I'm liking Flair's podcast more and more. I credit his co-host for a lot of that. However he had two shit shows in a row a while back. He had Kevin Sullivan on a while ago, and was obviously hammered throughout the interview. I couldn't finish it, he slurs to begin with, but this was just really messy sounding. Then the next week he had JJ Dillon on, and he'd throw a question to JJ, and while he was talking you could hear Flair chewing into the mic, it was fucking gross sounding.
The next week he had Cornette on, who does go over the top with his opinions, but I like hearing. And Flair started the show by saying that his bosses told him he couldn't drink before the show or eat while the show was going on.
I find that I only listen to Ross when he has a good guest on. He's still not very good about not talking over his guest, lording the conversation, stating the obvious and then selling his opinion like it's just his thought that's going against the majority (which it's not), and saying a lame joke and letting everyone know that he told a joke. But he keeps getting good guests
Jericho's probably got the best back and forth with his guests. But I can't do any of the 12-20 minute banter that comes before.