Watched the top matches from Cyberfight (so no word on how RVD looked, will circle back on the low card later)
That said, speaking of the GHC title...after the main Go's first challenger showed up and it is... Satoshi Kojima, set for the CyberFight Festival on 6/12. Naturally love me some Kojima and will be watching, buuuut at the same time it doesn't detract from the cracks about NOAH becoming NOSAWA's Senior League the last couple years, even if Kojima is on the list of 50+ y/o guys who can still go
Well NOSAWA may not be the booker anymore but the Senior League is still running strong as Kojima ends Go's reign after a month, and my feeling is pretty much along what I said above: glad to have Kojima in the elite club of IWGP/GHC/TC champions (what would you call that anyways? Can't call it the Triple Crown when that's already a component!), but not at the expense of Go, esp after going thru this with his prior reign. Complicating matters for me is his first challenger being Kenoh for 7/16 at Budokan. I've been wanting to see Kenoh get his second GHC reign for awhile now but at the same time want Kojima to get more than a month himself, and then on top of that I just plain don't trust current NOAH mgmt either way to not do some shit like having Mutoh in his final match beat whoever is the champ
The other big fallout, which we did discuss earlier in chat after it happened, was maybe the second biggest slap of the year with Katsuhiko Nakajima accidentally knocking out and concussing DDT champ Testuya Endo.
Here's the Reddit thread with video of lead up and aftermath with what I assume is Jun dressing down Nakajima with the latter clearly trying to suppress his "in that moment he knew..." face. I imagine this will eventually be made into an angle for a match down the road but for now I'm more curious what the professional fallout may be for Nakajima
Fun show overall though and holy shit did they go balls out for their entrance productions on this show. At six hours long however for casual fans I'd just say check out the last three matches (no-DQ, TJPW title and GHC title) then cherry pick whatever looks interesting from the rest of the card