In the last few years I’ve started paying more attention to the WW toy line because with so many adult collectors, they now make all these random figures of the guys they never made when I was a kid. We are talking like Red Rooster and Isaac Yankem. They made a Million Dollar Man era Virgil with an accessory of his WRESTLING SUPERSTAR sign from the infamous no line signing pictures.
A few times they’ve taken from other modern toy lines and do Build a Figure where they put pieces of a character in everyone in the set and if you get the whole set, you can build another figure. They usually do this to get obscure characters in the line or guys that may not sell with a single release. Like one people went crazy for was the first and only JJ Dillon figure in the past year or so.
They’ve put this gimmick in their Wrestlemania Heritage set with last year doing a set with WM 22 Mick Foley, WM 34 Matt Hardy, WM 19 Booker T and WM 35 Kofi Kingston. All figures had a different piece to build a Referee Danny Davis, which was a cool thing.
This year, the Build a Figure is Paul Ellering. They packaged pieces with a WM 36 Goldberg, a WM 9 Shawn Michaels, WM 22 Edge and a WM 17 Chyna. Among the four, there are two different sets of heads for Ellering. An LOD era one is packaged with Goldberg, who’s main selling point had probably been the first release of the blue Universal title. So putting the classic head ups the chance collectors of the classic era buy a present day Goldberg. Edge is packaged with a modern day Ellering that people could include with their AOP figures. The other pieces are split up among the set.
The reason for this long explanatory post is they went even more obscure and included a Rocco to be an accessory. While some of the figures hide the Build pieces or it is obvious it is there for building purposes. Rocco came packaged with Chyna but it is hilarious to me because collectors who keep these in the box are flipping out because Rocco is smack dab in the middle of the package like he belongs to Chyna and was part of her crowning moment at Wrestlemania 17.