BB16: Power of Veto #10

To no one’s surprise, Donny and Nicole are on the block. In Nicole’s case, she’s an easy target as she’s already been evicted once. Donny has been marked for eviction by the Bomb Squad/Detonators before, but he’s either saved himself or been spared in favor of bigger targets. This week though, the big alliance is even more focused on eliminating him. Donny knows that he needs to win the veto.

While Derrick and Cody (a.k.a, The Hitmen) are on board with getting rid of Donny, they’re also considering other options if one of the original nominees gets taken off the block.  Current HOH Cody thinks that backdooring Frankie could be best for his game long-term. Derrick doesn’t completely dismiss the idea but warns that they could be screwed if it backfires.

For the next Team America task, the team has to create their own mission that impress the viewers. America then votes on whether they deserve the $5,000 prize or not. Donny figures that America selected the team members for a reason, so he wants the mission to involve saving himself to keep Team America intact. He suggests to Frankie and Derrick that they help him win the veto. If Donny remains on the block, they can always swing the votes to Nicole and not arouse any suspicion.

Frankie was not on board with the plan. He gave some b.s. rhetoric about how America wouldn’t like that mission. Frankie suggested doing something “fun”, like getting all the houseguests to put on a play. Derrick tried to convince Donny that he was down with keeping Team America together, but in reality, he was more on Frankie’s side. They didn’t want to draw any red flags by working to save Donny.

A scary moment happened when Victoria had a medical issue. Earlier, she had complained of pain in her mouth due to her wisdom teeth growing in. Victoria’s face was noticeably swollen. Later on, she collapsed in the bathroom and hit her head. The medics came in to attend to her. Fortunately, she was able to recover and stay in the house.

The next veto competition was as crucial as any this season. The players this time around were: Cody, Nicole, Donny, Christine, Derrick, and Frankie. The game of the day was called “Sting Operation”. Not only would the winner earn the POV, he or she would also be treated to an advance screening of the new CBS series Scorpion (shameless plug alert!).

Big Brother has held similar games as this before. Players are instructed to examine a series of items. Then, they are quizzed about the total numbers of each item. If someone isn’t confident in their answer, that person can “fold”. The player will still be in the game, but won’t be eligible to earn a clearance badge, of which three are needed to win the POV. The other option is to “stay”, but if a staying player is furthest away from the answer, he or she is eliminated.

The Detonators hatched a plan for all their members to fold except for Frankie. Frankie said he was great with numbers, so the hope was to isolate Donny and get him out the game early. But it backfired in spectacular fashion as Donny won the first badge and Frankie got booted from the game. Another mission-throwing attempt blew up in the alliance’s face.

Something baffling happened afterwards though. In the next three rounds, everyone folded but Cody. It was fine for the other Detonators to fold. But for Donny and Nicole, it was beyond idiotic because the only way either one could have a chance was to stay and be eligible to win the badges. Even when Cody was one badge away, Donny and Nicole both folded (in fact, based on the numbers, Nicole would’ve had a great shot of winning had she not played scared). As a result, Cody won the power of veto.

On the “bright” side, Cody was able to bring two other houseguests to the Scorpion screening and he chose Nicole and Donny. He felt bad (supposedly) because they were on the block plus they were on have-not status for the week. What a great guy.

For the Team America mission, the squad forged ahead with the skit. Frankie organized a play called House Swap. Basically, the eight current houseguests did impersonations of the eight evicted houseguests. For the most part, it was lame and most likely failed to impress America. The “save Donny” mission would’ve went over much better, as Donny is a lot more popular than the other houseguests realize.

Finally, it was time for the veto ceremony. There’s a saying that goes “don’t talk about it be about it”. Many HOHs this season have boasted about making a bold move only to cave and follow the crowd in the end. Cody was considering taking one of his nominees down and naming Frankie or maybe Christine as the replacement. But like most weeks, things stayed static, as Cody decided to keep his nominations the same.

In the end, Cody wasn’t willing to go against his alliance just yet. He did wonder if his decision would cost him later on though. Nicole and Donny were upset, as they were good friends that now had to campaign against each other to keep their place in Big Brother.


Written by T. Green

is still waiting for that one special night when the Lions finally win the Super Bowl.

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