Eh. We've had Sloane, Jamie Lynn, Mandy Moore, Emily, and Amanda. Some much lesser characters like Jacqueline or Vince's Queens girl. Mrs. Ari and Barbara. I think we've seen our share of deeper career women and the guys have all had their hearts broken. Is a lot of the show the dudes chasing random women who don't mind sleeping with you hours after meeting you? Yeah, sure, but its always been. If its bothering you now its only because you're not as easily distracted by the good and there's been enough women fleshed out beyond a pair of tits and what's between their legs that I can't really accuse Entourage of doing a disservice.
The show's not sending some kind of subtle message that women are just sex machines. While Vince and Drama may think that E and Ari have the support of intelligent and beautiful women who were invaluable to getting them where they are. Its just that girls these guys chase often ARE the ones happy to get drunk and fuck someone they just met. And its always been.
If that's a problem now, like I said, its probably just that the exploits aren't entertaining you as much and thus you have more time to think. That or Entourage was just a show that shouldn't have lasted 6 or 7 seasons since it was just about some immature dudes doing some sophomoric stuff, and once they had to grow beyond that or milk it too long it lost a lot of its appeal.