Veteran Procrastinator
Not sure how he stacks up in the promo department but I thought he had a great voice.
During his early time in the WWF, Rhodes was embroiled in a heated storyline with "Macho King" Randy Savage and his manager/partner Sensational Queen Sherri, who in turn found a rival in Sapphire. After a confrontation between the two couples, Savage's ex-manager Miss Elizabeth allied herself with Rhodes and Sapphire and was instrumental in helping them win the WWF's first mixed tag-team match during WrestleMania VI. Sapphire, however, left Rhodes during SummerSlam for The Million Dollar Man's money. Afterwards, Rhodes dropped the polka dots and feuded with Dibiase and Virgil, which also resulted in the national debut of his son Dustin at the 1991 Royal Rumble. Both departed the WWF shortly after, marking the end of Rhodes' career as a full-time in-ring competitor.
I think Bruce is just pissed about Mero being on the other side of the Benoit stuff.
49 is probably about right. Strong competitor who looked to have a pretty high ceiling coming into the company. Especially if you were aware of his work in WCW. Between his knee injury and his relationship problems with his wife, he was kept from reaching his peak. Sometimes a big change in attitude can really push a guy forward, but his turn seemed to have more to do with wanting to control Sable than wanting to win titles.49. Marc Mero
Looking at his career, he was one of the most dominate wrestlers of all time. But maybe he came into the WWF too late in his career. I see alot of parallels with Fedor and UFC. It's easy to write him off as having been a big fish in a small pond, but he came onto the biggest stage in the business while way past his prime. With his body type, it was clear he was going to burn out pretty early.48. Dusty Rhodes
Honestly, it's been so long I might not be remembering it perfectly. But, I remember at the time Mero was one of the few guys who was pretty outspoken about the WWF/WWE culture, and the toxic mix of steroids, concussions, life on the road etc...What do you mean by this?
I vaguely remember Marc being one of the few to call out the industry after the Benoit murders and place some responsibility on the meat grinder. He would be praised for that now. I might have that wrong.
That's exactly what they should've done, really. I was thinking taking Piper's spot with Rude and give Dibiase to Piper.