
Wrestling Books Discussion Zone


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Yeah, it could still be really good, will depend on his collaborator. The Monsoon one is almost guaranteed to be good with its author. Patera had an interesting career and life but I don't think I've read anything by Casanova. Will depend on how well Patera's bitterness gets reined in.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Between 1978-82 Patera could have been named champ in NWA. AWA, or WW(W)F and no one would have blinked an eye. He drew great in St Louis.
Verne was giving him world title shots w/ Bock really early in his career when he was still a miscast face.
His comedic turn in 1983 when Adnan made him a sheik was probably a bad idea, but it is considered "classic". He and Blackwell got the AWA tag belts with that gimmick, but Patera/Duncum would have worked too, without the over the top angle.
I wonder where he would have gone without the arrest. He was getting smashed by Andre during their WWF feud, but Patera was already indicted by then and was probably destined for staring at the lights without protection due to his end date coming.

It would be hilarious if he finally told the truth in the book and just said "I did a line of coke and went out for a burger and flipped out".


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I really, really wish Gary Hart's book wasn't worth more than life itself.

wtf this was like $50 a few years ago I missed my window

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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@BruiserBrody ‘s most anticipated book of the year.2024


Integral Poster
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Anybody read Rowdy? The book on Piper that's written by his kids? Curious how that is. Saw it at Barnes and Noble the other day.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Anybody read Rowdy? The book on Piper that's written by his kids? Curious how that is. Saw it at Barnes and Noble the other day.
Read it. Probably reviewed it in this thread.
I enjoyed it (of course).
There were interesting nuggets in there like Piper would come home from the road and stay at a hotel on night one to get clean before going home.
From what I recall the last days of Piper were interesting as well as it seems he was almost predicting he was going to go.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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I’ve had it for over a month and am kind of struggling through it. I think it’s a lot more interesting for (and targeted to) someone with a passing interest in WWE. Early parts about Vince’s life before wrestling are kind of interesting but after that it kind of reads like an extended Bix investigative report without the passion.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

You have to be pretty hardcore to want to read about Skinner's glory days. I imagine a shoot would be fun/interesting but a multi part book series???
There has to be interesting Eddie Graham stuff, how Kiern was almost given the Backlund WWWF slot, and part 2 w/ Stan Lane may be fun but..... meh.
Just get a Conrad pod and ride out 6 months of fleeting interest and gimmick money.


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Abbotsford, BC
Got the Vince "Ringmaster" book from the library and I'm about 40-50 pages in. It's entertaining just for all the stuff about his early life and how he's mythologized himself. The idea that he spent the first part of his life as "Vinnie Lupton" is really funny to me and probably does something to explain his weirdness about names.


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Abbotsford, BC
Rick Santorum working for WWF to abolish wrestling commissions in Pennsylvania in the 80's is a pretty great connection. I'm sure I've heard some of this stuff before, such as how Jerry McDervitt first hooked up with Vince but its a fun read.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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He and Inoki are maybe the most compelling people in the history of the business.


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Abbotsford, BC
Finished this and it was very good. Honestly the thing I laughed at hardest was the image of 12-14 year old Dave Meltzer hanging out in the parking lot as the 16 year old girls he came to the wrestling shows with had sex with the wrestlers after the show. Age of consent was 18 then in California just to make it extra gross. I can just picture Dave waiting there.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Finished this book recently, and wooo boy, where to begin
Be forewarned, if you're a big Bret Hart fan, brace yourself, it won't be pretty.
Julie grew up in a broken home, and later foster care with her sister Michelle who would marry Dynamite Kid later on. She was also a victim of sexual assault when she was a teen. She lists alot of her negative traits in the book, from her bi polar behavior, and drug abuse. I say all of this so we understand our narrator before moving on to Bret.
-Bret comes off as extremely manipulative, and used her for relief whenever he felt lonely. Most of the time he would spend his time with other women. Whenever he wanted something, he would come in with "I love you"
-Abandoned his kids to go get drunk, and high with his new girl, and friend when he promised to take them to a firework show. The kids waited all day for him, and cried. The Ultimate Warrior story Bret talked about comes to mind. Except it was with his own kids.
-Bret arrived late at night, drunk. Julie in frustration, told the kids daddy wasn't coming because he went to go get drunk and high with his new girl. The kids weren't surprised with the high part, because they recognized the smell whenever they were around him. Bret finding out what Julie told the kids, dragged her off by the neck, pushed her to the ground and began choking her in front of the kids, and his friend. He comes in the other day to apologize, and say I love you. And she forgives him.
-Threatened to kill his sister Diane, and Julie's friend multiple times by shooting them. Again, that Dynamite Kid story Bret told in his book comes to mind. He really was the pot.
-Julie spent every waking hour taking care of him during his stroke.
-Later on, when he and Julie divorced, and remarried, he completely stopped seeing his kids. All the kids lived with Julie.
-During the time Julie spent nights with Bret, she didn't know he remarried. Meaning he already was cheating on his new wife.
-At the HOF speech Bret completely snuffs Julie and most of his kids, citing he wouldn't be where he's at today without the help with his new wife. He also axxed Julie from attending even though she wanted to.
-When Julie and the kids were looking at bankruptcy, and about to lose the house, she asked for help from Bret. She needed 9 grand. Bret said no saying he didn't have that kind of money on him. He also said several things that Julie didn't want to write in the book because it was too cruel.
-Some of the kids like Dallas were able to make up with Bret when they became adults.
-Bret's history of abusing women is nothing new as his sister Diane even talked about Bret hitting her, and his girlfriends in highschool.
-I've seen Bret's fans saying Julie was making everything up because she was an ex-wife with an axe to grind, but nah. All the kids were there to witness, have other people to back up her claims, and she just comes across as the person from the "When keeping it real goes wrong" skit on Chappelle show where she wears her emotions on her sleeves, saying everything on her mind, with no deception intended.
I've never seen Bret as a hero growing up like alot of kids. Thank God for that. Yes, everyone have their faults, but this guy is still continuing to carry himself off as a Canadian Hero, high and mighty is all laughable now. I wonder how many of his fans are even aware of this, because they never read Julie's book, and even if they did, their hero worship would blind them to the truth.
It makes me really appreciate the Mick Foleys of the world. And there aren't many of those around.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
This book about 1984-86 WWF seems right up @BruiserBrody ’s alley.

Brody probably: I already posted about it three times.
Not sure I posted it or not, but Corny interviewed the author last week and the big selling point for me is the promise of WWF financials from the expansion that will show how close to losing it all they were, along with the 1st time the full story of Snuka going nuts on a plane and attacking a WWF official while flying back from the still undocumented middle east tours of 1985. This is what finally earned Snuka his release.

The author is doing multi part podcasts with Bischoff now in place of Strictly Business


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
The Six Pack breaking down Tony Atlas' shoe fetish being from sleeping on his grandmother's shoes for security while in the midst of severe poverty was a new one for me. I did not read Atlas' book.
Tony's dad had over 30 kids allegedly.

So far the Sheik chapters were ok, but I didn't learn much other than the author explaining Iranian history and why the US isn't the babyface in the 1979 hostage situation (to a degree).

The 3rd chapter where the author goes to wrestling school was absolutely not written for smart fans, Very mundane as he breaks down basic wrestling history, how the ring is built and basic match structure.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
- Atlas was shoved down as a kid by a bully. He suffered a bad enough head injury that he dipped into a coma and was thought on the verge of death. The docs think he may have long term brain issues. That incident lead to Atlas building his body to make sure no one messes with him again.
- His dad came back when he was 12 (briefly). He saw Atlas' size and forced him to do backlot shoot fights.
- He was taken away from his mom at 12 by the state due to their poverty. He got put in an adoption place where he had to fight off other teens who tried to rape him like they did others.
- Atlas skipped a Philly show to fly home and do drugs in 1982 and cost himself and SD Jones a planned run as WWF tag champs. (Does this remove Jules from the planned rotation!?!)
- WWF fired him in early 84, then rehired him in Sept 84 to be the main eventer of "Power Mike's" African tour of WWF stars. The tour never happened. Vince had him sign a no compete contract and forced Atlas to be a jabroni for WWF instead of a star for the AWA or elsewhere.
- Atlas thought about suicide in the late 80s. SD Jones heard about this and had Atlas move in with him, which pissed Vince off. Eventually, Vince hired him to be Saba Simba. Atlas was against it. "I'm a hillbilly, not an African!"
- Atlas doesn't believe blacks should have a month, Juneteenth, etc. Everyone has July 4th. We are all Americans. '
- Another suicide attempt came after Vince fired him in 1991. He cut himself the wrong direction, accidentally saving his own life. Back to homelessness.
- A woman saw him sleeping under a bench. She brought him in. He wound up going into a coma from getting off crack. He ended up marrying the woman, 13 years his senior. Atlas still works matches (in 2022) and his wife lives in a nursing home due to a stroke.
- His first wife was a girl he barely knew that he knocked up as a teen, wife 2 and 3 were ring rats.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
- Vince lived in 3 different trailers as a kid, including one which wasn't equipped with a toilet.
- His mother sexually abused him, but Vince has never clarified to what degree
- His step father beat both of them.
- Vince said the poverty didn't hold him back and anyone who claims their surroundings held them back just hasn't worked hard enough (Helps if your real dad has a company drawing 10 million dollars in 1980)
- WM 3 sold 498K worth of merch to the live crowd and another 130K in programs
More tomorrow...


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
In the late 70s when Vince was still learning the promoting biz, they hung a painting of Linda in the house. When they eventually bought a bigger place, Vince posed for a shot of himself on a motorcycle to blow up and add next to Linda's painting.
- Jim Troy, Vince's Pat Patterson (right hand man) before Patterson, was interviewed for the book. He first met Vince when Vince was promoting his ice hockey arena for concerts and whatnot.
- When Tim White and a business partner were trying to buy a bar they borrowed 20K from Vince, who said the amount of was pittance. "A million dollars is a lot of money"
- Troy and others helped spread the WWF from 27 stations in 82 to 47 in 83. By 1986 they had over 200.
- Troy also had the connections to help secure the WWF the USA network deal. '
- Vince had a 2.0 in college and even that may have been with some "influence" to the professors. Vince realized his short comings and hired people to carry his weak points (financials)
- An exec named McMullen helped the WWF streamline the WWF cash flow. Prior to him, the agents were carrying upwards of 100K for 3 weeks at a time before the WWF office saw it.
- He also got the WWF and Capitol Sports to combine under on umbrella, instead of 2 entities, which allowed the WWF to get larger loans.
- Vince never put his own money into the WWF and so events like Mania (grossing 9 million) were not funded with any of Vince's cash. So had it bombed, Vince would have had personal cash to rebuild.
- A TV guy came up with Wrestlemania by name, to play off Hulkamania. ]
- McMullen pushed for Vince to buy ESPN. Vince was open to running a network, but didn't want to give up the WWF.
- WWF ran 4 middle east tours in the expansion era. The first one in 1983 fell apart and all the towns backed out, so the WWF ran the same stadium in Kuwait for 10 days.
- Mr Fuji had his opponent blade, and the fans rioted. The fans tried to tip over the wrestler bus and the riot police beat the shit out of the fans.
- The Middle East promoters offered just over 100K instead of a promised 300k+ and Troy had to argue with a Prince and his bodyguard that ended in physical combat to secure the money. They wanted Troy to give up his passport, and kicked ass instead, Troy wound up detained the next day when the return trip home was planned, He wound up detained for 2 months. He had an escape plan ready, but eventually the courts freed him.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
- One of the nights in the middle east, Snuka was trying to very aggressively bring a woman into his domain. Troy and another agent/ref (Breener?) tried to stop him, but then were rushed away as another unnamed wrestler was blitzed in the hotel lobby and tossing his beer bottles up in the air to smash them. The execs got the beast under control after they all crashed through a door of some unsuspecting couple. The wrestler was tossed on a luggage cart and hauled to his room to sleep it off.
- On the plane ride home, Snuka was still pissed (and very drunk) that he was cock blocked. He went up to Troy and Breener on the plane. He slapped Breener and called them "office rats". Breener knew how to fight from hockey and fought back. They brawled through the plane. They smashed into the bathroom. Snuka went for his eyes. Don Muraco went to break things up and Tonga Kid attacked Breener.
Things calmed down. Snuka said he was sorry. Everybody went to sleep. Breener woke up and thought he heard snoring, but it was actually Snuka choking Tim White out. Breener blasted Snuka and the brawl once again went through the plane, with Snuka winning until Breener grabbed a pot of hot coffee and threatened Snuka with it.
The pilot was threatening to lock them up, so Troy took some of the WWF money and bribed him to make things better.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
- Vince used the WWF mag as a cover to send 2 writers into other territories to do stories, and then handing Vince's biz card to the top talent.
- Brad Rheingans tells the author of how Verne would call Hogan "dip shit" and "dumbass", bruising Hogan's ego and helping create the wedge that eventually led to Hogan jumping to the WWF. (The WWF used the writers trick to give Vince's card to several AWA stars, including Hogan, even as Verne's office guys were on high alert after Vince tried to buy the AWA.
- Vince would treat Finkel like shit at meetings quite often. The most loyal employee was the chosen whipping boy.
- Tito's Mama had 15 siblings and they had endless kids themselves. The dozens and dozens of cousins would go out each morning in the 50s and play for hours.
- Tito's family did migrant work. Driving from Texas to Wisconsin to help pick cherries in season, and working their way down home in different fields and different crops.
- Santana was on the cusp of being a pro footballer. He was hurt late in camp with the KC Chiefs and spent a year with the CFL before taking up his former QB Tully's offer to work in the pro wrasslin' biz.
- Ole Anderson would greet Santana with "Hey Wetback!"
- Tito got his fake gimmick hometown because Finkel kept mispronouncing the actual Mexican town he was first given.
- Santana has 3 boys. Tito struggled to connect to one of them as he was gay, and didn't play sports.
- Tito started off trying to support him, but would suggest that this was a phase. Eventually Tito evolved and would defend his son from bigots.
- The author paid way more than the old shoot prices to get some of these guys to talk. Atlas bartered for 1000 for 2 days of interviews. Tito snagged 750 for 2 hours of his time.