Hot Rats
It's probably the most enjoyable film he's made since "Pain and Gain" or "Bad Boys II" in that the humor is somehow less obnoxious for the most part, and the characters are actually not awful. It's not great, but I liked it a lot more than I thought it would.Ambulance: This was a typical Michael Bay schizophrenic-type of film, big elaborate car stunts and crashes, wild camera shakiness throughout, and more than you can handle of over the top hard to believe spots, but I do have to say I did enjoy this way more than I probably ever imagined I would. Certainly was a bit longer than it should have been, but it did go fast probably since the pace of this film was in hyper-drive throughout. Hardly anything made sense, but in this aspect it wasn't the worst thing in the world that it was. Total turn your brain off and jump into this zany-ass ride type thing. Bay was really having fun with this one more than usual too, even razzing and referencing some of his other work in the dialogue, there was characters talking about scenes in The Rock as an example.
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