Gilbert has meant more to the history of wrestling than Cornette.
Nah, at worst the Last Stampede and Scaffold Starrcade 86 angles drew more money and stay in the public conscious more than anything Gilbert can claim to.
Gilbert's big two would be the Lawler car angle (Sept 90) and the Russian Flag angle w/ Watts as far as being memorable.
Other candidates - The "New" Fabs break up in Memphis 84 and Gilbert bloodies Rich.
- Missy getting blinded by Muta to set up a run to build Muta and keep the loose Gilbert/Sting connection from the 1st Family UWF days alive.
- The 3 matches in one night with Cactus Jack, which probably did well in the tape trading, and the Apters definitely played it up
- He was the Masked Superstar murder victim to set up Bob Backlund matches, but Gilbert left the angle at that point (perhaps the WWF entirely as it would be close to his Memphis 84 run)
- He was Steamboat's partner for the Dragon's WCW debut in 89 but left the angle soon after to feud with the Varsity Club.
- He and Heyman booked the "I want to talk to Tom" angle in Continental
- The Russian Flag angle was super memorable but went nowhere as Watts used JCP Russians for it and only got 3 or 4 matches with them before he switched the heat by having himself beat down by the Freebirds since he actually had them under contract.
- The Lawler car angle was actually in the middle of a summer long feud with Lawler. They work almost weekly at the Mid South Coliseum in various tag matches and gimmick singles matches. They work into October before blowing it off. They got as many as 2000 fans, which was good for the era, but as Corny once put it "Would have been cause for a total overhaul" had they drawn so "poorly" before 1985.
I'm really not trying to shit Gilbert and even have a multi DVD "Best of" Gilbert in my collection.
A CXF link that works! Hooray!
Edit - My link reminded me he was part of the 2nd Coliseum stand brawl, which didn't set the world on fire like the OG version.
Edit 2 - After cutting off Lawler vs Gilbert in Oct 90, they return to it weeks later and do weeks more of Lawler vs Gilbert tag matches