Next up is Thor, because he's possessed or some shit. Thor has 2 forms and...well let's let the video speak for itself.
WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK. THIS, THIS FUCKING VIDEO is Lagoon in a nutshell. As far as I can tell it's pretty much pure luck on being able to get to him and at the right angle to hit him before you get knocked away. Luckily he only takes like 3 hits at max level (which takes 65535 exp, and gives 255 HP and MP, FF and FFFF for the win.) Then you get his second form, which I should have gotten more video of, considering he killed me a gajillion times.
Yeah, that one sucked ass.
Then finally onto the last boss, who thankfully only has one form.
Well that certainly was bullshit taking all that health before I could move, but he looks easy enough, in fact I think he's a palette swap of an earlier boss. So let's put on that healing ring and try again.
Oh for fuck's sake. Hey let's not make an interesting challenging boss, let's just make him rape you before you can do anything, yeah that's the ticket.
Ok, third time is the charm.
Well that sure was an exciting ending. There aren't even ending credits, not that the assholes who made this deserve them.
Suck it game!