(Sigh) Well, context is king, but the thing you don't seem to remember, and that a lot of people who think they know everything about wrestling, not to mention any names but we know who they are, is that Eric only signed Bret because he was starting a new show called Thunder and he needed more wrestlers. Aside from that, he was never really interested in Bret Hart, because he didn't - again I know people in California who think they know what they're talking about are going to get mad at this but the truth, from the person who was there is - Bret Hart didn't have the track record of drawing money of a Hulk Hogan, of a Randy Savage, of a Roddy Piper even, and really he only ever drew in Canada, and WCW didn't run shows there. So that's why they paid him 2.5 million dollars a year, to be on Thunder.