Arrow.  Graves rolls away.  As Neville goes after him, Graves isolates the injured knee of Adrian.  Focusing on the knee, Regal lets the audience know Corey is a “submission specialist” and Graves continues to aggravate the injury he caused to his former partner.

Graves stomps away at the knee and NXT hits what is hopefully the final break of the week.

Corey is down for a failed pin attempt while they recap the dominance of Graves during the break.  Regal praises the work Corey has done “breaking down” Neville, knowing that he needs two falls.  Regal points out while working the knee is helping, Graves is spreading it out in hopes of  beating Adrian twice.

Corey applies a single leg Boston Crab to Neville, who howls in pain.  As Graves twists the injured knee, he shifts the pad on Adrian’s knee as well.  Graves has the hold on tight in the center of the ring, while Tensai suggest Neville to tap out and move to the third fall.

Tensai’s advice is denied as Neville breaks free but Graves starts working on Neville.  Regal mentions all the damage should take away Adrian’s ability to fly.  Graves lays in a nasty chop block and applies his signature Lucky 13.  Neville screams in pain but he has nowhere to go and taps out.

Neville 1, Graves 1

Graves looks on with a smile as the announcers start recapping Fall #2.

Neville rests in the corner as Tensai questions his ability to continue.  Adrian pulls himself to his feet with the ropes.  Graves charges but gets knocked away by Adrian.

Graves back into the hunt, smashing Neville in the corner.  Graves goes to drop Adrian, who somehow lands pain-free on his feet.  He sweeps Graves with a kick to the head but collapses.

Graves retreats to the outside as Neville is down in the ring.

Corey back in, Adrian throws an elbow to his face.  He chops Graves, ducks a swing by Graves and starts hammering him in the corner.

Graves down in a corner, Neville crawling, favoring his leg.  Graves starts bouncing in anticipation but as he dives at Neville, Graves receives a dropkick to the face.

Two count.

Neville tries hobbling to the corner.  He goes up top, trying to do so on one leg.  He cannot balance and faceplants off the top.  Graves is up, Lucky 13 is applied again.  Neville is fighting but once again, has nowhere to go.  Neville uses everything in him to reach.  He cannot go either way.  He lifts his hand, preparing to tap but refuses.  He powers himself to a rope and grabs on.

Graves refuses to break the hold until the ref gets to three.  Graves up and stomping away on the leg, inside cradle!


Winner: Adrian Neville

Neville hobbles around the ring and celebrates on the ramp.  Graves remains angry in the ring.

Saxton congratulates Neville and another edition of NXT signs off.



NXT Win/Loss Totals (as of 5/15/2013)

Mojo Rawley                                       2-0

AJ Lee                                                  1-0

Santino Marella                                    1-0

Roman Reigns                                   1-0

Seth Rollins                                       1-0

Sheamus                                             1-0

Jack Swagger                                     1-0

Rob Van Dam                                       1-0

Dolph Ziggler                                      1-0

Paige                                                    6-1

Erick Rowan                                        5-1

Charlotte                                             4-1

Big E Langston                                   4-1

Xavier Woods                                    4-1

Bray Wyatt                                          4-1

Conor O’Brian                                    9-2

Bo Dallas                                              7-2

Luke Harper                                       7-2

Rick Victor                                          7-2

Mason Ryan                                       5-2

Garrett Dylan                                     2-1

Antonio Cesaro                                 5-3

Emma                                                   5-3

Alexander Rusev                              5-3

Leo Kruger                                          5-4

Sasha Banks                                    4-3

Tyler Breeze                                       4-3

Adrian Neville                                   6-6

Dean Ambrose                                  1-1

Sylvester Lefort                                    1-1

Sami Zayn                                            6-7

Colin Cassidy                                      4-5

Summer Rae                                      4-5

Aiden English                                     3-4

CJ Parker                                             3-4

Corey Graves                                     6-8

Enzo Amore                                       4-6

Scott Dawson                                    4-7

Alicia Fox                                             1-2

Kassius Ohno                                     1-4

Bayley                                                  1-5

Audrey Marie                                    0-1

Curtis Axel                                          0-1

Andy Baker                                         0-1

Derrick Bateman                              0-1

Camacho                                             0-1

Michael Cuellari                               0-1

Dante Dash                                     0-1

Ty Dillenger                                        0-1

Fandango                                            0-1

Sawyer Fulton                                0-1

Santana Garrett                                 0-1

Ron Hicks                                        0-1

Casey Maron                                     0-1

Troy McClaine                                   0-1

Natalya                                            0-1

Briley Pierce                                   0-1

William Regal                                 0-1

Sakamoto                                        0-1

Damien Sandow                            0-1

Tamina Snuka                                0-1

Yoshi Tatsu                                     0-1

Tommy Taylor                                   0-1

Brandon Travern                           0-1

Michael Zaki                                   0-1

Aksana                                                 0-2

Jake Carter                                         0-2

Baron Corbin                                      0-2

Angelo Dawkins                             0-2

El Local                                                  0-2

Curt Hawkins                                     0-2

Danny Burch                                      0-3

Mickey Keegan                                 0-3

Travis Tyler                                         0-3





Written by B. Patrick

Currently residing in Phoenix, Arizona, B. Patrick's interests include comedy, basketball, wrestling, comic books and can change as quickly as a butterfly flaps its wings.

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