I had been meaning to post more about DG and DDT, especially since both had some good matches in March, but personal life and admittedly being a slave to my writing style (possibly to be explained later to keep this post shorter) leads to lack of posting about those
When is the next big Dragon Gate show?
To answer that I'll give a quick and dirty rundown of the typical DG annual schedule.
First thing to note before that is aside from the major shows, DG also runs one show in Korakuen every month; after the Big Five, those Korakuen shows are where you see the main storyline progressions, then there's a few mid-level shows (think New Beginning/Dontaku/Destruction) scattered throughout
Jan thru Apr - "Downtime" to start the year, only Korakuens and mid-level shows
Early May (5/3 this year) -
Dead or Alive, first of the Big Five shows
Late May/early June - King of Gate, singles round-robin a la G1, though they often do four smaller blocks with the winners then randomly paired into a four-man single-elim bracket
Late July (7/31 + 8/1 this year) -
Kobe World. The main show, DG's equivalent of WK/WM. Like the latter, this year DG has expanded it to two nights which given how those others have turned out has me mildly concerned...
Late September -
Dangerous Gate
Early November -
Memorial Gate
Around Christmastime -
Final Gate, plus a second Korakuen before New Years closes out the year and back to the "downtime"