The Thread Killer
Get off my damn lawn
Apparently they are officially announcing the opponent on Monday.
Styles would be great, especially since they had a history in TNA and never got to have a match together one on one.AJ Styles? The Miz? Ziggler feels like a letdown name wise.
I'd love Styles and he'd make sense for Nashville.
As the board's biggest Jeff Jarrett proponent, I'd have to say he's the worst non Hulk Hogan suggestion (@BruiserBrody huffing). I just don't see any scenario where a 2022 Double J Vs Ric Flair match ends up being legitimately enjoyable.Part of me even wonders if its Jarrett, considering he likely was a major conduit for Starrcast and WWE to work together somewhat subtly on this show.
That would rule. Whoever loses gets their pacemaker deactivated for 30 days.HHH in a double heart trauma death match
I can’t honestly see any opponent being able to carry him to a match that is watchable in any scenario. The guy is 73, he has a litany of pre-existing health issues, and today it was reported he has a foot injury. Which is what happens I assume, when you are 73 and are training to be in a professional wrestling match just a few years after almost dying.I just don't see any scenario where a 2022 Double J Vs Ric Flair match ends up being legitimately enjoyable.
We covered this a few weeks ago. Ox Baker's "match" for his 80th birthday is on youtube. I believe the 2 ahead of him are Killer Kowalski and Dom Denucci if my feeble memory serves.Besides Mae Young, has anyone else wrestled after the 80 mark? Looks like Mil Mascaras and Dory Funk were both in their late 70's when they last wrestled. I can think of a few other 70+ luchadors, too.
I was thinking maybe Canek since he seems to have been around forever, but he just turned 70 last month!
lmao wtf, a lot of women wanted to sleep with this guy and he purposely picked spouses of people he worked with? what a scumbag.- Magnum talking about wrestlers not being able to keep their families together is funny since his MO was to try and bone the other guys women.