Gaming with GADD

Week ending 2/18/14

I don’t think I’m gonna play any more Tales of Graces F guys.  I thought about it, and even though I know I’m barely into it by JRPG standards, I’m just not having any fun at all.  Why keep playing a game if I’m not having fun with it?


Nothing, no power most of the day due to the weather knocking it out.


You Don’t Know Jack
It’s weird how I’m actually having problems spamming for the one trophy where you get negative 1 million in the Jack Attack round. It’s like I need to actually spam the answer button LESS and make sure I don’t accidentally hit the correct answer, but I’m having trouble timing it and wind up getting the right answer anyway.

Culdcept SAGA
The swings in this game are ROUGH. You can be kicking ass, but if you get one freakin bad roll and don’t have the card needed to beat your opponent’s creature and take that spot, you’re screwed. That’s precisely what happened to me today, a 4000 magic swing on one turn, and when the game was only to 12000, that’s freaking MASSIVE.

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
This was more like an attempted play session, but unfortunately PSN kept disconnecting me from my partner, and after 2 or 3 times we decided to just give up on it for the day.

Bioshock Infinite
Downloaded it because it was free on PS+, although I expect to get absolutely nothing out of it because I didn’t like Bioshock 1, never played 2 and I just don’t enjoy FPS games in general. I only played a little bit of it today, hell, I haven’t even shot anything yet. I will give them credit for doing a really god job of building up a world and setting a tone, and right now I’m actually really into it. However I expect that’ll soon change once the shooty mechanics come into play.


Bioshock Infinite
Well…I’ve now gotten to the shooty bits, and I’m already way less interested. The world still seems really nice, but the game mechanics are just “there” and doing nothing to draw me back. It seems fully capable, but that’s all I can say about it.

Culdcept SAGA
Got my ass totally fucking destroyed today. I’ve lost 5 matches in a row to this person,who has now gotten serious enough about the game to where he’s built specific decks all focusing on one or two specific effects, while mine is just a hastily thrown together deck of stuff that I thought seemed cool at the time. If I’m gonna keep playing this, I’m going to have to completely rework my deck and make it focused as well. In a shocking post-game upset, I told the game to just search for a random match, and there was actually someone attempting to play online! I can only imagine how thrilled he got when I actually joined his game after sitting there for probably hours waiting on someone, and then how sad he got when I exited back out immediately.


Bioshock Infinite
I think the fact that I’m playing this in really small chunks is what’s helping me to stay interested in the game, because if I was putting in marathon sessions I’d probably get tired of the gameplay really quickly. Hell, it’s my third day playing and I JUST met up with Elizabeth. I’m actually enjoying this still more than I thought I would, but I don’t know if I’m enjoying it enough to keep playing it, especially considering my impending death is just over a week away.

The Last of Us
I’ve played a few hours of this already, but it’d been probably 6 months since I last touched it, so I decided to start over from the beginning. I’m gonna see how far I can get in the next couple of days, since I’m going on the road on Friday for work. Started late at night so I only got a little bit in, up to the point where you meet Ellie to be precise. But I felt like I did way better on the early stealth sequences than I did the first time around. Hopefully this hot streak continues!


The Last of Us
Within an hour or so I’m already past where I was last time, where I learned that I SUCKED at the stealth and got fucking owned by the mushroom zombies in the first real encounter with them. I made it through on my first attempt this time, and while it was UGLY had had me deal with way more combat than I’d like, I still managed to have full health and not use any ammo while in the encounter, so I guess it went well enough. Holy shit though, I’m CONVINCED Tess is a goddamned wizard. I’ve already lost count of the number of times I’ve left her on a completely different elevation, and then she’s suddenly in front of me coming out of the room I was about to enter. Scared the hell out of me so many times, which I really think says wonders about this game. It’s amazing how they’ve built a world where all you need to see is one or two guys and you’re already in OH FUCK panic mode. I’m so goddamned tense while I play this game, it’s ridiculous. Seriously this game is SO GOOD guys, it’s SO GOOD! I know this isn’t exactly breaking news or anything, but it’s still the truth. Why the hell did I wait so long to start playing this?! I just got to the point where human enemies got reintroduced to the game(those who have played will know what I’m talking about, and I won’t say anything more to spoil it for those who haven’t) and I figured that was a good place to stop for the night, even though I really don’t want to. REALLY DON’T. My only complaint with this game is how your partners just completely fucking ruin the immersion. I understand the game would be unbearably difficult if you had to somehow account for them as well and make sure they weren’t seen by the enemies, but goddamn Ellie, stop running around all over the screen while I’m freakin out about moving 2 inches cause someone might attack!

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Between play sessions of Last Of Us I randomly decided to download this and give it a try, as something to do during the NBA All-Star Game because while I wanted to watch that, it’s not something you’d give your full attention to. It’s a very basic CCG and I could see myself going back to it as a quick time killer, but I don’t understand how people have become ridiculously addicted to this.


I got talked into buying this by my Ratchet & Clank/Borderlands multiplayer partner, although I was already leaning towards it since it was only $2.50. I thought this would be a fighting game I might have a shot of being competitive against with him, but…nope. He’s a fighting guy and even in this simplified form, he’s still clearly superior to me. I think I won about 30% of our matches, which is about 29% more than I’d win in a regular fighting game against him, so there’s that at least.

The Last of Us
I’ve been playing this game VERY conservatively up to this point. I hate firing any rounds of ammo because I don’t want to waste them, plus I hate making any kind of noise whatsoever, and now the game put me in a sequence where I HAD to fire off at least two dozen rounds. It just felt like I was playing a completely different game, and I don’t know why anyone would voluntarily play the entire game this way. I’m having a really hard time figuring out how to do writeups for where I am and what I’m doing, cause I feel like I don’t want to spoil ANYTHING with this game. I’m in Lincoln currently getting killed over and over again by Clickers in some kind of hedge maze looking thing. I’m sure this would be way easier if I would just open fire on these assholes, but damnit, I just want to sneak by them, it’ll make me feel so much more like a cool guy. I’ve caught myself whispering while I’m sneaking through encounters, as if the zombies could somehow hear me, that really speaks volumes as to just HOW into this game I am.


The Last of Us
The game has broken my play style. I just went through the school and it’s forcing me to play a bit more action oriented, at least in here. I kinda feel like that’s a shame that you can’t stealth your way through the majority of the game (or maybe you can and I just suck?) Also, HOLY SHIT, this game has boss battles?! Why did I not know this?! I feel like I just got to a big point in the story, leaving town and into Pittsburgh. The game says I’m at 42% completion, but I don’t know if that’s story completion, or total completion, because I’ve definitely missed a ton of collectibles.

Well this was the last full week of GADD for a while guys. There will still be a GADD next week, but it’ll likely only go up to either Saturday or Sunday. I just hope I can finish Last of Us before then, I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying that game after being away from it for so long.


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this past era of consoles since they’re quickly coming to an end, and I want to know who your favorite villain of the generation was. For me, I’m pretty sure it’s Dog Eyes from Sleeping Dogs. Oh man he was SUCH A DICK. I know this is the second time in a few weeks I’ve randomly brought up Sleeping Dogs, but I just feel the need to keep pimping that game. Greatest open world crime game of the generation, and possibly of all time.


Written by Matthew Przybysz

Matt has suddenly become a bit of a Sony fanboy without even realizing it. Also he occasionally streams via his PS4 on twitch at

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