The ECW version of the Dudleys, of course. The WWE version was a shadow of what the Dudleys (with an "s") were from 1996 to 1998.
Okay here is how I would do it.
The Hart Foundation are the champions, and after several grueling feuds with the top teams, they have firmly established themselves on the top of the heap.
Week One: After a Superstars/Wrestling Challenge main event type match against a good mid-card team that does their best but are simply outclassed, Paul E. himself comes out and gives Bret and Anvil their props, stating the teams they have beaten in their quest for dominance of the tag team division. They have beaten teams stronger than them, faster than them, bigger than them. But the haven't beaten a team that is willing to do whatever it takes to win, that will break any rule, use everything available to them to hurt their opponents and break their spirits. A team willing to go to the extreme.
Meanwhile on the opposite side of the ring, the Dudleys come in from the crowd and attack Bret and Anvil and beat them down using nothing but chairs, busting open both men. After this is done they simply leave them laying in the ring.
Week Two: The Harts are furious at their treatment at the hands of the Dudleys, and petition the commissioner immediately for a match. The commissioner is hesitant to do so, having done some research into what the Dudleys have done as a team to this point. He espouses their propensity for violence, and how there are plans for the Harts, both singly and as a team,. Bret will say to hell with those plans, they want the Dudleys. After a long moment the commissioner agrees, but will do it his way. The Dudleys have already come to him, demanding a title shot because of what they did, and he told them they have to earn that shot. Not exactly happy, the Harts leave.
Later that night, the Dudleys are in a match against a jobber team, whom they dominate. Bubba gets on the mic and starts talking trash to the audience, getting them riled up as only he can. The he starts running down Bret and Anvil, calling them paper champions, even going so far as to throw an insult at Stu Hart, which brings the Harts out from backstage. Bubba goads them into coming down the ring, but security comes out to stop them before they can engage the Dudleys.
Week Three: The Dudleys start the show, going up against a popular face team. After a long match, the Dudleys win by using chairs while the ref was distracted. After they get the pin, they continued beating down the team until the Harts come racing down to the ring, security hot on their heels. They actually exchanges punches before security breaks them up, to the disappointment of the fans. The commissioner comes out, apparently furious because his plans for the Harts are endangered. A best of three match series are slated over the next four weeks, pitting Anvil against Bubba, Bret against Devon, and the third match is a tag team match. If the Dudleys win two of three matches, then the belts will be put on the line. If they lose the series, the Dudleys can go back to whatever bingo hall they came from, because they will not wrestle here again.
Week Four: The first match is slated, Anvil vs. Bubba, with Devon and Bret on the outside.
As expected this match is a Pier Six brawl, but Anvil seems to be a half step ahead of Bubba throughout the match. Anvil hits his finisher, a running powerslam and goes for the pin, but Devon pulls the ref out of the ring before he can count three. Bret immediately attacks Devon and while the ref deals with that, Bubba hits Anvil with a low blow. He goes for the pin, but Bret pulls the ref out for a second time. As they argue, Devon sneaks in and they hit 3D on Anvil for the pin.
Week Five: Bret vs. Devon, both partners banned from ringside.
The match starts out with Bret in control because of his superior technical wrestling. But as the match goes on Devon mucks it up by using a variety of dirty tactics, brawling, and his superior strength to even up the match. Bret starts losing his temper and turns the match into a fight which starts to play into Devon's hands, putting Bret is in danger of losing, but reverses a Rude Awakening-style neckbreaker into a pinfall out of nowhere. Immediately after, Bubba comes running down to the ring, and they beat down Bret. Anvil comes running out to make the save but Bubba intercepts, laying out Anvil with a vicious chair shot. The challengers leave the ring, the champions down and out.
Week Six: Backstage the Harts are discussing strategy, knowing that if they win this match, the Dudleys are gone. Paul E comes up to them and tells them that there is a special twist to this match as ratified by the commissioner. Paul E. says that up to this point the odds have been stacked against his team by having them wrestle "normal" kinds of matches, so if Bret and Anvil really are the best, they can beat the Dudleys at their own game. So tonight, it will be a tables match for the right to challenge for the tag titles at the PPV. He laughs and departs, leaving Bret and Anvil more than a little concerned.
Match time, and before the introductions are made, the rules of the match are explained. Anything goes, no disqualifications, and the first team to put a member of the opposite team through a table wins the match.
The match starts and its obvious that both teams are on a mission. Bret is using very little of his superior technical wrestling, and this time is actually keeping up with Devon in the brawling department, while Anvil and Bubba are more evenly matched. When the teams switch off it becomes anyone's game, and it isn;t long before all four men are battered, bruised and yes, bloody. The Harts are showing a gritty, nasty side to them that no one knew existed even in their rulebreaking days, and its this edge that enables them to match the Dudleys in terms of brutality.
A turning point in the match comes when Bret attempts a piledriver on Devon, but Bubba hits him in the back of the head with a chair, knocking him out. Anvil fights valiantly but cannot fend off both men. They hit 3D on Anvil and then go about setting up the table. Bret comes to and goes on the attack, actually taking the fight to both men, using a mixture of the "excellence of execution" and this newfound nasty edge to his wrestling. He sets Devon up on a table and looks to legdrop him through it, but Bubba crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Devon groggily rolls of the table and dumps Anvil outside, leaving barely enough time for them to set up Bret to be superbombed through the table, ending the match. The Dudleys help each other backstage, knowing they just barely survived this match, and that they get to challenge for the titles in two weeks.
Week Seven: Both teams are in the commissioner's office amidst a small army of security, and the commish makes it very clear that neither tag team is to interfere or assault the other in anyway, lest the Harts be stripped of their belts or the Dudleys be run out of the organization, never to return. They both have matches tonight, the Dudleys against the number one contender tag team of Demolition, and the Harts against a team that has given them some trouble in the past: Power and Glory.
The Dudleys beat Demolition (Ax and Smash) by actually outbrawling the team in a closely contested match, with the Dudleys hitting 3D on Smash. The Dudleys look even more deadly serious than they did when they assaulted the Harts to start this program.
The Harts defeat Power and Glory after hitting the Hart Attack clothesline on Paul Roma. They showed that nastiness again in this match, dissecting their opponents like a skilled surgeon.
I'll do the PPV tomorrow. Trying to write this from scratch and carry on three IM conversations is a bit much for my old ass.