
The Attitude Era Thread Vol 1

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Ric Flair or Randy Savage would have been good choices for the Higher Power. Really just pick someone anyone from outside the current roster except for Christopher Daniels, Rikishi or Road Warrior Animal and it probably would have worked better


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I pissed so many people at school off because I predicted Vince on the grounds it made the least sense. If it had to be someone on the roster, go with Goldust or something.

The low key hope for Owen was real, though. Russo gave us all brainrot.


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That ladder match sucking is pretty unforgivable.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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They knew it was a stinker and pivoted to the Austin/Linda stuff in the same segment(IIRC), but that part seems to have been forgotten in time.
The Higher Power reveal is maybe the most brought up shitty angle ever when I am talking with fans. Mostly Vince’s face during the reveal and the way JR says “Aw sonuvaBITCH!” It isn’t brought up when WWE does shitty angle montages cause an angle during WWF’s highest rated era (involving the owner) doesn’t fit their “This is bad/WCW” narrative.
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I definatley remember them bringing up Jake as well as HBK and Rod McMahon (!?) as potential Higher Power candidates. I remember feeling really dumb when it was revealed to be Vince. Like of fucking course it was.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
AwsonuvaBITCH! Today is the 25th anniversary of this angle, Valey!
Head to Head with the Summer of Suck starting for WCW!

WCW @ Cleveland, OH – Convocation Center – June 7, 1999
Monday Nitro – featured an outdoor segment in which WCW World Champion Kevin Nash was injured after being struck by a Hummer:
Hak defeated Prince Iaukea in a hardcore match
Scotty Riggs defeated Lenny Lane
Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn defeated WCW Tag Team Champions Diamond Dallas Page & Bam Bam Bigelow to win the titles
La Parka & Silver King defeated Damien & Ciclope in a falls count anywhere match
Ernest Miller defeated Horace
WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Bobby Duncum Jr. via disqualification in a non-title match
Buff Bagwell defeated Disco Inferno
Sting defeated Randy Savage (w/ Gorgeous George, Madusa, & Miss Madness) via disqualification at around the 4-minute mark after interference from the women; Madusa was knocked down moments later when Savage pulled her in the way of a Stinger Splash; moments later, Rick Steiner & WCW US Champion Scott Steiner ran out and attacked Sting, with Lex Luger eventually making the save with a baseball bat (The Very Best of WCW Monday Nitro Vol. 3)

The go home show for GAB:
Great American Bash 99 – Baltimore, MD – Arena – June 13, 1999 (11,672)
Pay-per-view bouts – included Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, & Mike Tenay on commentary; featured an opening backstage segment in which Master P and his entourage arrived to the arena, wtih Curt Hennig welcoming Master P and asking for an autograph; after Master P autographed a CD, Hennig crushed it; featured a backstage segment with Roddy Piper and Buff Bagwell in which Bagwell thanked Piper for the opportunity he gave him by “giving him the ball” and letting him face Disco Inferno later in the show; included DJ Ran warming up the live crowd throughout the program:
Hak (w/ Chastity) pinned Brian Knobbs (w/ Jimmy Hart) at 5:40 by hitting him over the head with the Singapore cane after Knobbs ran into Hart holding a steel chair on the ring apron; prior to the bout, Knobbs cut an in-ring promo saying it was his wife’s birthday and his present to her was beating Hak; after the match, Hugh Morrus appeared and held Hak so Knobbs could hit him with the chair, then the two hit a spike piledriver before Morrus hit a moonsault onto Hak, laying underneath a ladder; Knobbs then came off the middle turnbuckle ramming a trash can into the ladder
Van Hammer pinned Mikey Whipreck with a cobra clutch slam at 8:34
Buff Bagwell pinned Disco Inferno with the Buff Blockbuster at 10:32
Konnan & WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Curt Hennig & Bobby Duncum Jr. at 10:44 when Mysterio pinned Duncum with a springboard legdrop into the ring after Swoll, sitting ringside with Master P and his entourage, jumped the rail and hit a shoulderblock on Duncum moments after Barry Windham came ringside and attacked Konnan on the floor; after Master P and his group were ejected from ringside, Hennig, Duncum, and Windham laid out Konnan and Mysterio (the debut of the “Rap is Crap” theme song)
Ernest Miller (w/ Sonny Onoo) pinned Horace Hogan (sub. for Scott Norton) at 5:09 with a side kick after putting on one of his red dancing shoes; prior to the bout, Horace appeared instead of Norton and said he would beat Miller as payback for Miller hitting him the previous week on Nitro which lead to the match; the commentary team expected to see Norton but no explanation was made as to why he wasn’t there; after the bout, Miller put on his robe and danced until Horace ran him out of the ring
Ric Flair (w/ Arn Anderson & Aysa) defeated Roddy Piper via disqualification at 8:14 when Buff Bagwell attacked Anderson on the floor, as Anderson gave Flair added leverage with the figure-4, and then attacked Flair inside the ring; moments later, as Bagwell had Flair trapped in the corner, Piper attacked Bagwell with Piper, Flair, and Anderson triple teaming Bagwell, Anderson hitting the spinebuster, and Piper repeatedly whipping Bagwell with a strap; Flair’s role as WCW President was at stake in the match
WCW TV Champion Rick Steiner pinned Sting in a non-title falls count anywhere match at 11:41; the falls count anywhere stipulation was not announced until the ring introductions; the final moments of the match saw the two men fight their way backstage, past the table where Chris Jericho was doing guest commentary, until Sting was attacked by Tank Abbott and had three attack dogs unleashed on him by WCW US Champion Scott Steiner; as two of the dogs bit Sting, the camera quickly cut away to a dozen security guards running to make the save; the camera then cut back to the arena where, moments later, the Steiners dragged referee Mickey Jay out to the ring, who then called for the bell after Rick had allegedly pinned Sting backstage but the dog attack was too graphic for the cameras to pick up on and the finish was not captured on film; the Steiners then cut an in-ring promo with Rick finishing by saying “And who’s the shittiest town in America? Baltimore.”
Diamond Dallas Page & Kanyon (w/ Bam Bam Bigelow) defeated WCW Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn to win the titles at 19:12 when Kanyon pinned Benoit following a Diamond Cutter / Greetings from Asbury Park double team behind the referee’s back, as the referee was distracted by Dean Malenko helping Saturn up on the floor; after the bout, DDP dropped Malenko, who came ringside during the closing moments of the match, with the Diamond Cutter inside the ring
WCW World Champion Kevin Nash defeated Randy Savage (w/ Madusa, Gorgeous George, & Ms. Madness) via disqualification at 7:27 when, after hitting the powerbomb on Savage and fighting off his women, Nash was laid out by Sid Vicious, who kicked Nash in the face and dropped him with the powerbomb; during the opening moments, it was officially announced that Savage’s top rope elbowsmash was no longer banned; after the bout, Sid, Savage, and the women left ringside together (Vicious’ surprise return after a 6-year absence)

Was Van Hammer being randomly pushed again at this point? I can't remember the context.

Should Sid have been the Higher Power? I'm not sure Austin would be too thrilled eating his choke slams and power bombs. Although he would take Taker's choke slams and Benoit's Germans.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Sid being the brains behind the Ministry is hilarious, but still a way better option. Honestly a Sid/Vince match sounds amazing.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
"IT WUZ ME AHHH-STAN! IT WUZ ME ALL ALONG!" Taker makes him dye his hair black for the first time since he went blond in 88.

Sid's last WWF appearance in 97 was him on the ramp teasing being Austin's mystery partner right? (Maybe with the Patriot and somebody else?)

Sid was pissed they made him fly in because he was hurt (the car wreck?) and he wasn't roided to the gills so he wore clothes for the segment IIRC the back story.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Van Hammer had a middling push in ‘99 as…I’m still not sure what character was supposed to be. An evil (hypocritical?) hippie? Probably most notable match besides GAB ‘99 was at the WCW Spring Breakout Nitro where he kept trying to throw IWA Mid South legend Cham Pain in the pool despite Eric Bischoff repeatedly telling the roster to not throw anyone in the pool cause Flair was going to end up in the drink to end the show.

Van Hammer also had a competitive match with Bret Hart during this period because WCW.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I remember that episode pretty vividly, somehow. Like I remember Candido, Vince on commentary awkwardly saying he used to be Skip, and thinking he looked pretty good despite me never being able to take him seriously. This was also the New Nation, where the announcers thought JYD would show up. What I really remember is the FANTASTICS EXPLODE match because it sucks and Bobby Fulton had those shitty half-trunk/half-long tights. I guess it has Pillman's best singles match, too.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
The Warrior contract offer (5 years/750K per) is making the rounds again from Dec 97.

I can't wrap my head around Warrior in the Russo era.

Warrior vs Kane in a battle of mumbo jumbo? Warrior vs Foley? He'd already done Vader and Goldust. HHH is trying to shine, not get smashed again. Austin has to trust this oaf with his neck?


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Warrior eats up Shamrock's push and probably flakes after his Wrestlemania 14 payout.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Warrior no sells 3 Rock bottoms and smashes the Rock, rage quits and Miavia has to marry Steffi to save his push and thus currently owns WWE instead of just being on the Board.

HHH is a 45 time TNA world champ.
...this got me thinking about a scenario where HHH, fresh off the Curtain Call punishment tour and back on the rise, jumps to WCW and joins his buddies Scott, Kev, and Sean.

I'm not sure how many bodies would lie in the wake of the Kliq politics strengthened even further, but I still have this odd feeling that the product would've gotten a little better by the time H starts squeaking his way into booking meetings.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
If Shawn gets his way and leaves in the Summer of 97 (or Montreal time) the NWO Wolfpack can be Kliq heavy. It would probably be enough to keep Syxx from being fired in a few months and sets up an explosive Hogan/ATM Eric vs Kliq power struggle.

Shawn probably pills himself to death before WCW dies as it is said his back injury saved him from the drug use.
I'm not sure when HHH's contract would have come up (debuted in 95, so we'll assume 98 with a standard 3 year/156K per deal)

If Shawn comes in during the summer, that's another fresh main eventer and maybe Goldberg really does just become another of the jacked job squad with a Wrath like arch. Supposedly Eric wanted to book Goldberg in a way to show the WWF how badly they botched Shamrock. I'm not sure how clumsy football player equals = MMA champ, but whatever.

Owen potentially lives long enough to retire in the early 2000s if Bret stays on but not Shawn. Neidhart is still a mess and Davey probably has a similar arch, but without the crippling back injury to really put his pill use over the top.

I can see Bret making Shamrock/Miavia/getting another run with Austin in some form and then maybe settling in with Owen as a dominant team for a bit in 99 until the Radicals give Bret a whole new slew of guys to have bangers with (and Angle)


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If HHH jumps to WCW, he has a career similar to Disco, but with longevity because HHH was good and smart. Might get to Steiner's level by the end of the company, too. But wasn't his WWF contract notoriously problematic? I remember rumors being the Clique got him a sweet deal initially and his getting the IC title was an obligation.

Bret still might have to leave even if Shawn jumped, since there's no way the financial situation changes and his 20 year contract still couldn't be honored. WCW would still obviously be throwing money at him that he couldn't refuse. If anything he gets the dignified exit he wanted, puts over someone on the way out, and a whole new slew of problems happen in WCW.

If Vince calls Shawn's bluff and lets him go to WCW, he gets killed by Goldberg instead of Bret. Probably falls into a pit of addiction and despair he never gets out of. Goldberg's push happens but he never gets a main event unless he's dropping the belt to someone else.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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Love seeing a breakdown from Undertaker of the first HIAC (instead of the usual '98 HIAC)



Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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The Savage legend is mixed up and it was Knight the whole time.