Took a hiatus for a couple months and finally got around to finishing it over my little Christmas break this past week. I figured everyone here's played it already so I'll not bother with spoiler tags.
I made it out with everyone alive and breezed through the final mission. That final battle was a hell of a lot easier than I was expecting. I'm a total completionist because I don't like playing through the game over and over (although I'll likely replay the final battle tonight because I made the decision to hand over the station to the Illusive Man, which I regretted after I saw everyone's reaction- think I want to go back and blow it up) because I have a lot of other games I want to play through. Overall, I think I liked the first Mass Effect a bit more, I liked how combat worked in that one but I agree that taking out the mako exploration aspects as well as having the ginormous inventory of weapons and shit and replacing them with mineral scanning and simplified weapons load-outs made it a lot easier. I spent way too much in the first game equipping people with the best stuff and selling off like 100 outdated weapons and upgrades. ME2 was a huge upgrade in that regard, and the classes are way different. Still, I sort of liked my crew and the Normandy and all that a lot more in the first one than I did in this one.
Also ended up sexing up Miranda, but I'm hoping I can get back with Ashley in ME3. Hooking up with Tali just seems weird- you don't know what's under that mask, man! And Yeoman Kelly was way too easy.