
Let's talk film critics and criticism


If You're Into It, I'm Out of It
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Perdition City
Jingus said:
Gary Floyd said:
One of the things that amazes/amuses me about White is the sheer contempt he seems to hold. 95% of his reviews contain him not only bitching about film brands and holding grudges against directors, but not so subtle swipes at the movie going public and other movie critics for not loving the same movies he does.
I know that being arrogant and mean-spirited is not exactly a new fad in criticism. I dare anyone to sit down and read a whole bunch of Pauline Kael and not wanna go piss on her grave after about twenty pages. But White just takes it to a whole new level with his "if you disagree with me then you're not only objectively wrong, you're also a moron" attitude. Not to mention that he rarely provides actual reasoning or motivation for his opinions; he tends to leave it at "this was excellent" or "this was awful" without ever bothering to explain why he felt that way. And as Gary mentioned, his tendency to go out of his way to take cheapshots at multiple unrelated targets in every single review gets old incredibly fast.
You should read his review of Hellboy II. Not only does he call an inferior movie superior (here it's "Little Nicky") but he also brings up a Ting Tings song he loves for no reason other than to compare the movie to it.

Kael has actually proven to be quite an influence on several veteran movie critics. If White has any influence on new or future ones, it will likely be very small.


Staff member
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Anchorage, AK
King Kamala said:
Czech said:

I've got jungle fever, she's got jungle. We've got jungle fever, we're in love. She's gone black boy hazy, I've gone white girl hazy, ain't no thinking maybe we're in love!

The first comment under that article:
Susan, each to their own. I am white and a perfect hardbodied gentleman. Looking at your image, however, I too would have eddies of depression forming if I were on a date with you. I think the bottom line is black men, like lower class whites, will roger anything. You're anything. Don't dress it up.