Spiral, 2021, Darren Lynn Bouseman, 4/10 - It's weird, I thought this movie was going to be really bad but after it was over, I felt like it was only sorta bad. I thought the grand concept here was better than expected, the execution of it wasn't very good, but that's not surprising. Chris Rock wasn't good here though. His lines were hard to believe, but I need to explain what I mean by grand concept. Guy whose dad was killed by corrupt dad killing cops = good concept. Cops who kill everyone? Poorly handled. Attempt to be relevant that fails. I haven't seen any of the other Saw movies though lol. So if you're hoping for experienced commentary or that I know anything at all, I don't. I also think that other than the tongue kill early in the movie, this stuff just doesn't go as far as I would want from a horror movie that tries to play off gonzo murders.