This is only tangentially related to gaming, but I'm going to go ahead and ask it here, anyway:
I bought Civilization 4 back in, like, 2004, or whenever it was, and it's pretty much the only game that I've played with any regularity in the last 15 years, aside from whenever I'm hanging out with my boy Hidden Dragons, or when my son wants me to play with him. I've been slow/reluctant to get onboard with the digital gaming thing because, you know, only the one game. However, comma, I've had two computers go to shit on me, in the last twelve months, and there's a significantly greater than zero percent possibility that the next computer I buy will not have an optical drive on it.
Apparently, at some point in the middle of the past decade, Firaxis was offering free Steam codes for Civ4 to people who could provide proof that they legally owned a physical copy, but I obviously missed the boat on that, and attempts to reach out to Firaxis since I found out about it have fallen on deaf ears. I'm not really trying to spend thirty bucks on a digital copy of a game that I already paid sixty bucks for, and still works, but I need to have a way to install the game on the next computer I buy.
What are my options?