RAW Before The War (4-17-95)

WWF Monday Night RAW

April 17th, 1995 (taped April 3rd, 1995)

From The Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York

Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

For our opening, we go back to Action Zone yesterday and The Million Dollar Corporation are in the ring. Bam Bam Bigelow is ANGSTY because he lost the main event at WrestleMania. IRS and King Kong Bundy smile smugly because they’re happy that they’re wrestling for a major promotion in 1995. Tatanka and Kama just mean mug. The new CROWN JEWEL of the Million Dollar Corporation is SID, who enters to his new Psycho ripoff theme! Cut to credits!

Vince and Jerry are our announcers tonight. Lawler’s rocking a Duckman shirt under his jacket.

Jean Pierre Laffitte Vs Duke Droese

Vince McMahon asserts that Duke Droese has paid his taxes. You know somebody in creative in ’95 thought an IRS-Duke Droese feud would be awesome but thankfully, it didn’t happen! Lawler says Jean-Pierre is a descendant of actual pirate Jean Laffitte. This gimmick certainly appealed to all of the War of 1812 buffs out there…Also waitasecond, it’d be pretty impossible for Jean Pierre Laffitte to be a descendant of someone born in 1776!


I’m thinking way too hard about this. I’ll stop! Duke Droese more agile than I remember him being. He takes some big bumps for a guy his size. Vince McMahon and Lawler spend a lot of this match talking about Tax Day. Hey, c’mon, guys! IRS isn’t even on this show! Speaking of impressive, Jean Pierre wins with a senton bomb. This match was whatever. Kind of weird that Jean Pierre would debut by having a back and forth ten minute match with a lower mid-carder instead of the usual quick squash over a ham and egger. Maybe a sign that they didn’t have a lot of faith in him. But with that Cajun pirate gimmick, I couldn’t see why they would think that!

Now we go to spring break. Bob Backlund is wearing a suit with sunscreen on his nose. He yells  on a beach in Florida. Unlike the Clinton Administration, Backlund wants the youth to understand the value of knowledge! Backlund yells at the cameraman and refuses to let him film some hot honeys in bikinis. This was the end of Backlund’s brief reemergence in the main event and the beginning of his long run as comical, loudly rambling old man, which continues to this day.

Vince and Lawler talk some more about SID joining the Million Dollar Corporation. Vince McMahon says Ted DiBiase was behind SID all along and he knew SID would go after Shawn Michaels! However, Bam Bam Bigelow might outshine everybody! He challenged Diesel to a WWF World Title match on the Action Zone yesterday and Diesel granted him a match next week on RAW!

Doink The Clown Vs Raymond Roy

Lawler makes fun of Doink’s tights look like pajamas and Vince uses this as an excuse to bring up a survey that says 25% of men prefer sleeping in the nude while 30% prefer sleeping in their underwear. Uh…Lawler thankfully breaks up this conversation by hyping tonight’s episode of Duckman, on right after RAW! Vince & Lawler talk about how upset SID is that Bam Bam Bigelow is getting a shot next week instead of him. Doink and Dink finish the match by both hitting the Whoopee Cushion. Only a few more months of Doink matches left…

Todd Pettingell gives us our first In Your House report! It’s all the excitement of a World Wrestling Federation pay per view at half the price! WWF World Champion Diesel will defend the title against SID in our main event. That is if Diesel is still the champion! He’s facing Bam Bam Bigelow next week! Todd hypes the house giveaway again. While you’re watching In Your House, you might win an actual house! 

WWF Tag Team Titles Match: Owen Hart and Yokozuna (c) (with Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji) Vs 123 Kid & Bob Holly

123 Kid & Bob Holly scored a huge upset when they beat Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka to win the Tag Team Titles at Royal Rumble ’95. Can they score the ultimate upset by beating the super-team of former two time WWF World Champ Yokozuna and the King of the Ring Owen Hart?  Lawler compares 123 Kid’s hair to Marcia Clark’s. 1995! Pairing Yokozuna and Owen was a brilliant idea. Yoko’s massive weight gain had started hindering his ability and Owen could have been directionless after the Bret feud ended but put them together, you minimize the former and maintained their relevancy. And I’m a sucker for little guy/big guy teams. Owen yelling out “I’M A KING” to some heckling fan made me chuckle. Yokozuna and Owen when Yoko catches 123 Kid coming off the top and pins him with a belly to belly suplex. Pretty good match here!

On the WWF Superstar Line right now, Jim Ross has an EXCLUSIVE interview with Alundra Blayze. Lawler wants the phone. He’s got a call to make.

The Undertaker tells us not the drink and drive! A special message from the World Wrestling Federation. Thanks, Undertaker.

Henry O. Godwinn Vs Rich Myers

Vince McMahon says it’s appropriate HOG is here because he’s sitting next to a ham and he’s got Duckman’s sidekick Cornfed Pig! We get a sweet WWF Merchandise catalog ad before the match starts. Hope that WWF tie-dye shirt is on EBay…Cornfed Pig wants to take on Lawler like William Shatner did a few months back. Cornfed’s got some words for HOG. HOG wins with the Slop Drop.

Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler close the show by talking about Diesel Vs Bam Bam Bigelow next week! Clash of the would be replacements for Randy Savage as Slim Jim Spokesman!

Next Week on RAW: Bam Bam Bigelow looks for redemption as he takes on WWF World Champion Diesel in a big main event. Plus the in-ring debut of Bertha Faye! 


Written by Connor McGrath

Connor McGrath is a public access television show host and part-time amateur comedian, who resides in Portland, Maine. He contributes reviews of Northeast independent wrestling promotion, NWA On Fire along with occasional guest articles.

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