
Brody and Friends talk about the AWA (Brody has no friends)

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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We are 10 weeks or so away from SuperClash 3, so we should probably announce the event and start working on promoting it…
Tbf, OVP's 1985 WWF rewatch podcasts taught me that WWF didn't start hyping WrestleMania until 3-4 weeks out and the entire card wasn't announced until the beginning of the show (shout out to nervous stammering Lord Alfred). I don't think promotions started hyping events months in advance until '89/'90.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Tbf, OVP's 1985 WWF rewatch podcasts taught me that WWF didn't start hyping WrestleMania until 3-4 weeks out and the entire card wasn't announced until the beginning of the show (shout out to nervous stammering Lord Alfred). I don't think promotions started hyping events months in advance until '89/'90.
Mania 1 is a bit out of an outlier since many feuds were ignored.
Hogan/Piper/T kicked off in Feb. Moolah/Richter/Kai stemmed from the previous summer. Andre/Studd was going since 1983.
Bix says on this weeks BTS that Gordie Solie did a blurb on WCW Worldwide in 1991 announcing "AWA World Champ Larry Zybyzko has come to WCW" but the plans to make the AWA title into a WCW angle vanished right away.
I plan to watch another of these tonight. It's a shame I watched SuperClash 3 for this thread a few months ago (a watch along with Mystery Titans IIRC)


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I’m legit excited to watch this after last week’s surprises (Jarrett announcing Valiant as his partner in a match that doesn’t make PPV, and Bad Company kicking the shit out of Wendi Richter in a hot angle.)


The Top Guns: Ricky Rice & John Paul vs Beauty & The Beast

Verne and Lee Marshall on the call. The Gunns have no theme music now for whatever reason. The WCCW team gets the jobber entrance and the commentators give us no clue that these 2 men we have never seen before are at least “stars” down south.

Marshall claims Jon Paul is planning to up his bench press to 400 pounds this week. They put over Paul’s increase of bulk. The camera work misses the high spot splash finish.

Verne compares it to Jimmy Snuka’s. The replay shows the finish from a proper angle. So they went the whole match without mentioning who the heels were. Why do a cross over if you are not going to mention the actual promotions?

Colonel DeBeers vs Ken Raper

DDP brings a stretcher to ringside. He tries for cheap heat. And tries and tries. The Memphis fans don’t give him much. Debeers comes out with one of DDP’s ho’s, which is a unique visual. Debeers smashes the jobber in short order, which is a nice change of pace for the AWA squashes. 2 pancake piledrivers end things.

The RPMs vs Nature's Best

Both teams are from Memphis wrestling and the crowd responds for them. The RPMs are CWA tag champs. David McClain joins Marshall at ringside for commentary. He declares this a “wing ding of a match!”

McClain was the announcer for Bruiser, but he is just full of basic wrasslin’ comments here. If he is the POWW promoter would it not make sense to have him cover a woman’s match? The RPM’s win easy and we go to a hard break without a hard sell of anything involving the tag champs.

Brickhouse Brown vs Gary Young

Brown shows good charisma and these two have a solid outing, but McClaine (McClane?) and Marshall don’t tell us anything about who they are, what promotion they work for or why we should care if they appear on the PPV in a few weeks. We get a hot finish as Young has Downtown Bruno cheat to gain an advantage, but misses a flying splash, so Brown shoots to the top to hit a crossbody of his own for the W.

AWA Champion Jerry The King Lawler vs WCCW Champion Kerry Von Erich

WTF! With absolutely no build last week and NO mention of it this week, we have a title vs title unification match.

Lawler has no music. As AWA champ and in his home territory he comes out first.

Kerry VE comes out to a song that is not “Tom Sawyer”. It’s likely a classic rock song, but I don’t recognize it off hand.

Ray Stevens replaces McClane on commentary.

Both guys play a game of one-upmanship to establish alpha male status. Things get testy a few minutes in as both men realize the gravity of the match.

Lawler eventually attempts a diving fist, but Kerry catches him in the claw. King fights out and down goes the strap. They trade blows as the ref tries to restore some order. Lawler and Von Erich nod at each other and both smack the ref for a double DQ. Kerry gets on the mic and says he didn’t come all this way for a DQ finish. A new ref steps in and I guess somehow the match is just restarting. What about contracts and what not? The new ref is bumped almost right away. Kerry hits a piledriver and the ref counts the 1 2 3. New AWA champ! Another ref comes in and tattles on Kerry as piledrivers are a DQ (but Debeers uses a modified piledriver as his finish?!?) Lawler grabs the mic and says since Kerry was DQ’d and WCCW changes titles on DQ, then he is the new WCCW champ. Von Erich gets the mic and declares WCCW doesn’t have any sissy rules outlawing piledrivers. Then to make matters even messier, Marshall says the AWA allows piledrivers, but the Tennessee commission has outlawed them.

The announcers try and say Lawler allowed himself to be piledrove as he knew it would be a DQ. Ray Stevens isn’t a fan of the DQ being a title change. I can't decide if this was a good angle or if it was just horribly convoluted .

WHOA! Sheik Adnan and The Iron Sheik are here for a backstage promo. I thought Sheik was a surprise run in at the PPV. Adnan wants the PPV money. Sheiky Baby is excited to be here in the “AWWA” He calls out Lawler and Sgt Slaughter...who hasn't been in AWA since at least early 1987. They take Sarge’s AWA high light reel from 1985 and play a GI Joe song over it. So that's the official announcement of Slaughter’s return.

Sure seems the plan was for a Debeers vs Snuka blow off and Sarge vs Sheik.

I have to give them credit for a 2nd straight show with a hot ending. I'm not sure cold matches with both sides being unknowns to the AWA audience is the best plan of attack. Even a simple promo or video package from their home territories would seem to work better to get people invested.
Can't really complain about 2 good matches in one hour of free TV though.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
AWA All Star Wrestling 10/15/88

Hosted by Larry Nelson

Ron Garvin makes his TV return today…and here's a clip of him using a foreign object to KO Groovy Greg and take the TV title from earlier this week.

Nelson announces the PPV line up so far. Oddly, Sarge vs Debeers is announced even though last week left off with Sheik’s return setting up that match.

Cactus Jack & Gorgeous Gary Young vs Billy Travis & Scott Steiner
2 future World champs in one throwaway match! Verne puts over Scott's NCAA past but apparently isn’t impressed enough to sign and push him in the AWA.
Verne gives the wrong PPV date, and Lee Marshall waits a bit to give the correct date. Verne also stumbles over the name of the POWW promotion, so Marshall steps in and rattles off the listed talent so far.
The heels win after a boot is taken off and used as a weapon.

Bad Company plug a match vs the Rock and Roll Express in Rhinelander, WI. Good lord that’s a long drive into the north woods in early November.

T. Joe Kahn vs Mike Enos
Lawler replaces Verne on color commentary. Verne had to go flash his cock at the POWW girls or something.
Lawler throws out one liners as Lee Marshall fake howls.
The King puts over all the talent coming in for the PPV and mentions the POWW ladies. Marshall says “Yeah, Like Madusa" Jerry then corrects him and rattles off the AWA women’s roster.
Khan bores us with rest hold. He sells and moves with the grace of Jim Hellwig and Jesse Ventura. Khan wins with a throat shot that Marshall calls a heart punch before Lawler corrects him.

Wahoo cuts a promo on Manny Fernandez for their match in Rhinelander. The promoters are going to have to push back the front row so the fans aren’t sprayed with blood. Spoiler: Empty chairs don't mind blood spill.

Robert Fuller and Bill Apter talk about Fuller’s giant cock. I’m not kidding.

Mat Classic – Greg does a good job acting like he has to compose himself instead of ranting about how Garvin stole his title over the past week. This week’s “Mat Classic” goes back a whole week as we rewatch the end of Von Erich/Lawler from last week. At least with all the BS finishes in the build the PPV title matches will totally have clear and clean endings….

AWA International TV Champion Ronnie Garvin vs Alan Reynolds
Lawler builds up Garvin as a potential PPV opponent after his recent NWA title and AWA TV title wins. Groovy Greg, Wahoo, and Kerry are also proposed. Garvin beats up the jobber for several minutes before winning via KO punch. Lawler does have me intrigued by a Lawler/Garvin match by the end of this.

DDP screams “GOOD GOD" about 15 times for his Superclash promo. Just awful.

Sgt Slaughter orders the fans to go to Chicago for the PPV. Worked for North Korea.

The Rock n Roll Express vs Keith Eric & The Hangman
Lawler again does a great job making me care about Badd Company as he puts them over on commentary. The Express win easily.

Groovy Greg comes on set to plug a TV title rematch in Rhinelander against Garvin. As a bonus, we are apparently filming an episode of “This Old House” on the opposite side of the studio as vague pounding sounds can be heard.

Nelson closes out the show alone, no hot finish like the past few weeks.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Was Larry Zbyszko getting stripped of the AWA World Title mentioned on AWA television? Or did AWA not even have first run television to mention it on by the end of 1990? I feel like the only 1991 AWA footage that’s shown up is all “Best Of” stuff.
That Hospice era AWA show I posted last weekend with Race vs Larry Z might be the final TV taping.
Based on the results available, the AWA stretched whatever they taped that day out for a couple weeks and shuttered.
Larry worked a UWF TV taping in the winter before jumping to WCW.

Here's a Aug 91 Best of syndication show hosted by Bock and Groovy Greg. One would think after a year that even the syndicators had to catch on that no new content was coming.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
AWA All Star Wrestling

Hosted by Larry Nelson

Nelson announces that POWW will be in a battle royal at the PPV, then sends us to….the Super Clash III Championship match contract signing.

Kerry and Lawler are flanked with Jerry Jarrett and Frank Dusek. Stanley Blackburn has each sign the contract. Kerry stumbles through a few lines where he challenges Lawler to get it on right this moment.
Verne is then interviewed and he delivers his normal stumbling speech as he tries to put over the title unification’s importance. It really makes you appreciate Mean Gene’s smoothness and Vince’s charisma watching this kind of stuff.

The Top Guns: Ricky Rice & John Paul vs Terry Adonis & The Beast
Frank Dusek serves as color commentator with Lee Marshall. Dusek admits he didn’t watch the recent AWA show to see the angle where Richter was attacked by Bad Company.

Bad Company is with Larry Nelson in the back to talk about their Rhinelander, WI match with the Rock and Roll Express. There are no results online for this card, which isn’t surprising given that Rhinelander is a smaller town in the middle of the Wisconsin woods. (1988 population was probably 4000 people or so.) Plus, this probably drew 300 people if they were lucky. AWA was basically running one spot show a month from what results we do have can tell us. Madusa threatens to no show as she’s a woman in demand. That would be par for the course for an AWA show.

AWA International TV Champion Ronnie Garvin vs Scott Steiner
Will Garvin try and eat up the young NCAA stud? He allows Steiner to slam him, and then smacks Steiner to the mat with one blow and stomps him. Steiner tries to come back with a desperation flying attack and eats the mat. Garvin punches him and gives him the disrespectful jobber pin to win in under 2 mins. CHRIST!

Groovy Greg is with Nelson. He talks about Rhinelander vs Garvin, He compares Garvin’s punches to Hogan, Andre and Adrian Adonis”.

WCCW Champion Kerry Von Erich vs Gorgeous Gary Young
Downtown Bruno gets lippy to start and eats a discus punch. Young gets some token offense in and bumps well, but he tries a crossbody and Kerry rolls through for a quick win.

Sarge reminds us that we need to get to Chicago for the PPV. Go Joe!

SC III Match rundown…. Lee Marshall does a roster breakdown of the PPV talent, including Buddy Landel and Tommy Rich, who are not on the card.

Bill Apter interviews Robert Gibson. Oh Good, the Express member who can’t talk gets a solo promo. Gibson says the Express did not split up recently, Gibson was just in Florida visiting his family. Apter then says Gibson was feuding with Ron Garvin recently in the NWA. NO HE WASN’T! Why are you making up feuds for matches that are not going to be on TV or PPV? Build up the Stud Stable angle! Gibson wants the TV title. WHY? You just said you and Ricky were tight? Apter alludes to a match in 1982 where Ricky faced Robert. Gibson just awkwardly laughs when he is asked who won.

Mat Classic: Larry Nelson replaces Groovy Greg and introduces Greg vs Garvin from ESPN 2 weeks ago is the mat classic. Greg locks Garvin in a step over toehold, so Garvin just grabs him by the throat and forces him to the mat. That’s pretty bad ass. Garvin tries a leap frog but sells the knee. This allows him to get an object and KO Gagne for the title change.

Nelson says he has not had a chance to interview Greg in depth over the losing the title, even though we’ve seen like 3 promos with those 2 over the past two episodes.

Greg Gagne vs Mike Enos
The Nashville fans give Greg some solid indifference as he’s introduced. Dusek compares Gagne to Jim Londos. Sleeper hold puts Enos and the live crowd to sleep.

Larry Nelson intros David McClaine as “The man who Verne Gagne says has the only legal harem in the USA” Nelson acts surprised when McClaine announces a woman battle royal even though Nelson told us about it at the start of the show. McClaine won’t say any names of the talent who may appear.

CWA Tag Team Champions The RPMs vs Nature's Best
More cold wrestling as the Memphis tag champs just come down to wrestle and we have no intro to them via vignette or promo. Why do I care?
Wait a minute, is this just the same match from the TV show 2 weeks ago? Based on my basic notes on it, I think so. WTF!? Did they have 3 mins of extra air time and just tossed this on?

We close with a Wahoo promo for Rhinelander. Nelson begs Wahoo to end it there so the brutal feud is over before the PPV. The tape cuts off before I can be sure this isn’t the same Wahoo promo that aired a week ago.


Thank You, Fuck You, Bye!
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Warren, OH
Was Larry Zbyszko getting stripped of the AWA World Title mentioned on AWA television? Or did AWA not even have first run television to mention it on by the end of 1990? I feel like the only 1991 AWA footage that’s shown up is all “Best Of” stuff.
I've never seen it but apparently there was a segment that aired in syndication where Zbyszko refused to go to Japan to defend it so AWA lawyer Bob Ryan stripped him of the belt because that's apparently that's something a lawyer has authority to do

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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That Hospice era AWA show I posted last weekend with Race vs Larry Z might be the final TV taping.
Based on the results available, the AWA stretched whatever they taped that day out for a couple weeks and shuttered.
Larry worked a UWF TV taping in the winter before jumping to WCW.
There's a John Arezzi episode from '90 where Zbyszko's a guest, promoting his UWF appearances and challenging Sting & The Ultimate Warrior.

AWA was so low on the totem pole by '90 that I'm kind of surprised Verne never tried to work out a deal with WCW. Then again, it was so low on the totem pole that even 1990 WCW probably didn't see the benefit of working with them. SuperClash III was a flop so it's not like it'd work any better two years later with a marginally bigger budget.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Yeah, sure, I mean Larry Zbyszko was the only guy on the '90 AWA roster IMO who seemed like he could be used regularly on TV ASAP in one of the big two.

Sgt. Slaughter to his credit worked his ass off and seemed to give a damn for the first time in a half decade when he got that WWF comeback. If you told someone on January 1st, 1990 that Sgt. Slaughter was going to be the top heel in the WWF by the end of the year, they would have asked you if they could have some of the drugs you were on.
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Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
AWA All Star Wrestling

10/29/88 The Rock n Roll Express vs Terry Adonis & ???
Intro is not on here as we are JIP for the finish here. Match went under 2 mins regardless.

Manny Fernandez plugs the PPV. He wants either Lawler or Kerry as he deserves both belts. He talks about watching the PPV from Japan or some shit??? He closes by talking about how hard it is to ride a Raging Bull. Couldn't he just focus on Wahoo instead of whatever the hell that promo was?

Lee Marshall is at the SuperClash 3 control center. He announces the Guerreros vs Cactus Jack and the RPMS. No build at all, cool!

Kerry Von Erich talks in an echo chamber about unifying the belts. Lawler does a promo in the same echoing room. Did they just put the SuperClash set in the bathroom?

Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden call out the RnR Express. At least they are focused on the actual PPV match.

The Guerreros cut a promo in Spanish.

WCCW Texas Champion Iceman King Parsons vs Michael PS Hayes
This is actually a WCCW feud from 88, but I am doubting Marshall and Verne are going to mention anything about the “Black Bird" angle.
Hey! Verne actually says these guys have “no love lost” between them. I guess that’s something.
They mention that Iceman Parsons was recently WCCW World champ, which actually kind of makes the title seem rinky dink.
The men have a decent 5 min scrap before the Samoan Swat Team and Buddy Roberts run in. They heels barely touch Hayes before Steve Cox and Kerry rush the ring to chase them off. Well, if nothing else it built to a PPV match.

Wahoo promo. He wants to settle things with Manny. AWA President Stanley Blackburn wants the feud to end. So everybody but Manny are focused on this feud. Wahoo name-drops Rick Rude as he talks about wrestling Manny in the NWA.

Bill Apter interviews Kerry Von Erich. KVE is dressed like Flair with sports coat and fancy sunglasses. Apter grills Von Erich on if Kevin losing a title in a match Kerry subbed for him in and lost is a "fair rule”. Kerry doesn’t give a clear answer and Apter pushes him on the issue. Kerry's actions seem heelish here, but none of this has anything to do with Lawler and the PPV.
Kerry gets his talking points in about how Savage and Flair only work with guys in their Feds, and KVE and Lawler work anybody. “There is one world, so there should only be one world champion"
Apter says Kerry has injured 326 men with his claw hold since his debut. Yup. Heel interview.

Lawler gets a 10 second promo. He again just says it is title for title. .

Steve Cox vs Terry Garvin
Garvin looks like Jimmy Garvin and is apparently a Garvin relative in kayfabe. Marshall then actually says he’s Jimmy's brother. Cox hits a nasty looking German suplex. Cox hits a powerslam and a Russian leg sweep to win things in a hurry. High impact 2 min squash. Did Cox fall off the face of the earth? He worked Global like every other Texas wrasslin' survivor and basically has no results after that.

Sgt. Slaughter & Keith Eric vs T Joe Kahn Soldad Ustinov
I guess this is Sarge’s return match? Sarge comes out alone. Verne explains Jimmy Snuka was injured in Japan and is missing this booking. Sarge talks to the ref, then goes back to the locker room and brings out Jabroni Keith Eric. It’s cute that they actually paid off the weeks of plugging Snuka’s return. I think it’s a little funny that with a “loaded” locker room of talent, Sarge couldn't find a replacement who wasn't a scrub. I know the AWA really liked doing the Star teams with a jobber angle though. Heels and faces both faced these poor odds over the years.
Eric gets mauled for several mins before Sarge can make the hot tag, He locks the Cobra Clutch on Soldat almost right away. Col. Debeers appears and Sarge gives chase. Eric is attacked by Debeers at some point, but the camera misses it and Verne isn’t sure if it actually happened or not.
Sarge tries to get back in the ring, but can’t be bothered to run or anything and gets counted out as he waddles to the ring. Sarge cuts a promo over the corpse of Eric and reveals Debeers attacked Snuka two nights ago to set Sarge up to be in a handicap situation. Debeers brings a stretcher to the ring to mock Sarge and his “friend”, who is dead on the concrete. Sarge begs Debeers to fight and even lays down in the ring. Debeers just spits on him and runs off. Awesome.
Sarge challenges Debeers to a Boot Camp match at the PPV and says the Col may die at the hands of Sarge given the brutal rules of this match. Okay. I’m digging this campy shit.
Debeers does a promo in the back. He says he attacked Eric because he was blocking Debeers view. LOL. Debeers doesn’t know what a boot camp match is, but assumes since this is America, it will be RIGGED.
Oh! I know who Trump took his notes from now.

Commercial: Morton Downey Jr. is bringing in Boston U brass to face the students as the youth of America is protested proposed curfews that are designed to reduce FORNICATION.

Larry Nelson closes the show with another Super Clash rundown. He still doesn’t know what a boot camp match is.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
AWA All Star Wrestling


Hosted by Larry Nelson

Nelson announces the Boot Camp match is signed. Plus Manny vs Wahoo is now a strap match!

The Guerrero Brothers vs The RPMs & The Hangman

It occurs to me that the live fans at these Memphis area tapings would know Hector as a heel. The Guerrero Bros bust out rapid fire high spots, including a 3 man atomic drop on 1 heel.
Frank Dusek on commentary tries to get Ted Turner’s lawyers some work as he suggests the PPV be called “A Clash of Champions”.
More wacky high spots from the faces makes for a fast paced and fun match. Hector does a dive to the floor from the top that is largely missed by the camera and Chavo hits a moonsault for the win.
Good match, but the faces now beat 2 out of 3 heels they are facing at the PPVs. Peeking ahead and it appears they work a 6 man vs Cactus Jack next week. Why not just toss the PPV match on here and do some schmozz finish to build to a rematch?

Manny promo. He’s pissed at the AWA for putting him in a strap match. He makes racist comments about Indians and talks about Wahoo being beaten with the strap by his parents.

Colonel DeBeers vs Alan Reynolds
The Diamond Dolls carry a stretcher to ringside. It looks more like a lawn chair. Debeers smashes his jobber in short order.
The crack medical staff picks the jobber up by the neck and tosses him roughly onto the stretcher.

Wahoo promo – Wahoo talks about having a strap match with Rick Rude and peeling him like a potato. Wahoo plans to beat Manny into a bloody stump and drag him around the ring for the victory.

Kerry and Lawler have a face to face promo – Kerry manages to spout out his line about there being one world and so there has to be one world champion. Lawler calls it Chicago Illi-noise. He’s one of THOSE people.

Super Clash III Report – Lee Marshall runs down the roster again, without mentioning actual matches, once again including Tommy Rich. He does then plug Lawler/Kerry, Wahoo/Manny and Sarge/Debeers.

Wahoo promo – He’s going to give Manny a whippin’.

The Studd Stable promo – They plan on having fun taking down the RnR Express

AWA Press Conference-Bill Apter interviews Wahoo McDaniel. Oh good, it’s been almost 45 seconds since Wahoo’s last promo. He wants revenge for being embarrassed when Manny tore up his headdress.

Iceman Parsons promo – He calls Jimmy Valiant a “sucka”. That isn’t his PPV opponent. Sigh.

AWA Champion Jerry The King Lawler vs Terry Adonis
The crowd roots hard for the hometown hero. Lawler wins with the fist drop with ease.

Brickhouse Brown & Superstar Bill Dundee vs The Stud Stable
Will Fuller and Brown drop trousers and compare snakes? Brown gets a hot sequence to start. He’s dripping charisma. I know he had a cup of coffee in the WWF, but how did WCW not do anything with him? Ok, the answer is problematic.
The heels stooge for the faces as we get southern brawlin’ and tag team formula goodness.
Verne and Lee start talking about Bruno Sammartino (since Downtown Bruno is with the heels) and Verne talks about “How proud we are of all the things he accomplished”
Gagne calls Bill “Crocodile Dundee”.
Fuller’s valet Sylvia beats Dundee on the floor with a kendo stick. Verne doesn’t know what the weapon is, so Marshall has to explain.
Everybody brawls for the hot finish and Brown covers Fuller. Sylvia rushes the ring and whacks Brickhouse with the stick, but the camera misses all of it.
The men brawl until Cactus Jack rushes the ring. Jeff Jarrett makes the save for the faces. Jimmy Valiant rushes in as well and the heels flee.
Well…that sets up a hell of a fun looking 8 man match at the PPV….wait…checks notes…. Oh…. Once again this built to nothing on the PPV. Dundee doesn’t even make the show.

To really drive home the confusion, the Rock and Roll Express are up next in a promo with Larry Nelson. They have wrestled in Chicago many times and the Studd Stable are going to be rolling at the end of the match.
/end show

Apparently the ESPN show for the AWA on this day had this whopper of a match: Badd Company, The Rock-n-Roll RPM’s & Cactus Jack vs. Jeff Jarrett, The Rock-n-Roll Express & The Top Guns


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

More Hospice AWA showed up this week!
- Standard squash matches with Trooper and Larry Z.
- Baron VR talking about Buster Douglas in his promo really struck me as it put the timeline of everything clear. Baron talks about the Alaskans being on his team and I'm almost certain they never appeared in the AWA since like 1987 if not 86.
- The announcers talk about how Sarge might have lost his edge. Sarge beats his jobber in like 90 seconds. He then goes to the fans with a mic and leads the Pledge of Allegiance. His promo at Summerslam this same weekend would be quite different.
- They speak of a fake match between Sarge and Larry that took place in Guam.
- Ken Patera and Scott Norton are name dropped as TCS members, but both have been gone for months. Patera was potentially gone for a year by the time this aired.
- DJ Peterson works a squash. When he runs the ropes an obvious clang is heard and DJ stops in his tracks. Greg Gagne on commentary says part of the ring broke. I'm thinking the ring bell fell off the table, but who know?
- They have now added a TCS MVP ranking, where the points each worker earned for wins is tallied. Nikita Koloff has 8 points despite only working 2 matches, yet that's good enough to tie for 3rd place.
- Johnnie Stewart uses a loaded knee pad to win his squash. Match is only notable for the ref's epic mullet.
- Rapey Buck cuts a cocaine laced promo about Sarge's boot camp training methods.
- Tommy Jammer cut of his mullet! That's going to ruin continuity when the AWA reruns old matches as new. He works the Texas Hangmen, who switch places as needed to fend off Jammer. Baron is at ringside with Jammer, and isn't very useful in stopping their heel tactics.
- They switch one last time and the fresh man cradles Jammer for the win.
- Baron and Jammer brawl with the Hangmen afterward and sends them fleeing.
- Baron is wearing a Great American Bash shirt, and given the timing, I'm guessing it was from his JCP run in 87.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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When was the last first run episode of AWA, Brod? Late August ‘90 seems awful late. I thought they stopped running closer to the beginning of the year but apparently not.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
The last taping was 8/11/1990, which took them into mid-September.
Hope this youtuber has it all. Finding results of actual TV shows is pretty much impossible for the AWA after a certain point it seems. Jim Zordani has been gone almost 9 years and Kris Zellner's results page hasn't been updated in 11 years.

This site has a ton of results archived, but it is down for me at this moment at least:

The old timers at Wrestling Classics were excited a decade ago when I reviewed the AWA 89 TV set I bought as even those results were hit and miss.