I think they're both right.
I thought the ASG tonight was a sham and a total mockery of sports. The media made the decision that all these guys who lost to Jordan deserve media platforms, but those guys spew nothing but hate and bitterness because of how their time in the sport went. They are killing the game and it's time to fire all of them tbh. The moment someone thought it was cool to have Kevin Hart shit all over the MVP favorite on live TV and over the PA system, idk dude, it's just a shame. I feel like there's also a conspiracy theory to be had here because right before the game Lebron and Anthony Edwards both decided not to play. Maybe they knew there was gonna be some bullshit like this.
You're not gonna get the players to play hard in an All Star Game when in the case of the one tonight, they know it's gonna be a non stop hate fest. I really do think that a lot of the way people hate the game and complain about it and shit is brought on by these guys. I'm a big believer in forming my own opinions and listening to these old bitter men complain doesn't have an impact on me other than making me begin to despise them.
I watch more basketball than anyone here, that's just the truth of it because of my job and shit. I eat, sleep, breathe basketball. From mid-November to February basketball is almost all I think about. I get to see the game through all levels, through both genders, and not just the NBA lens. I get my game assignment in the middle of the night, I wake up and go through the motions, then I go through my game or two, come home and watch more basketball and then I pass out. Sometimes I go on a date after my game but that shit don't go anywhere. I'm happy with that. I do not functionally see very much that's wrong with the game even though former greats are trying to tell us that there's something wrong with it. Like my boy told me the other week when we were talking about this at halftime of one of our games...
There are some exceptions that I'd like to see change, like players passing on layups, there isn't as much rim protection in the NBA as there should be either, but if there was then you'd see even more three pointers. If you want to see more physical basketball you could always watch the college game, if you want to see more team basketball you can watch college ball, no need to spend your time complaining just go watch different basketball if that's what you want. It's like how some people like watching wrestlers from their childhood, don't wanna watch anything else, but they still watch for hours every week and complain the whole time. At some point you have to get used to how things are, you have to like it or you have to move on. If you don't love the game that's fine, but Chuck and Shaq don't love the game anymore. It's time to give up your headset and microphone and give someone else a turn. There's no other league that would put up with this amount of negativity, they would have been booted off the air a long time ago. Instead they're letting them destroy the league.
The stars are the players, the stars shouldn't be the people who talk about the players.
Also dude I can't be the only one who noticed Oscar's voice compared to Biden. Holy fuckin shit were people trying to gaslight us or what. Oscar is 86 years old and look at how quickly he can speak to other people.