
Jim Crockett Promotions (1935-1988)


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Between the Sheets mentioned this bomb recently...Part of the GAB tour

JCP @ Tampa, FL – Stadium – July 6, 1988 (4,500)
Al Perez defeated Kendall Windham
Bugsy McGraw defeated Tiger Conway Jr.
Sting, Ron Garvin, & Ron Simmons defeated Ivan Koloff, Larry Zbyszko, & the Russian Assassin
Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated the Sheepherders
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers defeated Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane in a handicap match
Jimmy Garvin fought Dick Murdoch to a draw
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotundo defeated Steve Williams via disqualification
Dusty Rhodes, Nikita Koloff, Lex Luger, & the Road Warriors defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA US Champion Barry windham, Kevin Sullivan, NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard in Wargames

They pretty much put all the star power in one match, so the undercard is sort of bleh. Express/Fantastics were feuding. Dr Death had something going with the Varsity Club heading into the PPV. The Rock and Roll Express were in and out since Jan. Morton matches were airing on AWA TV around this point IIRC. I think we even have Groovy Greg and Gibson as a team for a taping too.
If you are going to run a stadium you really should deliver the A show as much as possible. Just trading Jim Garvin in for Simmons makes that match make a lot more marque.
Plus it's Tampa so they don't have the excuse like when the Memphis stadium show drew 400 fans a year earlier. They were in a firm JCP hot bed.

To compare WWF's stadium effort a few weeks later:
You get filler matches were new talents (Bossman, PoP, Hennig get wins) but Hogan/Andre have a rare match (in a cage no less), plus the WWF title program is featured, Jake/Rude, Bret/Bad News (for whatever that was worth), the rising babyface vs the hated manager in the gimmick match the locals knew and loved (we can argue how many AWA 1981 fans were still on board), and a fun IC title match with the hated heel vs one of the featured babyfaces.

WrestleFest 88 – Milwaukee, WI – County Stadium – July 31, 1988 (25,866)
Prime Time Wrestling – 8/22/88: The Big Bossman pinned Scott Casey (sub. for Jerry Allen) at 4:15 with the sidewalk slam; after the bout, Bossman attacked his opponent with the nightstick
Prime Time Wrestling – 8/15/88: Brutus Beefcake pinned Hercules at 9:37 with a roll up after Hercules hit the corner
Jacques & Raymond Rougeau defeated B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell at around the 14 minute mark when Jacques pinned Brunzell after Raymond punched Brunzell in the face behind the referee’s back, with Jacques falling on top for the pin
Bad News Brown pinned Bret Hart at 6:26 with a roll over and holding onto the tights for leverage; after the bout, Jim Neidhart came to the ring to argue the decision, allowing Bret to sneak up on Bad News from behind and throw him into the ring where Neidhart quickly sent him back to the floor
Prime Time Wrestling – 8/22/88: Jim Duggan defeated WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 4:38 when Hart tripped Duggan as the challenger prepared to hit the champion with his trademark running clothesline; after the bout, Duggan cleared the ring with his 2×4 before smashing Honky’s guitar with it
The Powers of Pain defeated Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov at 6:47 when the Barbarian pinned Zhukov following the running powerslam / headbutt combo
Jim Neidhart pinned Lanny Poffo with a powerslam at 2:34
WWF World Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) pinned Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) with a small package at 14:52; afer the bout, Dibiase and Virgil double teamed the champion, with Dibiase shoving the referee out of the way before taking possession of the title belt; moments later, Savage threw a chair into the ring, clearing Dibiase and Virgil from ringside (Macho Madness)
Curt Hennig pinned Terry Taylor at 4:52 with a forearm to the head immediately after Taylor threw Hennig into the corner (The Life and Times of Mr. Perfect)
Jake Roberts fought Rick Rude to a double count-out at 15:44 when Rude tried to walk out of the match but was attacked in the aisle by Roberts; after the bout, Roberts threw Damien on his opponent – who then choked Rude until he could free himself and retreat bakstage
Prime Time Wrestling – 8/22/88: King Haku pinned Sam Houston (sub. for the Junkyard Dog) at 5:04 with a diving headbutt
The Ultimate Warrior defeated Bobby Heenan with a sleeper hold in a Weasel Suit match; the Crusher was the guest ring announcer for the bout but his involvement was never shown on video (The Ultimate Warrior, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan)
WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) defeated Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid at 7:08 when Smash pinned the Dynamite Kid after Ax hit Dynamite with Mr. Fuji’s cane as the challenger had the Octopus applied on Smash
Dino Bravo pinned Ken Patera at 3:28 with the side suplex following a clothesline
Hulk Hogan defeated Andre the Giant (w/ Bobby Heenan) in a steel cage match at 10:03 by escaping over the top after hitting Andre with a foreign object which was brought into the ring by an interfering Heenan, tying Andre’s arms in the ring ropes, and throwing Heenan into the cage

WWF ran Tampa that month too, with a solid 4 matches to draw fans (maybe slightly stronger than their average house show to try and ruin JCP's day????)

WWF @ Tampa, FL – SunDome – July 21, 1988
Lanny Poffo defeated Iron Mike Sharpe
Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty defeated the Conquistadors
The Ultimate Warrior defeated the One Man Gang
The Junkyard Dog (sub. for Bam Bam Bigelow) defeated Hercules
The Powers of Pain defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition via disqualification
Rick Rude defeated Jake Roberts via count-out
WWF World Champion Randy Savage defeated Ted Dibiase


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

The Apters went BONZO GONZO for this result. The Warriors losing in any manner was a big deal.
This was the new Midnight Express' coming out party.

The Apters had a whole special write up on the Warriors tearing up the locker room and shouting obscenities after losing.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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A tidbit from that circa 1993 John Arezzi/Powers of Pain interview I posted about in the Old School threads. A caller asks PoP if they still keep in touch with Paul Jones and The Warlord curtly says “No.” in his Muppet voice then Arezzi trying to get anything of them says he heard Paul Jones was selling Amway now. Then Warlord says Paul Jones is one of the top Amway salesmen in the country.

It’s good there is life after a never ending feud with Jimmy Valiant.


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That card looks awesome. Fabs/Freebirds could vary depending on the Birds working that night but that's a really fun lineup. And always a good time when Gouldie is booked.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Interesting scenario....

Does Dusty see anything in Bret other than low card filler w/ Nelson Royal and Denny Brown?
The Bulldogs vs Midnights is enticing,
Great Gama, Bassarab, etc are non factors.

Branching out.... How does Pillman/Bruce fair in the 87 down turn as fresh talent? Maybe they go straight to UWF purgatory?
Mahkah Singh as one of Paul Jones goofs?
Is there a good spot for Owen in 87 or 88 or is he doomed to be smashed by the bullish heels?


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Owen and Pillman wind up as either the Hollywood Blonds or the Dynamic Dudes. All about what Dusty thinks at the time.
Bulldogs get the Fantastics place. Did we ever get Bulldogs/Arn and Tully?
Bret gets the Brad Armstrong "good hand" role, for better or worse. Unless Flair or someone go to bat for him, which wouldn't happen. Or it might in the 80s, who knows.
Bad News has awesome stuff with Flair and Dusty before getting fired.
Singh is 100% Paul Jones Army.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
If Bret avoids jumping in 87-88 when the money dried up, we have a shot at Hart vs Muta in 89

I was picturing Bad News in a suit as Corny's bodyguard playing up his Olympic judo stuff, but the timing doesn't work.

Bob Orton in 89 as the straight man for Barry O's Zodiac and Jason the Terrible.


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Warren, OH
Did we ever get Bulldogs/Arn and Tully?
The Bulldogs' last night was Survivor Series 88 and I think Arn and Tully did one round of tapings before that, so whatever interaction they would have had in the ten team elimination match was it.

That match would have been awesome in 1986. Not so much in 88-89 after Dynamite hurt his back


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I thought I posted this already this AM but I may have forgotten.

I was intrigued that Worldwide was put up against the 605 Cable show. Bad idea by the locals.

Meltz writes a bunch of times in 86ish about how the AWA is the 1st-3rd most watched ESPN show, but that the execs regret the deal and keep moving the show around to ruin the ratings. IIRC Verne was paid a whopping 4 grand a week for the show.
Compare that to stuff like L.A. costing 50K a month or whatever the exact number was just to get an hour of syndication on a good channel there.

After months of reporting that ESPN wanted out, they resigned the AWA to a new deal, so who knows WTF Meltz sources were other than that he didn't like the boring show and needed conformation bias???


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This was when I first started watching wrestling and it's true they kept moving the show around. I'm sure at one point they had it airing Sunday Nights which would have been a death blow. I mostly remember watching it around 4/5 PM in the afternoon in mid week which again would be a terrible time slot


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Cornette revealed an interesting nugget in his Memphis 83 deep dive over the weekend.
Lawler had too many guys booked (23+) per card so the payoffs were meh. Corny had already been sent to Georgia to try and be the top heel manager for Ole's GCW Superstars group, which was supposed to work the GA spot shows while Ole's main group and Southwest (Blanchard) partnered up to expand west and north. The idea failed and Corny went back to Memphis to be the B manager to Jimmy Hart.
Now the interesting nugget is that around the same time Watts came in to find new talent for Mid South, Corny was in talks with Buck Robley to come in as the top heel manager of whatever Buck was promoting at the time (Robley booked a lot of small southern promotions throughout the 80s.
Had Watts not picked Corny, we may have never gotten Cornette the star or an alignment with Eaton and Condrey.
That does not shake up history dramatically, but does remove the Last Stampede, and hot feuds with the James Boys, Road Warriors and RnR Express from the main events.
IMO, Odds are Corny would have been called back to Memphis when Hart left in early 85 and been there top heel manager. He likely ends up in JCP at some point but he would have different clients and who knows where that goes.

Flair saw the Express on Watts' Superdome show and that's how they all got JCP gigs, so who knows how it all plays out,

A side Butterfly Effect is that if Dundee doesn't go book Mid South, Macho Man was already being promoted to come in and be a top heel. That puts Savage on a similar but likely same outcome within a year or so. Macho Man was pulled due to his heat with Dundee.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Should have cleaned up the Starrcade booking a little bit and set Sting up to be the underdog challenger at Bunkhouse Stampede. You can do the story of Flair underestimated him and getting himself DQ'd to set up the Clash rematch.
Option B would have been Dr Death to unify the NWA and UWF belts but Williams was arrested in early Jan.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Between this and the random Bill Irwin hate, I figured Vale’s trigger point is C/D tier ‘80s wrestling heels. I’ll have to keep Rip Rogers in my pocket the next time I want to get him rolled up.


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Irwin sucks and I haven't seen anything to prove otherwise. He also has never come off well in any interview.

Landel has definite moments but he just is always the Wish Nature Boy. Nothing ever felt like it mattered because he was a joke already.

Taylor is awful and never felt like a star to me even when he was supposed to be good. Generic at best, delivered nothing memorable in a positive sense, and a scumbag besides.

Anthony is one of the ugliest creatures to get on national TV and was never better than okay, and even then that was in places like SMW that you gotta hunt for to see how mediocre he was on a good day. Bet he smelled like eggs.

Rip Oliver > Rip Rogers.


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See there's real money in a single-cam sitcom about the backstage antics of an 80s territory. Don't show much of what actually happens in the ring, just everything else.