Congrats! Ambrose has been escaping me. I got the Legendary in the last RTG and nothing else. His Fusion is my favorite of the Fusion cards.
I got the Epic Hogan set with the UR Taunt, as I wanted. Store those up for Fusion Chamber. Now the wait for RTG and seeing which of my PP Survivors I can level up in time. Not maxed out I have - Ryback (47/50), Goldust (37/50), Swagger (40/50), Batista (33/50), Titus O'Neil (30/50), Piper (19/50).
Think the order I need to complete is probably Batista, Goldust, Piper, Ryback, Titus, Swagger, as I know Swagger is weak. Swagger/Titus probably won't even make the cut for the deck but Ryback can probably push out my DiBiase.
I also have two 0/45 SV HBK, which I know if I can take the time, is one of the top non-specialty game SV cards. Also have Sheamus, who is probably good enough to make the deck in that status, as well as Seth Rollins and Mizdow, both which are unlikely to make the cut, even fully leveled.
We will see what the reward is coming Monday afternoon but I am hoping to get a Diva I can pair in my current KOTR, as my Diva deck still has a barely leveled LPP. I have singles of Nikki, Emma, Naomi and Summer. Seeing I just threw the extra Tamina I had in Fusion Chamber, it would not surprise me to get another of her but I haven't gotten any Divas in a while.