
General Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread


Integral Poster
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Gary, you were not fucking around with The Devil's Candy. Pure metal horror ownage. On Netflix, guys!


Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!
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Sacramento, CA
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I thought H20 already did the "she is back....and ignore Parts 4,5, & 6" route?


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

NoCalMike said:
I thought H20 already did the "she is back....and ignore Parts 4,5, & 6" route?

Yeah that is pretty much what happened. 4, 5 and 6 were almost like their own trilogy of sorts, although its arguable if 6 tied into much of anything prior. 7 and 8 then created a new alternate timeline then when they got Jamie Lee back in, forged from the events of the first and second films.

Now I guess both of those timelines are going to be thrown out in favor of playing into the events of part 2, but not acknowledging or tying in any family connection to the Laurie Strode character being related to Myers. That's probably for the best as it seemed like a beaten down idea anyway after they played the family connection to death in 4/5 too.


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Saw a few notable franchise films lately....

Leatherface: This is a prequal to the events of the original TCM and also ties in quite a bit to the 3D franchise reboot sequel (since this was done by the same producing troupe, I believe). This was actually alot better than I figured it would be, certainly eons better than TCM: The Beginning was from Platinum Dunes. Lots of insane unabashed gore here, thanks to the pair behind the original Inside. You could tell they had their directing style and feel all over this one. There was a few major swerves that I enjoyed as well. It feels like the TCM franchise is in good hands with the folks creating this new timeline and explanation behind things. Now will they do another film? Who knows but it seems plausible to do perhaps one final film if they can get back Alexandra Daddario in her role from before.

Jeepers Creepers 3: I caught this last night as they did a "one night only" gimmick on this, probably because there was tons of backlash about Victor Salva again and his icky past. That said, the theater I saw it in was huge and it was sold out so there is a bit of interest here that might force them to do a limited release sooner than later here given these numbers that I think will be impressive when they break it all down. I know the advance sales were so strong that they are already going to do a second one night only on this, on October 4.

Unfortunately, the film falls into the 3rd movie curse, as it was not really as good as the second even (which in itself was kinda shit and very homo-erotic for obvious reasons....the director/writer) and the narrative was kind of all over the place for me. The Creeper once again stole the show of course, as the side characters (all which had little connection to the other films even though this is supposed to take place AFTER the events of part 1 and BEFORE part 2) were pretty weak in general. I was surprised, in fact, that this was so haphazardly done since they have had over 10 years to get the kinks worked out.

A big qualm I had with this film was that there was no real final major scene of a big battle with whoever and the Creeper. He just kept killing, and then was contained/controlled by a confusing series of events that was never explained whatsoever. Total head scratching writing there.

More than anything this film felt like a placeholder of sorts. There is a scene at the end that, without spoiling anything, finally ties up a loose end from the first film that will certainly lead to what I'd consider perhaps a final blowoff film, taking place 23 years later after the events of the first three. The question is will they actually make a 4th film after this one? I can't see it happening unless this one surprisingly makes a decent gate financially, which seems possible.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Edwin said:
Gary, you were not fucking around with The Devil's Candy. Pure metal horror ownage. On Netflix, guys!

Just finished watching this. Literally, the credits are rolling as I type this. FUCK YES! This movie was off the charts, and I implore every horror fan to watch it.


Integral Poster
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I thought Leatherface was perfectly fine as well. Much better than the abomination that was Texas Chainsaw 3D and better than TCM: The Beginning. It felt more like a Rob Zombie movie than a Leatherface movie for most of it which was actually kind of refreshing since they've pretty much done everything they could do with this franchise. Having Stephen Dorff and Lily Taylor in the cast certainly helped too as they both gave really good performances. Very gory, maybe one of the goriest in the franchise and really nasty in some scenes which shouldn't be a surprise with the directors of Inside at the helm. Way better than I expected.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I just finished watching Cult of Chucky. I'm a big fan of the series, and this was a great addition. It was a fun movie. I'd recommend not watching it on Netflix, though. It's not the unrated version, and the unrated version is the only way to get the post credit scene, and it's a great scene that long time fans will love. I actually popped for it.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Just watched that last night. Solid entry and Fiona Dourif added great new blood to the series, but Cult also shows the weakest parts of the "arthouse horror" trend by waiting until the final 10 minutes to start boiling before an abrupt finish.

If I'm ranking them, it's ahead of Seed and 3, but the first two and Bride and Curse were better.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

That's a pretty good ranking of the movies. The first is a classic, the second is a solid follow up, and Bride breathed new life into the series. I have to re-watch Curse, which I just got from Amazon, as I haven't seen it since it was released, but I remember really liking it. 3 is really bad, and while I do like Seed, it's a little too cheesy and doesn't always work.


Integral Poster
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Harley Quinn said:
No idea but if you do decide to check it out, let us know if it's worth the watch.

It probably isn't.
It's vaguely interesting as a fan of other Argento, you can see him continuing an idea he had with Opera and making it far more fully formed but it's probably not an idea that needs to occupy 1/3rd of the film (it's p obvious where things are going and there's little tension).
I feel like two of Argento's main strengths are his ultra tense sequences and distinctive imagery. There is little of the former which feels like a conscious decision, the kills are shot very differently from how he's done previous films but rather than shaking things up it feels like it robs the film of tension. It at least made me think a lot about what he does well in the earlier films (by noticing their absence). The lack of sequences that feel like you're in a nightmare trying to escape something is definitely pretty notable.
There is a strong attempt to do some interesting imagery but it's pretty hampered by using CGI which makes things look pretty not good. An early scene involving a fish (which isn't CGI) is decent in the creepy Argento dreamlike way but most everything else really failed to register (I guess it might've been impressive at the time, but that's CGI's general issue innit?).

So yeah, it's interesting from the perspective of watching a filmmaker progress to something lesser but it's pretty much convinced me not to watch anything else from his later work (although the 3rd Mother film is mildly tempting just for completions sake)...

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

The Devil's Candy has the exact same weakness as other deathwave (that's what arthouse horror is called now, right?) movies in that the story wraps up just as it really begins to move forward. Where it thrives, though, is in subverting tropes (a family that literally loves being together, police who immediately go to work) and building a metric fuckton of tension. Ethan Embry going full indie has produced some of his best work and Pruitt Taylor Vince gives possibly the most unsettling horror performance of the decade. It's always great to see Tony Amendola pop up, too, and I was pleasantly surprised with both Shiri Appleby and Kiara Glasco.

Minor gripe, but with metal playing a back up role in this I was expecting a better soundtrack. Two classic Metallica tracks, new Slayer (yuck), and a handful of mallcore? Meh.

6/10, but I think this one's going to grow with age, entirely because of the villain and the paintings within.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Caught The Void last week. Jesus...that's the kind of horror I really wish we got a little more of. Tense, creepy as hell, and a constant nightmare tone.
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Čœrêÿ Łåżárüß said:
Caught The Void last week. Jesus...that's the kind of horror I really wish we got a little more of. Tense, creepy as hell, and a constant nightmare tone.

Loved the ending


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Saw Neverknock, the new SyFy original movie (I guess?) and it wasn't very good. Maybe a 4/10 as the practical effect for the creature was surprisingly solid and the acting was rather decent. Bonus for it having the actress, Five from Dark Matter, in a lead role.

The script sucked and was very generic as far as the setup e.g. older sister suddenly takes younger sister as part of "friends to party" group and haunted house with story behind it actually is true amongst other stuff. The preying on fear stuff was what it was with very basic fears: Said older sister whom saw her mother die in a car crash/burn alive has a fear of fire, her date/girlfriend has a fear of dogs which becomes a Doberman Pinscher, the boy in the group has a fear of blood, and his girlfriend had a fear that I can't even remember.

The "creature" sucked hard. It had zero story purpose and despite the practical effect looking good, it really didn't matter. It wasn't a reference to anybody's particular fear and unlike Freddy Krueger, it couldn't even talk so it was creepy/menacing but that wore off very, very quickly after the first couple times you've seen it.


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Did anyone bother checking out the long drawn out release of Amityville Awakening finally? It was free on Google Play (and still is til next week) and wow, now I see why this never made a full theatrical release until this past weekend (10 screens and a dismal total of UNDER a grand for all of the screens, lol!).

The film was a (blatantly piss poor) attempt to revitalize the franchise with a meta-heavy sequel from the original, kinda. Basically what they did was play things off in this manner: the events of the Amityville house that were portrayed in the original film were legit but all of the film adaptations werent and were just adaptations (which is true, I guess, but weird to see them meta-it-up like this). As it were, this family (including Bella Thorne who was god awful in her lines) moves into the house and things start unraveling just like the events of the initial Amityville possession (3:15AM, etc) and a very disjointed story follows involving a paralyzed brother who ends up being possessed (why him particularly, I'm not sure) and all hell breaks loose.

The thing that made this really fall off the map was the self-parody of the films in the franchise. There was literally not just one but a handful of scenes in this that were referencing the films in the series, and two scenes that they actually SHOW the DVDs of the films in the franchise, including a knock on the remake, which was also shown in DVD form (as was Amityville 2 for some reason). One scene in particular has the kids watching the original film on TV in the Amityville house and at 3:15 to try to rile up spirits. Talk about a head slapping moment.

To boot, the film was chopped and edited down from an R to a PG-13 and that showed as well.


Integral Poster
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I caught a showing of Happy Death Day and I'm shocked at how much I liked it. The PG-13 rating didn't bother me too much (Although R certainly could've made for some gnarlier scenarios) and the lead actress was absolutely fantastic. Her charisma carried the movie and I laughed several times. It ran out of steam towards the end, but I was very entertained overall.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

#The Return said:
I caught a showing of Happy Death Day and I'm shocked at how much I liked it. The PG-13 rating didn't bother me too much (Although R certainly could've made for some gnarlier scenarios) and the lead actress was absolutely fantastic. Her charisma carried the movie and I laughed several times. It ran out of steam towards the end, but I was very entertained overall.

I've heard this a lot from people. It's not a great movie, and the third act loses a bit, but overall, it's a fun watch.


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Yeah, Happy Death Day was better than I thought it would be, but that third act was a bit like...ok enough already. Too many false endings, but otherwise a decent little horror that didn't suffer too bad from the PG-13 indeed.

So did anyone binge horror like a mofo for October? I had intentions of 31 films in 31 days, but am still backed up a bit on it, so this will roll into November. I'll post my list later with some thoughts on the films.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

RedJed said:
Yeah, Happy Death Day was better than I thought it would be, but that third act was a bit like...ok enough already. Too many false endings, but otherwise a decent little horror that didn't suffer too bad from the PG-13 indeed.

So did anyone binge horror like a mofo for October? I had intentions of 31 films in 31 days, but am still backed up a bit on it, so this will roll into November. I'll post my list later with some thoughts on the films.

I saw a few films including The Bad Seed and Night of the Hunter but couldn't really sustain much momentum in this regard. I was hoping TCM would be more forthcoming as far as movie selection but this year in particular seemed rather light, which didn't help my cause as I planned to watch several 'classic' older movies.


Hot Rats
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Perdition City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

RedJed said:
So did anyone binge horror like a mofo for October? I had intentions of 31 films in 31 days, but am still backed up a bit on it, so this will roll into November. I'll post my list later with some thoughts on the films.

I did. Here's what I watched

-Fright Night (original)
-Gerald's Game
-Messiah of Evil
-Don't Torture a Duckling
-Terror Train
-The Blob (80's remake)
-Silent Scream
-Kill Baby Kill
-The Hidden
-The Green Slime (more Sci-Fi, but it counts)
-Friday the 13th Part VI
-Happy Death Day
-The Babysitter
-One Dark Night
-The Long Hair of Death
-The Power (this one is from the 80's. It was pretty bad)
-Bone Tomahawk
-The Mutilator
-Leatherface (did not care for this one)
-The Fog
-It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (this counts)
-Night of the Werewolf
-Blood Beat (this shit is fucking WEIRD)
-Demon Wind
-The Final Girls (really enjoyed this one)
-The Grapes of Death
-Slaughter High

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Normally I would have listened to a lot of horror at work during the month. We can listen to music, and I put movies on my iPod. But I ended up listening to the podcast Lore the entire month. I never listened to it, but after watching the 6 episodes on Amazon, I decided to listen to the entire run, and I ended up going through it twice.

I did watch a couple, mainly the other day I watched The Haunting (my favorite horror movie), with the audio commentary for the first time, and it was fantastic. So much great information.


Integral Poster
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I actually got to 31 this year. Doubled up on some days.

The Ring (02)
Gerald's Game
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Return Of The Living Dead
The Shout
Cannibal Ferox (Why did I watch it. I know what it was and I still watched it. Great soundtrack though.)
Final Destination
The Hitcher (1986)
Ringu 2
Road Games
The Exorcist III
Better Watch Out
Wait Until Dark
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
Theater Of Blood
Dream Home (Hong Kong slasher from 2010, not the shitty Daniel Craig/Rachel Weisz/Naomi Watts movie)
Noroi: The Curse
Scream 2
I Sell The Dead
The Psychic (70's Lucio Fulci giallo)
House Of Usher
Trick Or Treat (1986 Metal horror film)
The Burrowers
Jeepers Creepers 3
Happy Death Day
Friday The 13th Part 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I haven't been as gung ho this year as I normally am, but I've still accrued some solid views.

-F13 1-4, 6, 7
-The Devil's Candy
-Cult of Chucky
-The Void
-The Neon Dead
-Devil's Honey (late 80's Fulci revenge/sexploitation sleaze)
-Jeruzalem (found footage demon/zombie movie, better idea than execution)
-Night of the Demons (original, almost the perfect example of 80's horror)
-Condemned (trashy "drugs are bad" zombie flick)
-Residue (Brit 3-part series about ghosts and conspiracy)


Hot Rats
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Perdition City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

I'm bored, so here's what's coming to Blu-Ray

November 28th

-Misery (Scream Factory)

-Deathdream (Blue Underground)

-Death Laid an Egg (Cult Epics)

December 5th

-The Amicus Collection (Severin) Features "Asylum", "Now the Screaming Starts" and "The Beast Must Die." Or you can just get them separately.

-Silent Night Deadly Night (Scream Factory)

-Better Watch Out (Well Go USA)

-Separate releases of the movies featured in Arrow's "American Horror Project" box of rare independent horror films from the 70's ("The Witch Who Came From the Sea", "The Premonition" and "Malatesta's Carnival of Blood"

December 12th

-Separate releases of "House" and "House II" from Arrow.

December 19th

-American Gothic (Scream Factory)

-mother! (Paramount)

-Leatherface (Lionsgate)

December 26th

-Mayhem (RLJL Entertainment)

-Jeepers Creepers 3 (Screen Media)

December 31st

-Suspiria limited edition SteelBook

January 2nd

-Hell Night (Scream Factory)

-Seven Bloodstained Orchids (Code Red/Kino Lorber) No Amazon link yet

January 9th

-Cat O' Nine Tails (Arrow Video) limited edition. Old Dario Argento!

-68 Kill (IFC Midnight/Scream Factory)

January 23rd

-Dario Argento's "Opera" (Scorpion Releasing/Kino Lorber) No Amazon link yet. It will also get a limited edition SteelBook packed with special features that will likely be exclusive to Ronin Flix and Diabolik DVD.

-Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (MVD Rewind)

-The Twilight People (VCI)

-Dance Macabre (Scream Factory)

January 30th

-Standard editions of Re-Animator and The Hills Have Eyes from Arrow. If you didn't get the limited edition of "Re-Animator"-you really should have.

-Piranha II: The Spawning (Scream Factory) because if James Cameron can attest, we all gotta start somewhere.

February 6th

-The Diabolical Dr. Z (Redemption Films/Kino Lorber) because it's one of the few Jess Franco movies I find tolerable.

February 13th

-Drag Me to Hell (Scream Factory)

-Night of the Seagulls (Scream Factory) maybe if we're lucky they'll release the rest of the "Blind Dead" movies on Blu.

February 20th

-The Gate II (Scream Factory)

-William Castle's The Night Walker (Scream Factory)


Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!
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Sacramento, CA
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Happy Death Day was a lot better than expected. I concur with what everyone has said. Also, The Babysitter surprised me too. It definitely is more comedy-horror than anything, but it has some nice gore and it's a fun story. McG-ness doesn't get in the way too much.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

The Golden Globes has decided that since there was some comic relief in it, Get Out will be in the Best Comedy/Musical category.


Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!
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Sacramento, CA
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Detective Ventriloquist said:
The Golden Globes has decided that since there was some comic relief in it, Get Out will be in the Best Comedy/Musical category.

Oh for the love of gawd. Not that the movie isn't deserving of a nomination, but still.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

NoCalMike said:
Detective Ventriloquist said:
The Golden Globes has decided that since there was some comic relief in it, Get Out will be in the Best Comedy/Musical category.

Oh for the love of gawd. Not that the movie isn't deserving of a nomination, but still.

I... of all the categories it ends up there?? Only upside is if people watch it without knowing anything expecting an actual comedy.


Hot Rats
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Perdition City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

*sings to self* At laaaaaaast....


Shot outside Pittsburgh on a shoestring budget by a band of filmmakers determined to make their mark, Night of the Living Dead, directed by horror master George A. Romero, is one of the great stories of independent cinema: a midnight hit turned box-office smash that became one of the most influential films of all time. A deceptively simple tale of a group of strangers trapped in a farmhouse who find themselves fending off a horde of recently dead, flesh-eating ghouls, Romero’s claustrophobic vision of a late-1960s America literally tearing itself apart rewrote the rules of the horror genre, combined gruesome gore with acute social commentary, and quietly broke ground by casting a black actor (Duane Jones) in its lead role. Stark, haunting, and more relevant than ever, Night of the Living Dead is back, in a new 4K restoration.

Disc Features

New 4K digital restoration, supervised by director George A. Romero, coscreenwriter John A. Russo, sound engineer Gary R. Streiner, and producer Russell W. Streiner
New restoration of the monaural soundtrack, supervised by Romero and Gary R. Streiner, and presented uncompressed on the Blu-ray
Night of Anubis, a never-before-presented work-print edit of the film
New program featuring filmmakers Frank Darabont, Guillermo del Toro, and Robert Rodriguez
Never-before-seen 16 mm dailies reel
New piece featuring Russo about the commercial and industrial-film production company where key Night of the Living Dead filmmakers got their start
Two audio commentaries from 1994, featuring Romero, Russo, producer Karl Hardman, actor
Judith O’Dea, and more
Archival interviews with Romero and actors Duane Jones and Judith Ridley
New programs about the editing, the score, and directing ghouls
New interviews with Gary R. Streiner and Russel W. Streiner
Trailer, radio spots, and TV spots
PLUS: An essay by critic Stuart Klawans[/list]

Arrives February 13th.


Hot Rats
Reaction score
Perdition City
Re: 2017-2018 Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread

Also coming from Criterion


In this chilling adaptation of the best-selling novel by Thomas Harris, the astonishingly versatile director Jonathan Demme crafted a taut psychological thriller about an American obsession: serial murder. As Clarice Starling, an FBI trainee who enlists the help of the infamous Hannibal “the Cannibal” Lecter to gain insight into the mind of another killer, Jodie Foster subverts classic gender dynamics and gives one of the most memorable performances of her career. As her foil, Anthony Hopkins is the archetypical antihero—cultured, quick-witted, and savagely murderous—delivering a harrowing portrait of humanity gone terribly wrong. A gripping police procedural and a disquieting immersion into a twisted psyche, The Silence of the Lambs swept the Academy Awards (best picture, best director, best screenplay, best actress, best actor) and remains a cultural touchstone.

Disc Features

New 4K digital restoration, approved by director of photography Tak Fujimoto, with 2.0 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray
Alternate 5.1 surround soundtrack, presented in DTS-HD Master Audio on the Blu-ray
Audio commentary from 1994 featuring director Jonathan Demme, actors Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins, screenwriter Ted Tally, and former FBI agent John Douglas
New interview with critic Maitland McDonagh
Thirty-five minutes of deleted scenes
Interview from 2005 with Demme and Foster
Inside the Labyrinth, a 2001 documentary
Page to Screen, a 2002 program about the adaptation
Scoring “The Silence,” a 2004 interview program featuring composer Howard Shore
Understanding the Madness, a 2008 program featuring interviews with retired FBI special agents
Original behind-the-scenes featurette
PLUS: An essay by critic Amy Taubin along with, in the Blu-ray edition, a new introduction by Foster; an account of the origins of the character Hannibal Lecter by author Thomas Harris; and a 1991 interview with Demme