For Danganronpa, the anime that calls itself the 3rd is actually the finale of 1 and 2. The Danganronpa 3rd game, is after that. I won't say more to anyone who hasn't played them, as it is a spoiler.
Curry, go with Wolfenstein. Shadow of War isn't as good as Shadow of Mordor. You'll still get your worth though, but it kind of falls short of the Mordor.
Now then, as for games I'm playing: finally got off my arse and decided to try finishing off Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. I keep forgetting to finish it up, and I'm not exactly sure why. So I'm getting that accomplished.
Still playing Final Fantasy XIV and finally got my main character to 305 ilvl so that I could Rabanastre. Fun dungeon though when you are a lead tank, not so much. Especially not of a group in which they keep f'n wiping and you are doing everything possible. Looks like 4.2 will release with more housing, so if maybe I'll be able to move to Shirogane. The director of FFXIV is also looking into housing in Ishgard and Ala Mihgo. If Ishgard gets housing, I'm moving there instead.
Got back into Star Trek Online and I was dreading that. I changed main characters to my Federation character from the TOS-era and I'm still not caught up on the main storyline. It really starts becoming more of a pure Trek experience the farther you go and it has been fun. Just had the Lukari introduced and they are a nice race who will be one of the factors in the Temporal Accords of the 25th century.
Let's see what else. Oh, right. Think I'll start up a new game of Sun and Moon. Need to get myself ready for USun and UMoon, since I won't be able to get those until next year. Think I'll try putting some thought into my Pokes instead of just going "meh, that'll do".
And I guess I should add I've managed to get myself to Gold Competitive in Rocket League. Not really that big of a deal, but I'm having fun with it still. Though I'm tempted to just only play Competitive because some people really don't know how to play in Casual. :/
That's about all I'm playing right now.