WWE is considering getting a new in-house composer. I barely watch these days but I know watching the Rumble this year and hearing everyone's themes kind of sounding the same and uninspired kind of brought down the experience a bit. I did like LA Knight's theme though!
UFC pays for legit music for their fighters.... I suppose weekly costs is a different beast though.
Saw the Andre tribute video they aired on SD! I'm an old head I guess as the kayfabe breach on the actual SD! show feels dirty.
(They said the peak of Andre's career was the WM 3 crowd drawn. While true, HE LOST THE MATCH.)
I rolled my eyes at them airing B roll of the crowd exploding with joy while pretending it was from Andre winning the main event of the first Survivor Series,
Very cool mural of Andre in the WWE HQ. I wonder if Vince hired and fired multiple contractors like HH Holmes did in order to create his romper room corner of the building?