
Dark Side of the Ring


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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"it is interesting that latter in life she was arrested in jewerly theft" "i've seen people who lie come off as believable...whatever".

Fuck Dave.
Meltzer clearly has a personal relationship with Flair, which I think has been proven over the years, but I think he's really burying his head in the sand about this. Who cares what the victim did later in their life? It's about the event that happened at that time, at that place. Bad people can also have bad events happen to them. It doesn't excuse the act as being right in the moment. Also if Flair's physically covering up this woman from view, no other person is likely gonna see what exactly is happening (again, Flair had on a robe which blocks a lot) and no fucking way is Flair gonna tell Meltzer he committed sexual assault.

Also, Meltzer's coming off as a dumbass regarding liars who came off as believable and insinuating the flight attendant is just a liar. There's a reason that polygraph tests aren't valid in court cases (it's easy to "cheat" and lie). There's a reason sexual abuse survivors don't come forward and that's precisely why, because their truths are seen as lies/disingenuous attacks on the attacker/faulty because they aren't absolutely 100% on the details.
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Just finished the Kanyon episode. So glad they covered randomly making him dress and sing like Boy George after being on the shelf for over a year only for Taker to murder him with that sickening chairshot. Also glad they talked about Flair on Stern burying him. I always thought Kanyon was underappreciated and watching this made me so sad.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
I was doing really well, better than I expected, but then Luke Hawx said that Chris was out of pain now. I was done after that. I was such a big fan of Kanyon, especially since he was from so close to where I am from. I had a friend who went to the same school as Chris growing up, and even though we didn’t know him, it almost felt like we knew him in a round about way. I read in the Bucks’ book about how Matt talked Chris out of killing himself that night, but to hear to story, it just hit differently.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Just finished the Kanyon episode. So glad they covered randomly making him dress and sing like Boy George after being on the shelf for over a year only for Taker to murder him with that sickening chairshot. Also glad they talked about Flair on Stern burying him. I always thought Kanyon was underappreciated and watching this made me so sad.
Agreed with all these points. Also glad they showed Cena & his towing the WWE company line prior to the Ric Flair doubling down on those remarks right to Kanyon's face basically. I loved his work in WCW especially the stuff with Raven and when the Alliance happened, I really hoped Kanyon would've gotten to do more than he did. The angle with Undertaker was odder because Kanyon never wrestled a match against him and ended up basically jobbing on Velocity for most of 2003 to guys like Bill DeMott and Orlando Jordan.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
This one didn't do much for me.
The WWE not using him stuff was more about their bloated roster and Kanyon having the WCW stench on him than his sexual preferences. He was then hurt before the Alliance angle even finished and he was approaching his mid 30s by the time he healed. The WWE's crack writing staff didn't see the need to re-package him. They squandered plenty of talent the past 20 years.
The Taker stuff was of course probably a "rib" on Chris's sexual preference, but I "accept"/expect the pro sports/wrestling locker rooms to be full of immature, drug and fame addled people, so I struggle to go full Maude Flanders. If you watch or read about the Pat Patterson/Bruce Prichard co-shoot interview they did, you realize the main guys under Vince are/were still in full high school mentality.

Of course it sucks he had mental issues and likely some CTE, drugs, whatever mixed in with it. You can break down the back story of an absolute shit ton of guys from the late 90s/ early 2000s and trace the road to their end. Mike Awesome, Test, Renegade, etc.
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Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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I mean, he was an early mentor to Matt & Nick Jackson so I could see easily see him being in the role Brandon Cutler or Don Callis is rn. Some people might be flummoxed by the idea but I feel like Kanyon would crush it as an annoying lackey for the Elite.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
It was "nice" to get the perspective of his gf/wife whatever.

I thought it was odd that Corny explained how they put Bedlam over Bob Armstrong and Randy Savage as they tried to create a monster heel...then 9 months later "We let him go because we didn't have a spot for him" without saying "He didn't get over" or something.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Sweetan disappeared from the lives of his wife and four children on October 15, 1985, and from the world of pro wrestling. Bill Watts was Sweetan's boss at that particular moment, and Carson called him after two weeks of not hearing from her husband. "I called Bill and asked where Bob was. He said, 'Well, we don't know. He just didn't show up for work. We thought he went home.'" Days later, she call Grizzly Smith, whom she'd known for more than a decade. "I said, 'Griz, you need to help me find out what happened to Bob. He was working for Bill. It's your responsibility. You just tell me what you know.' He said, 'Well, he was dating this arena rat that was the drug dealer.'"

Knowing a little bit more, she called Watts back and learned that her husband had left his paycheque there, so at least she had some short-term money to raise her family. "We went all through Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, no word. I was halfway torn that somebody had done him in because he had left and had never missed a day's work in his life, no matter how beat up he was. And he's never left a dollar. So what was I to think?"

In January 1986, Carson hired a private investigator to find Sweetan. The P.I. succeeded, tracking him down in a rough part of the state near the Texas/Arkansas border. Carson then filed for divorce, and Sweetan did show up at the courthouse (with his girlfriend Stacy), where he walked by two of his children, Candace and Chris, without recognizing them. "He came in the courtroom, and he left the courtroom in a huff because he got nothing," recalled Carson. "They left the courtroom and disappeared. That was April 29, 1986."

Sweetan disappeared again, and wouldn't be seen in Texas again until 1990, when he was brought in on charges for sexually molesting a child -- his daughter, Candace. Speaking carefully, Carson said that her daughter revealed the assault about a year after the divorce; Candace was 15 at the time of the assault. Charges were filed with the attorney general and a warrant was issued for Sweetan/Carson's arrest. Eventually, Sweetan was apprehended in Pensacola, Florida, and brought back to Texas in January 1990, where he faced the felony charge over the sexual assault and a separate charge over non-payment of child support. Six months later, on July 9, Sweetan plead guilty to the sexual assault. Instead of further jail time, he was a part of a new program that required him to stay in touch with authorities, stay away from minors, and continue to pay the child support. "We didn't have to go to court," said Carson.



Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Sounds like there will be a Season 4 despite the "scheduling" rumblings people read too much into.

"Dark Side of the Ring has reportedly not been picked up for a fourth season, ending its run on VICE TV at 30 episodes across three seasons. The documentary, created by Evan Husney and Jason Eisener, centered around some of the darkest chapters in the pro wrestling business, ranging from the deaths of Bruiser Brody, Chris Benoit and Owen Hart to the WWE Steroid Trials and the infamous "Plane Ride From Hell."

Update: Following this story's publication, VICE sent out the following statement on Twitter — "We've heard some rumors flying around about Season 4 of Dark Side of the Ring. We are as committed as ever to both the series and the broader Dark Side franchise. Evan and Jason are hard at work making more content that we know our fans of the series will love. Stay tuned."


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Moolah, when speaking about her decades-spanning championship reign, never acknowledged Evelyn Stevens’ title win. And neither did she recognize the previous three women she dropped the title to (Bette Boucher on September 17th, 1966, Yukiko Tomoe in Japan in 1968, and Sue Green in 1975).

It is unclear whether the current NWA recognizes these women as world titleholders, as there is no information on their official page. But at the time they occurred, they were not officially recognized. Green also defeated Moolah in a match that turned into a shoot (went off script and turned real) in 1976, forcing her to submit. But Vince McMahon Sr. obliged her to return the title.