Summarizes my general lack of NJ posting, aside from the actual issues with the fed ATM. Plus with the NJC I never have high expectations anyways, as overall it's entertaining but rarely are there any matches I would remember by the time the next one rolls around. It's almost the anti-G1 I think, where G1 becomes so embroiled in the individual matchups that sometimes it feels like the big picture of the tournament gets lost, whereas with the NJC the focus is on the overall tourney such that the individual matches are relatively less importantNew Japan Fatigue
Funny that it's in March since I think it's very similar to the NCAA tourney were we mainly remember the upsets and close-calls from the opening round. Every so often during the mid-tournament portion you may get a classic like Ospreay/ZSJ but those are far more the exception than the rule and otherwise the tourney just middles about until the finals, and like March Madness even many of the final matches haven't been historically memorable