Fantastic fucking show with real story and character progression.
-Moloney debuts as a heavy and gets a big win over Shingo. He's got a really bright future.
-OKhan beats Shota in a good match but more importantly after the match when OKhan goes to shave Shota's head (as he'd earlier cut his hair in the road to shows) Shota grabs the clippers and shaves his own head and then lies in a dejected heap in the ring after, clearly foreshadowing some kind of big character change.
-Sanada was dressed like some kind of Persona Shadow and it was hilarious. Yuya made his return here as expected and the crowd adores him. He's going to be a big star.
-Takeshita can not have a bad match. Boltin got to look really good.
-Naito is beyond washed. Please let this man have a few months off or he's going to die.
-I was thinking as Tsuji/Kidd started neither could afford to lose so doing the draw was a great call. The crowd was going nuts for this. I wasn't thrilled at first when HoT came out but pulling the trigger FINALLY on HoT turning on War Dogs and making War Dogs faces is good business.
-GOTO GOTO GOTO GOTO. This crowd was fucking Rabid! They also completely sold the joint out. This is the Era of Goto!