Not a bad question, I never knew about bots until the SV tier and not sure how they work in anything below there. I had a hard time figuring them out at first but I found a pattern.
In the SV tier, the bots all had a SV Rock pro avatar.
The bots usually all have pros that don't energize and default to the highest level card. In SV they had all Rock and AJ cards.
For WM, you see a little more variety but it is typically a WM pro avatar that isn't an event card or something. There are a variety of characters. They are starting to have more and more Cena avatars, as Cena is the "Rock level" card in the Mania tier, with Paige being the AJ equivalent.
Usually the names seem really generic too. Like, I always run into a bot called RealAmerican. It has the Paige avatar although the last time I played it in my current game, it ran a Paige, a Cena and a Cesaro, so it isn't a "maxed out" bot.
I had one before that had all Cenas and the name was "corndogs". Wrestler names are common. My current bot field includes one named RandyOrton (Yokozuna pro avatar) and JOHNCENA (Ted DiBiase avatar).
More often then not, if you are in a bot heavy one, your human competition tends to either be front or back loaded. Last game, I was in a bracket with only one other human. They were Match 1. 2-15 were bot competition.
My current one has five humans. I had a Match 1 bot (which somehow carried a boost into game 1 and made me lose...) but had humans in Games 2,3,5 and 6 (I am the fifth human).
Bots will never have event cards and always have a pro in your tier. If you have someone using a lower level card that was cool, or a special card, or a non-pro, they stick out. My human competition has a non-pro WM Brie avatar, one of those Throwback pack Jimmy Snuka avatars and a Kevin Owens RTG pro.
I use my WM Pro Stardust, which with my name, makes me a little ambiguous. One of the other humans is doing the same, with a name that could be a bot and using a WM Pro Yokozuna avatar (though they had been using Barrett at the start, bots tend not to switch, although he has already been outed, he may throw someone off that isn't paying attention).