That was a tough crowd last night which is a shame because this city doesn't regularly get big wrestling shows and they also are having another show at this same place tonight with the Collision taping with a smaller crowd so it's gonna be a rough atmosphere, I expect some canned crowd responses for sure come Saturday. BTW this was the same arena as the first televised Royal Rumble I think back in Jan 88 and I swear they hadn't done any renovations to this place in 35 years, it looked exactly the same.
Sting and Guevara are fuckin snakebitten with them doing big spots together, let's just never have them interact again. You could tell right away there was no way Sting was going to clear that dive and sure enough. Why the tables were put so far out is beyond me. I thought other than that, the match itself was pretty entertaining though.
Ishii and Moxley was fucking awesome, the headbutt spots were hard to watch though!