I remember being incredulous when people were saying that this Moxley/Deathriders shit could go on for another year, and that it still had legs as long as they didn't do [bullshit that they're currently doing]. And I realized that I was outnumbered, and I didn't feel like arguing about it, but I remember thinking to myself, "What would have to happen for it to not end with them doing [bullshit that they're currently doing]?" Like, maybe it seemed cool at the time, but the nWo was cool, at first... the Bloodline was cool, at first. They're like DX v.1.0, complete with Temu Chyna. From a macro view it felt like same soup, just re-heated to me, only difference being that this time it involved... better workers, I guess? But also, they've been feuding with guys that haven't been booked as credible threats to Moxley (or hell, even Claudio). I'm just not clear on how this could have possibly ended up anywhere other than where it has?