MarvinisaLunatic said:Apparently that plan involves giving Glenn beck an hour as a guest on Piers Morgans show which will be guest hosted by SE Cupp...lol I wish Piers Morgan was hosting but oh well
Well it was 99.9% nothing I didn't already know, but I found the question about what he's said/done that he's regretted to be a pretty tough question since they've wanted him to apologize for calling Obama a racist towards the end of his Fix News run. She seemed upset he wouldn't answer the question. I also think they wanted him to "endorse" some tea partier and he wouldn't. Had it been someone else interviewing I think they would have pushed that button alittle bit further but he's pretty much quit formally endorsing anyone.NoCalMike said:So tonight was the Glen Beck interview that CNN curiously decided to have Sippy Cupp (his employee, btw) interview him, instead of Piers Morgan. I watched some of it, it was basically an open forum for Beck to have diarrhea of the mouth without so much of a challenge on anything.
Again, not quite sure how anyone was supposed to find that compelling.
Wait, was this a typo, or an actual good joke by Marvin?Fix News
NoCalMike said:Glen Beck also likes to pull the "I'll vote for anyone for who is for the most freedom" bullshit, except for him that is pretty much only someone who is a right-slanted libertarian.
He also tried to pull the "I didn't like Bush" monday morning QBing that a lot of cons seem to do as if they are fooling anyone into thinking they wouldn't have voted him in a 3rd term if they could have.
Yeah, that leaped out at me too. The letter O is right next to the letter I on the keyboard, and this is Marvin, so I'd say it's fifty/fifty.Spaceman Spiff said:Wait, was this a typo, or an actual good joke by Marvin?Fix News
MarvinisaLunatic said:First is from early 2007, Larry king is from 08
I did like in the Larry King video where he said he voted for Lieberman in CT.
And just to be proactive, I know someone will point out how much he supported bush up until 2006 as being evidence of his lack of any sincerity with being anti bush. Just wait a bit, and I'm willing to bet that a good number of liberal/progressive pundits will start turning on Obama as his presidency winds down..hopefully you'll have the same issue with them.
MarvinisaLunatic said:Glen Beck bullshit
In a segment Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly claimed the left supported marijuana legalization because children “in certain ghetto neighborhoods” were using the drug.
Gretchen Carlson, the longtime Fox News anchor, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday saying that Roger Ailes, the powerful chairman of Fox News, fired her from the network last month after she refused his sexual advances and complained to him about discriminatory treatment in the newsroom.
The nature of Ms. Carlson’s allegations immediately transfixed the world of television news, where Mr. Ailes is a hugely influential figure known for demanding absolute loyalty from his employees.
A spokeswoman for Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit — filed in Superior Court in New Jersey, where Mr. Ailes maintains a residence — portrays the Fox chairman as a serial sexual harasser, charging that he ogled Ms. Carlson in his office, called her “sexy” and frequently made sexually charged comments about her physical appearance.
Ms. Carlson, who joined Fox in 2005, charges that during a meeting last fall to discuss her concerns about what she considered ill treatment, Mr. Ailes told her: “I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.”
When she refused, the lawsuit claims, Mr. Ailes retaliated by reducing Ms. Carlson’s salary, curtailing her on-air appearances and, ultimately, declining to renew her contract last month.
CWM said:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/07/business/media/gretchen-carlson-fox-news-roger-ailes-sexual-harassment-lawsuit.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur
Gretchen Carlson, the longtime Fox News anchor, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday saying that Roger Ailes, the powerful chairman of Fox News, fired her from the network last month after she refused his sexual advances and complained to him about discriminatory treatment in the newsroom.
The nature of Ms. Carlson’s allegations immediately transfixed the world of television news, where Mr. Ailes is a hugely influential figure known for demanding absolute loyalty from his employees.
A spokeswoman for Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit — filed in Superior Court in New Jersey, where Mr. Ailes maintains a residence — portrays the Fox chairman as a serial sexual harasser, charging that he ogled Ms. Carlson in his office, called her “sexy” and frequently made sexually charged comments about her physical appearance.
Ms. Carlson, who joined Fox in 2005, charges that during a meeting last fall to discuss her concerns about what she considered ill treatment, Mr. Ailes told her: “I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.”
When she refused, the lawsuit claims, Mr. Ailes retaliated by reducing Ms. Carlson’s salary, curtailing her on-air appearances and, ultimately, declining to renew her contract last month.
So gross.