BB16 – Nomination and Battle of the Block #2

With Devin and Amber winning HOH, the Bomb Squad’s power was reaffirmed. However, everyone in the house was unsure about how Devin would wield that power. Devin spent some time thinking about his young daughter whom he was trying to win the money for. He began reconsidering the shady behavior he displayed so far and the impression it would make on his daughter later on.

Devin started making amends by apologizing to Donny. He also told the house that he influenced Caleb to nominate Donny. The problem is that Caleb and Frankie told a story that they made their nominations based on performance. Now, the gig was up, as Brittany knew that she was nominated for other reasons.

Once again, Devin endangered his alliance, which had his allies giving him the side-eye one again. He tried to do damage control by accusing Brittany of twisting his words and siccing the Bomb Squad on her. Based on their not-so-amicable relations, Brittany and Devin are definitely set on taking each other down.

Hayden and Nicole hit it off pretty well. Nicole figured she could use some strength on her side, so she went to Christine with the idea of aligning with Hayden. Christine was a little hesitant, but ultimately agreed. As part of two alliances, she could either be in the most advantageous position, or the most perilous.

The Bomb Squad reconvened to discuss potential nominees for eviction. One idea was thrown out there to put up one of their own, which would be very risky. Devin ultimately ended picking Paola and Brittany, which was no surprise. Because of her loyalties, Amber didn’t have many options to select. She decided to go with Hayden and Nicole. This was the inevitable point in the game where Christine’s alliances collided, although she probably didn’t expect that point to come so early.

Devin assured Hayden and Nicole that they were safe, but they weren’t buying it. Devin also asked Paola to throw the competition because he was targeting Brittany. Paola wasn’t sure whether to trust him or not. Certainly, being up for nomination is something you want to avoid, even if you have supposed deals with other people.

Just after five in the morning, the house gets the wake-up-call for the next Battle of the Block. The game is called “We Did What?”.  The duos are asked questions. The answers are found in a series of photos that continually flash in front of them. Wrong answers give the other team a point. First to four wins. Hayden and Nicole ended up winning the competition, dethroning Amber as a HOH and keeping Devin in power.

Now, Paola was left to hope that Devin would keep his word. Brittany was disappointed in Devin maintaining his HOH status, but she wasn’t about to go down without a fight. There’s still another Power of Veto round on the horizon and more time to play the politics game with the others.


Written by T. Green

is still waiting for that one special night when the Lions finally win the Super Bowl.

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