
The Real TSM Fantasy Booking Thread


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
All right, gonna test the waters (no pun intended with my name) on this, because this idea came to me working on a project.

How would you book this match, if you could get them from the time periods I'm mentioning? The build up to the match, how the match would progress, who you'd have win...that sort of thing.


Big Van Vader, circa 1992/1993 in WCW. Vader was a dominating monster who "fears no man and feels no pain". He had gotten the best of Sting amongst others, and had the mind of Harley Race in his corner.

His opponent.


Bill Goldberg, during his WCW Championship reign. He was still undefeated at this point in his career, having come off his caeer-defining win over Hollywood Hogan. Booked as a destroyer, pretty much.

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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I'll try to do this and I'll operate under the premise that I have 8 weeks to build to the first match which I will focus on.

Week 1: Goldberg has a title rematch with Hulk Hogan, but before the match could happen, Vader makes his presence felt in his return by taking out Hogan with his powerbombs (that Hogan does NOT get up from). It is played up that Vader crippled Hogan. Goldberg is seen as visibly unhappy with his match being ruined.

Week 2: Vader, with his manager Harley Race, announces his intent to enter the title hunt, saying that the supposed #1 contender is out of commission and that he should get his spot. The authority figure comes out and he tells Vader that he can't just come in, injure a star like Hogan, and expect to be given what he wants. Goldberg is seen as disagreeing with the call (interpreted as Goldberg wanting to take on Vader out of retribution for Hogan who he recognizes as a legend, regardless of his conduct)

Week 3: Vader has his first official match back in the company. It is against a random midcarder, Vader squash and Goldberg comes out. They stare down from their positions (Vader in ring, Goldberg on stage)

Week 4: Vader runs in on a Sting match and injures Sting as well. Race gives a promo talking about how it's to eliminate another potential #1 contender to Goldberg's belt. Later that night, Goldberg has a non title match, which Vader comes out and distracts Goldberg. The distraction however does not cost him the match, as he regains the upper hand and wins decisively. Another stare down ensues.

Week 5: The authority figure announces a four way match to determine the challenger to Goldberg. The participants are Kevin Nash, DDP, Sid and Savage. The match goes to no contest as Vader comes out and destroys everyone (not at once. It's like it's in the latter portion of the match where the wrestlers are already tired and more open to an attack. Plus you have guys laying around selling bumps, so Vader only handles one or two people at a time. Race proclaims that WCW has no choice but to name Vader the #1 contender.

Week 6: Goldberg comes to the ring with the mic. He tells the authority figure to get out here. He pleads with the authority figure to relent and let Vader challenge him. He promises payback for the destruction that Vader has caused. The authority figure is so moved by Goldberg's passion that he agrees. Race comes out with Vader in tow. Both look happy and calm. Race tells Goldberg that he made the biggest mistake of his career... and life. Another staredown.

Week 7: Video packages to highlight both men's strengths as wrestlers. Also has interviews with people in WCW who they think would win, and most of people, heels included, admonishes Vader for his actions and gives Goldberg their verbal support.

Week 8 (THE PPV!): It is a 12 minute match, full of power wrestling and stiffness. Race distracts Goldberg allowing Vader to catch him in the Vaderbomb. He goes for the pin, but Goldberg kicks out. The place goes nuts. They wrestle a bit more, then as Race tries to interfere again, Hulk Hogan comes out and stops him. He throws Race to the floor as Goldberg readies himself for the spear. He nails the spear, and out of exhaustion, he goes for pin immediately. Vader has enough in him to kick out. Another crowd going ballistic moment. Goldberg gets up, goes for another spear, but Vader moves out of the way and Goldberg crashes in the post. Vader, seeing Hogan out there, goes after him, which allowed Goldberg a bit of time to recoup. After Vader chases Hogan out, he gets back in the ring, and boom. Speared out of his boots. THis time though, Goldberg puts the exclamation point on it with a Jackhammer for the win. He celebrates, but he looks to the stage at Hogan, as if saying "Thanks but that wasn't necessary".

Though I would have Vader win the belt in a rematch, but it wouldn't really set up a rubber match because it would be due to Hogan turning heel AGAIN, by costing Goldberg the belt to Vader. So you can have Hogan/Goldberg rematch and Vader vs someone new. You try to hold off the rubber match until Vader goes through all the people he took out in legitimate feuds and matches before Goldberg's card is called again.

Whatcha think?


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
I like it. Good, solid Vader a chance at revenge at Hogan for what Hogan did to him when both WERE in WCW and such.

Anyone else wanna give a go?

EDIT: One minor thing I would change with your idea, Ickey...

Make the Vader squash a member of the nWo Hollywood faction, getting revenge for Hogan, but failing miserably. Curt Hennig, perhaps.

That'd make Vader seem even more of a threat, taking out the group that gave WCW so much trouble for the past two years.

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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That could work but I didn't want NWO Hollywood to get any face heat just because they defended their leader who was also a heel to begin with. I think Vader taking out Hogan, Sting, Nash, DDP, Savage and Sid then what I mentioned in passing, Vader would be winning each feud with every one of them who returns. He wouldn't have his first legitimate (read, clean, shoicking for WCW, I know) loss until Starrcade, where Goldberg would step up to the plate again, and ultimately beating Vader. Keep in mind, that until his loss to Vader for the belt, he was undefeated. That's another "big" moment for Vader and goes a long way in building Vader's monster aura. That would be a better move than having Vader squash a lackey of the NWO, IMO.


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
I see your point there. It would do that as well.

...hell, if this had happened, we could have been spared Nash's run with the title, possibly the Warrior/Hogan II match and the fingerpoke.

EDIT: And for the record, I was putting the nWo Hollywood member as the Week 3 random midcarder.

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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ChrisMWaters said:
...hell, if this had happened, we could have been spared Warrior/Hogan II match

But then you miss out the terrific storyline of Hogan being the only one to see Warrior, when nobody else could. It went a long way in establishing just how stupid everyone was and made Ultimate Warrior look stupid too for resorting to those parlor tricks.

As for the random midcarder, I wanted it to be a respected person, like Rey Misterio Jr. Someone that can garner a lot of support from the fans for 1. Being cool. 2. having the courage to try to stand up for everyone even if they know he isn't gonna win.

Precious Roy

hashtag trashbag
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they beat the fuck out of each other backwards and forwards, wins and losses don't matter. trade em back and forth, vader gets a mini win streak at some point, goldberg wins a couple in a row in the end.

booking is easy

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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So easy you have them going through what, 10 matches together, without really building to any of them. Good move!

Precious Roy

hashtag trashbag
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build? It's fucking VADER V. GOLDBERG

It builds itself

I would "build" it by booking them in a fucking match, tell them they each get a 10-20k bonus if the match gets over, and have them beat the everloving piss out of each other. There's your fucking build.

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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So money is actually the motivation for this fight, not that world title that's wrapped around Goldberg's waist?

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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If this match was to occur in a vacuum, I'd agree. But I was under the impression that such a hypothetical match happens under a company's banner. It's a terrible move to devalue your top championship if they care more about 20 grand than they do a world championship.

Precious Roy

hashtag trashbag
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the money is behind the scenes, on camera they're just wrestlers fighting for pride and honor and such

Next USC #55

Integral Poster
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Pretty sure they'll be rich from doing the match, without needing to hand out extra incentives.


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
I'm doing this on both this board and the WrestleCrap Board's "Other Wrestling" subboard, so I figured I'd post one of the better suggestions there here.

Match like this would be a slow burner. I'd have them start by having Goldberg do his entrance from the locker room, on the way he walks past Vader and the stare each other out for a moment before Goldberg continues to walk to the ring. Over the next few weeks they continue dominating their matches, maybe even with some more fueds. One week Goldberg cuts a backstage promo saying he could beat anyone in WCW again Vader just walks past.

One Nitro there would be a battle royal to determine a number 1 contender for the WCW title, at one point the ring would clear and Vader and Goldeberg would stand off. However they get jumped and don't fight each other, eventually Vader goes to tackle Goldberg but gets thrown over instead then Goldberg is immediately tossed out. They try to brawl but Harley Race instructs Vader to walk to the back.

Goldberg then issues a challenge to Vader but he refuses claiming he already knows he can beat Goldberg. This leads to Goldberg costing Vader a few matches which enrages him causing and eventual backstage assault in which Vader Vaderbombs Goldberg on concrete and writes him off for a few weeks. After 4 weeks of Vader bragging about ending Goldberg's career he returns and this time his challenge is accepted. This leads to a brawl at the end of a Nitro which is broken up. There's a restraining order against the two leading to the PPV.

When the match comes they basically beat the hell out of each other, Vader hits hte Vaderbomb, Moonsault and whatever his second rope body press is called but Goldberg kicks out. Goldberg hits a Spear and Jackhammer but Vader kicks out. I would end the match with a double KO perhaps Vader lands a haymaker but the Goldberg kicks Vader's head off and both go down for the 10 count.

Basically this leads to the rematch in the cage, i would have this be a draw too by having Goldberg Spear Vader through the cage wall making both men fall out. Eventually the fued would end at Starrcade ina last man standing, Goldberg would come out on top with Vader taking a Jackhammer through the announcers table or perhaps the pyro desk. Something massive with an explosion so that he'd still look strong. The folloiwing Nitro I'd hav Vader come and shake Goldberg's hand out of respect but declaring "I'll beat you one day Goldberg." This would all last about 6-8 months maybe a bit shorter.

King Cucaracha

King Cucaracha
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Suffolk, England
Precious Roy said:
they beat the fuck out of each other backwards and forwards, wins and losses don't matter. trade em back and forth, vader gets a mini win streak at some point, goldberg wins a couple in a row in the end.

booking is easy

Because that's how Goldberg got so over, huh?

Booking is easy, if you suck at it.

King Cucaracha

King Cucaracha
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Suffolk, England
As an actual answer.

Neither man can look weak. I'd have Goldberg continue his winning streak as was. In isolation to that, Vader comes in as a re-debut and starts up his own win-streak. So during the first hour you've got Vader dominating people and in the second hour, Goldberg's dominating people. After a couple of months of this, Vader's opponents start getting better and Goldberg keeps on defeating every challenger put against him, to the point that you're asking "can anyone stop Vader" and "can anyone beat Goldberg". By then, people should put two and two together and want to see the match happen without so much as a hint of them interacting.

At around this point, you have an in-ring interview with Goldberg hyped up. Goldberg doesn't get much more out than asking Who's Next, at which point Vader and Harley Race come to the ring. Vader tells Goldberg that he's next for him and piefaces him, security keeps them apart and for now it's just words. Have an interview with Race building up the importance of the WCW Title to him and building up Vader. Have Vader and Goldberg one-upping each other with impressive squashes to send each other messages. And build up to another pull-apart, this time something along the lines of Angle/Joe, where they actually come to blows and have to be seperated by members of the roster.

After that, they should be kept apart until the PPV match. Goldberg wrestles gradually larger opponents for a few weeks as you ask, on top of "can either man be beaten", whether Goldberg can hit the Jackhammer on Vader. He hits it on the gradually larger opponents, but nobody bigger than Vader to leave the question open (he'd done it to The Giant by this time, but conveniently neglect to mention that).

First match should be some kind of no contest, double DQ, ending with a huge brawl where they're eventually pulled apart again. Once it's at the point where the feud is 'uncontrollable', you have measures to keep them apart on Nitro and Thunder while the rematch is announced with some sort of stipulation to ensure a winner. Cage Match, No DQ, either-or. Rematch is super-bloody and super-physical. Have Vader blade during the course of the match, but still physically overwhelm Goldberg like no-one else ever has. Goldberg eventually makes a big comeback, maybe a Vader Bomb kickout, smash through Vader and beat him with the Jackhammer. Post-match, keep Vader strong by having him a bloody mess tearing ringside apart and Race unable to calm him down. Then find a way to move them both onto new feuds. I don't think you could really sustain a feud like this for more than that. Strikes me as a Bruno-esque feud or Hogan-esque feud, where both parties need to look strong before the super babyface gets the win everyone expects him to. The more rematches they have, the harder it is to keep it fresh while keeping both strong.


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
With your note about Goldberg having Jackhammered The Giant, one way to save that fact is that The Giant's weight was proportioned more evenly on his body, whereas Vader's weight was proportioned in a way that made him more bottom-heavy.

Which also reminds me, I'm kinda upset that they didn't let us see whether Goldberg could have still done that to Giant/Big Show when they were in the ring together at the 2004 Royal Rumble. They could have still had Brock run out and attack Goldberg after Goldberg Jackhammered Big Show, if he was able to.


Integral Poster
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Southern New Jersey
All right, got a new match in mind for this week. Tag Teams, this time:

Team #1:

The Hart Foundation, circa mid 90-mid 91. Tag Team Champions in their second reign, a popular team at their very best point in their career. In addition, Bret Hart is showing signs of possible future success as a singles star.

Team #2:

The Dudley Boys/z. Foul mouthed, uncaring, ready to destroy anyone in their path. I included both pictures here to give you an option of either the ECW version of the team or the heel WWF version of the team, whichever you prefer.

So how would you set up the feud? How would the match go? Who would win? Would there be aftermath?

Can't wait to see what whoever writes here comes up with.


Integral Poster
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Ann Arbor, MI
The ECW version of the Dudleys, of course. The WWE version was a shadow of what the Dudleys (with an "s") were from 1996 to 1998.

Okay here is how I would do it.

The Hart Foundation are the champions, and after several grueling feuds with the top teams, they have firmly established themselves on the top of the heap.

Week One: After a Superstars/Wrestling Challenge main event type match against a good mid-card team that does their best but are simply outclassed, Paul E. himself comes out and gives Bret and Anvil their props, stating the teams they have beaten in their quest for dominance of the tag team division. They have beaten teams stronger than them, faster than them, bigger than them. But the haven't beaten a team that is willing to do whatever it takes to win, that will break any rule, use everything available to them to hurt their opponents and break their spirits. A team willing to go to the extreme.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the ring, the Dudleys come in from the crowd and attack Bret and Anvil and beat them down using nothing but chairs, busting open both men. After this is done they simply leave them laying in the ring.

Week Two: The Harts are furious at their treatment at the hands of the Dudleys, and petition the commissioner immediately for a match. The commissioner is hesitant to do so, having done some research into what the Dudleys have done as a team to this point. He espouses their propensity for violence, and how there are plans for the Harts, both singly and as a team,. Bret will say to hell with those plans, they want the Dudleys. After a long moment the commissioner agrees, but will do it his way. The Dudleys have already come to him, demanding a title shot because of what they did, and he told them they have to earn that shot. Not exactly happy, the Harts leave.

Later that night, the Dudleys are in a match against a jobber team, whom they dominate. Bubba gets on the mic and starts talking trash to the audience, getting them riled up as only he can. The he starts running down Bret and Anvil, calling them paper champions, even going so far as to throw an insult at Stu Hart, which brings the Harts out from backstage. Bubba goads them into coming down the ring, but security comes out to stop them before they can engage the Dudleys.

Week Three: The Dudleys start the show, going up against a popular face team. After a long match, the Dudleys win by using chairs while the ref was distracted. After they get the pin, they continued beating down the team until the Harts come racing down to the ring, security hot on their heels. They actually exchanges punches before security breaks them up, to the disappointment of the fans. The commissioner comes out, apparently furious because his plans for the Harts are endangered. A best of three match series are slated over the next four weeks, pitting Anvil against Bubba, Bret against Devon, and the third match is a tag team match. If the Dudleys win two of three matches, then the belts will be put on the line. If they lose the series, the Dudleys can go back to whatever bingo hall they came from, because they will not wrestle here again.

Week Four: The first match is slated, Anvil vs. Bubba, with Devon and Bret on the outside.

As expected this match is a Pier Six brawl, but Anvil seems to be a half step ahead of Bubba throughout the match. Anvil hits his finisher, a running powerslam and goes for the pin, but Devon pulls the ref out of the ring before he can count three. Bret immediately attacks Devon and while the ref deals with that, Bubba hits Anvil with a low blow. He goes for the pin, but Bret pulls the ref out for a second time. As they argue, Devon sneaks in and they hit 3D on Anvil for the pin.

Week Five: Bret vs. Devon, both partners banned from ringside.

The match starts out with Bret in control because of his superior technical wrestling. But as the match goes on Devon mucks it up by using a variety of dirty tactics, brawling, and his superior strength to even up the match. Bret starts losing his temper and turns the match into a fight which starts to play into Devon's hands, putting Bret is in danger of losing, but reverses a Rude Awakening-style neckbreaker into a pinfall out of nowhere. Immediately after, Bubba comes running down to the ring, and they beat down Bret. Anvil comes running out to make the save but Bubba intercepts, laying out Anvil with a vicious chair shot. The challengers leave the ring, the champions down and out.

Week Six: Backstage the Harts are discussing strategy, knowing that if they win this match, the Dudleys are gone. Paul E comes up to them and tells them that there is a special twist to this match as ratified by the commissioner. Paul E. says that up to this point the odds have been stacked against his team by having them wrestle "normal" kinds of matches, so if Bret and Anvil really are the best, they can beat the Dudleys at their own game. So tonight, it will be a tables match for the right to challenge for the tag titles at the PPV. He laughs and departs, leaving Bret and Anvil more than a little concerned.

Match time, and before the introductions are made, the rules of the match are explained. Anything goes, no disqualifications, and the first team to put a member of the opposite team through a table wins the match.

The match starts and its obvious that both teams are on a mission. Bret is using very little of his superior technical wrestling, and this time is actually keeping up with Devon in the brawling department, while Anvil and Bubba are more evenly matched. When the teams switch off it becomes anyone's game, and it isn;t long before all four men are battered, bruised and yes, bloody. The Harts are showing a gritty, nasty side to them that no one knew existed even in their rulebreaking days, and its this edge that enables them to match the Dudleys in terms of brutality.

A turning point in the match comes when Bret attempts a piledriver on Devon, but Bubba hits him in the back of the head with a chair, knocking him out. Anvil fights valiantly but cannot fend off both men. They hit 3D on Anvil and then go about setting up the table. Bret comes to and goes on the attack, actually taking the fight to both men, using a mixture of the "excellence of execution" and this newfound nasty edge to his wrestling. He sets Devon up on a table and looks to legdrop him through it, but Bubba crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Devon groggily rolls of the table and dumps Anvil outside, leaving barely enough time for them to set up Bret to be superbombed through the table, ending the match. The Dudleys help each other backstage, knowing they just barely survived this match, and that they get to challenge for the titles in two weeks.

Week Seven: Both teams are in the commissioner's office amidst a small army of security, and the commish makes it very clear that neither tag team is to interfere or assault the other in anyway, lest the Harts be stripped of their belts or the Dudleys be run out of the organization, never to return. They both have matches tonight, the Dudleys against the number one contender tag team of Demolition, and the Harts against a team that has given them some trouble in the past: Power and Glory.

The Dudleys beat Demolition (Ax and Smash) by actually outbrawling the team in a closely contested match, with the Dudleys hitting 3D on Smash. The Dudleys look even more deadly serious than they did when they assaulted the Harts to start this program.

The Harts defeat Power and Glory after hitting the Hart Attack clothesline on Paul Roma. They showed that nastiness again in this match, dissecting their opponents like a skilled surgeon.

I'll do the PPV tomorrow. Trying to write this from scratch and carry on three IM conversations is a bit much for my old ass.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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Here's one I got while gazing off into nowhere----what if Ric Flair had jumped ship to the WWF and reappeared on RAW instead of Nitro on September 14th, 1998? Where would he fit in at the peak of the Attitude era? Active main-eventer? Part-time legend? How would you have booked him from his debut till WrestleMania XV?


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Recently, there had been some reports circulating that a possible return to World Wrestling Entertainment was imminent for Piper, and with "The Biggest Party Of The Summer" (SummerSlam) almost two weeks away & with WWE using "Guest Hosts" on RAW on a regular basis, that question was asked to him by The Mayhem Crew: Will be be seeing a future/full-time run back in the WWE for "Rowdy" Roddy Piper? "I wasn't wild about WrestleMania XXV to put it mildly. There's not a chance in hell that that's the last way you're gonna' see me. There will definitely be a return of Roddy Piper...and sooner than later. How many more fights I have in me, I don't know." He went on to talk about a match that he knows would draw money. "You got Vince McMahon who's done a great job of promoting, who became a bodybuilder, and the last I saw him, I think he's convinced himself he could fight now. I say this...why don't you just put Roddy Piper & Vince McMahon in the ring. Put a million dollars in a Halliburton in the corner & Cobra Shelby to drive away. And the guy that can walk away and take that Halliburton & that Cobra Shelby is the winner. The other guy don't get nothing."

Week 1: Piper calls up and asks Vince to be guest GM "for a pay day...(wife needs surgery or somesuch) Vince says we'll see

Week 2: Piper calls again. Vince says come next week we'll find something for you to do

Week 3: Vince tells Piper "I like when people grovel to me...I know your in dire $$$ straits so take this scrub brush and bucket and wash my brand new Cobra Shelby sitting in the parking lot!!" Piper takes the bucket and brush ...thinks about it.. Vince: "Your wife is need this MONEY" Piper drops the bucket and brush and tells Vince "I'm a wrassler Vince not a janitor..." Vince fumes "YOUR a WRESTLER?!?!? ...You want to wrestle get to the ring and I'll hand you 10 grand out of my stuffed wallet if you are standing at the end!!"

Piper goes to the ring. Vince comes out and announces Piper vs Chris Masters. masters tosses Piper around until Piper grabs a chair and knocks Masters silly for the DQ. Vince laughs "Ha you lost - you couldn't handle it - You don't get a DAMN DIME~!" Piper "Wrong watch the said I get 10 grand if I'm standing in the end...and Vince lookie here..I'm right in the middle of the ring Standing tall!!!:"

*Cue Jericho's Music* Chris "Vince I got rid of this embarassing piece of trash at WM...quit wasting time giving this washed up loser your attention! Ban him from RAW and send him home to lick his old lady's wounds!"


Piper looks dejected and walks out of the arena...Cena stops Piper at the exit and hands him a check "to help you out"

Week 4: Cena comes out and bitches at Vince and Jericho over how they treated Piper. Vince and Jericho come out and tells Cena its a dead issue (like Piper's wife will soon be), and Piper's name will never be heard on RAW again. Cena asks Vince to put him aganist Jericho and if Cena wins Piper gets another chance in the WWE if Jericho wins, Vince can offer him a WWE title match, Vince wants to deny Cena, but Jericho stops him and convinces Vince to give in to the request.

Fast forward to the RAW main event Cena and Jericho do battle, Vince interferes for Jericho liberally, and finally the ref is accidently KO'd and Vince comes in with a chair... He's about to crack a dazed Cena when piper appears on the titan tron standing next to Vince's Cobra Shelby, weilding a base ball bat. Vince is distracted and looks away from Cena who snags the chair cracks Jericho, clotheslines Vince and pins Jericho just as the ref comes to.

Piper cackles and Cena points to the Tron with a wink and a nod

Week 5 Vince storms out furious and demands Piper get out here. They have a verbal argument in which Vince brags of his riches and how he "doesn't care about Piper's wife and his new Cobra Shelby is worth more than her life ever will be!" piper snaps and slaps Vince - calls him a piece of garbage and says You think material goods are of a higher value than a human's life- my wife's life! To hell with you Vince - I can't afford a law suit right now - so instead of me kicking your ass here and now - let's make it for Survior Series....You hold the cards Vince the money you have could pay for my wife's health and make her better real soon....I CHALLENGE you and and shriveled man hood to face me .... 1 million dollars of your cash if I win ...and if you win I don't get a dime and you can live with the fact that my wife may not make it....and just to make you sting a little more.....put your DAMN precious Cobra Shelby on the line too! Com'n you BIG TALKIN' SON OF A BITCH!"

Vince fumes and agrees!


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
King Kamala said:
Here's one I got while gazing off into nowhere----what if Ric Flair had jumped ship to the WWF and reappeared on RAW instead of Nitro on September 14th, 1998? Where would he fit in at the peak of the Attitude era? Active main-eventer? Part-time legend? How would you have booked him from his debut till WrestleMania XV?

Maybe hold him off til the Survivor Series and have him be the mystery participant - announced on the RAW before Survivor Series.

He and Rocky can be in Vince's Corporation and constantly try to one up one another verbally and in ring, Flair costs Rocky the title to Foley in January and sets up Rocky vs Flair at Wm 15 ---Foley can lose it to a debueting Big Show in Feb and set up WM as Austin vs Big Show in the Main event

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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I mentioned this in the 24/7 thread but according to a few people, Hogan almost considered jumping ship to WCW around '90 or so.

Now let's say Hogan leaves after WrestleMania VI and still is off filming a movie till the summer or would you debut him in WCW? Book him up until Starrcade.

Also what happens in WWF? With the focus off of Hogan, does The Ultimate Warrior have a better chance to succeed as the #1 guy? What if he still fails? Who do you push as top guy in Hogan's place?


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I've been bouncing around an idea for December 1993 for Hulk Hogan to return to WWF (6 months after Yoko squashed him) and mentor Lex Luger to avenge the Hulk vs Yoko. At the Rumble Bret would get screwed over by Owen and Luger would get double crossed by Hulk who would toss him and Hulk would win the Rumble and turn heel.

Jack Tunney would declare Lex gets a shot on RAW vs Yoko (on a technicality) and despite Hulk's interference attempts Lex would become World Champ and build towards Lex vs Hulk at WM

Probably worse off than what happened for real, but it was just a thought

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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I've been toying around with an idea since TOTSM of having a couple posters get together, download an EWR scenario (let's say January 1985, each take a certain fed, and all post the results for our shows for the next year or so. Maybe have an informal vote as to who had the best roster, best booker, etc. Like the wrestling draft except even dorkier. Any interest?


Integral Poster
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Kung Kamala Glumplich said:
I've been toying around with an idea since TOTSM of having a couple posters get together, download an EWR scenario (let's say January 1985, each take a certain fed, and all post the results for our shows for the next year or so. Maybe have an informal vote as to who had the best roster, best booker, etc. Like the wrestling draft except even dorkier. Any interest?
I'll get involved if there is enough interest.