CRAZY BOSS LADY and I had a political screaming match last night. She didn't say anything Qanon like nutty, just general GOP hardcore trash...
My coworker mentioned how Walmart might bump min. wage up to 15 dollars an hour for employees. The next coworker said "Great, all prices are going to rise" I chirped in with "I think you best check the validity of that statement". That set CRAZY BOSS LADY off.
The "conversation" went all over the place, from the Waltons using the US tax payers to cover their employees benefits, welfare, etc CRAZY BOSS LADY (CBL) started screaming how the government has no place telling businesses how to run things and the Waltons don't owe anyone anything.
CBL said people who are rich deserve all the benefits because they were willing to take the chance. If you're poor, it's on you.
I tried arguing about how certain corporations have monopolized things, and how only a handful of companies are on top of many many brands branched below them. This led to more yelling about how "Shoes are made in Vietnam, but the laces are made elsewhere, if you hurt the shoe company, you're taking the lace company out too" CBL's example....
Healthcare and poverty basically broke down to "Don't be poor" as a solution from CBL.
Somehow this turned to middle east peace deals. I was not really up on the recent deal, but I had heard within hours of Israel signing it, that the Palestinians had attacked again. So (largely trolling as I was chuckling through much of her meltdowns) I said Trump doesn't get credit for making a peace deal if only half of the countries involved think its a deal. This led to more CBL screaming about how Trump is using the peace deals to financially destroy Iran.
CBL has asked me several times in the past 2 weeks who the Dems are replacing Biden with. I keep asking her if she looks at the polls? Then she goes off on how Biden sounds like a goof. I just say "HAVE YOU HEARD TRUMP!??!" She then screams about how Trump says crazy things as a military tactic.
Oh and she is still on the Trump is switching to the gold standard storyline. She told me last week that "You better get rid of all your money as its about to be worthless". I told her that this was the first time in history that I am glad I am "poor". "Who knew 19 years at Walmart would prove to be the best financial move I could make!"