
WWF: Hulkamania era (1984-`1992)


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Oye, it was a TV taping, so zero chance any of those matches were any good

WWF @ Binghamton, NY – Broome County Arena – June 6, 1990
WWF Superstars taping:
Mel Philips was the ring announcer for the taping, subbing for Howard Finkel
Paul Roma defeated Chris Duffy
Pez Whatley defeated Sonny Austin
Jake Roberts defeated Bad News Brown
WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition Smash & Crush defeated Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty (sub. for Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) after Ax interfered
Dusty Rhodes pinned Randy Savage
The Big Bossman pinned Ted Dibiase
Earthquake pinned Jim Duggan
WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior pinned Rick Rude
Prime Time Wrestling – 6/18/90: Rick Martel pinned Hercules at 6:46 by blocking a sunset flip into the ring and holding onto the ropes for leverage; after the match, Hercules attacked Martel and shoved the referee to the mat before being sprayed with Martel’s Arrogance, shortly thereafter, Paul Roma made the save and checked on Hercules
Prime Time Wrestling – 6/25/90: The Warlord (w/ Slick) pinned Brady Boone at 6:20 with the running powerslam
Prime Time Wrestling – 6/25/90: Nikolai Volkoff pinned Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:49 with a clothesline to the back of the head
Prime Time Wrestling – 6/25/90: Jake Roberts defeated Akeem (w/ Slick) via disqualification at 6:24 when Slick prevented Roberts from executing the DDT by grabbing onto his leg from the floor; after the bout, Roberts sent Slick into Akeem – knocking Akeem to the floor – before hitting the DDT on Slick; moments thereafter, Roberts took Damien out of the bag before Akeem pulled Slick out of the ring (Hottest Matches)
Prime Time Wrestling – 7/2/90 – featured Koko B. Ware as a guest of the Brother Love Show, where Koko put Frankie on Love’s shoulder and then stole the microphone and said to Love that he doesn’t love anybody really, and love is about people such as Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs and the Ultimate Warrior and his warriors
6/23/90 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura; included an ‘Update’ segment where a tribute video to Hulk Hogan was shown; included a WWF Ice Cream Bars promo from Hercules & Paul Roma; included WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior, and a small girl called “Amanda Ultimate Warrior” as guests of the Brother Love Show
Brutus Beefcake defeated Mike Durham via submission with the sleeper at 3:23; during the bout, Beefcake cut an insert promo on WWF IC Champion Mr. Perfect
The Barbarian (w/ Bobby Heenan) pinned Scott Colontonio at the 2-minute mark with a clothesline off the top
WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition Smash & Crush (w/ Demolition Ax) defeated Paul Diamond & Joe Champ at 3:24 when Crush pinned Champ following the Decapitation; during the bout, the Hart Foundation cut an insert promo on Demolition (Crush’s surprise TV debut)
Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) pinned Tony Ulysses at 1:36 with the side suplex
The Orient Express (w/ Mr. Fuji) defeated Jim Powers & Jim McPherson at 1:40 when Sato pinned McPherson with a sit-down powerbomb (SuperTape 2)
Jim Duggan pinned Duane Gill at 1:36 with the running clothesline
6/30/90 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura; included an ‘Update’ segment focusing on Hulk Hogan, where Tugboat read one of the many letters sent into Hogan, with comments from several fans on whether or not Hogan should return; featured a promo from Ted Dibiase with Virgil in Cobb County, GA where he spoke with the Big Bossman’s alleged old high school football coach – Coach Patton, who made out that Bossman was terrible at football, with Dibiase saying he had again proved that Bossman was just a dumb hick from a stupid hick town like everyone else from here; included WWF IC Champion Mr. Perfect & Bobby Heenan as guests of the Brother Love Show; featured promos from WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition and the Hart Foundation about Demolition’s new third member:
Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) pinned Jim Powers with the Rude Awakening at 2:37; during the bout, Rude & Heenan cut an insert promo on WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior
The Bushwhackers defeated Iron Mike Sharpe & Bob Bradley at 3:38 when Butch pinned Bradley following the double gutbuster
Boris Zhukov pinned Brady Boone at 2:33 with a clothesline to the back of the head; during the bout, Zhukov cut an insert promo on Nikolai Volkoff; after the bout, Zhukov took off his boot and attacked Boone with it
Tugboat pinned Dale Wolfe at 1:35 with a splash from the middle turnbuckle; during the bout, Dino Bravo cut an insert promo on Tugboat
Dusty Rhodes (w/ Sapphire) pinned Black Bart at 2:40 with the Bionic elbow drop; during the bout, Randy Savage cut an insert promo, where he gave Sensational Sherri two presents to open
Earthquake (w/ Jimmy Hart) pinned Mark Thomas at 1:16 with the sit-down splash; after the bout, Jim Duggan made the save with the 2X4 after Earthquake stole the Hulk Hogan friendship bracelet from Thomas’s wrist and squashed it
7/7/90 – included Nikolai Volkoff as a guest of the Brother Love Show, which was interrupted by Jim Duggan who presented Volkoff with a U.S. flag and welcomed him to the USA; featured an ‘Update’ segment where it was revealed Hulk Hogan would make an announcement next week regarding his future, with comments from Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty, Brutus Beefcake, & Hillbilly Jim saying he will return, and comments from the Warlord & Slick, and Earthquake & Jimmy Hart saying he won’t; included comments from Bobby Heenan where he stated this month’s WWF Magazine was a lot better than normal as it had several stories about the Heenan Family:
WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition Smash & Crush (w/ Demolition Ax) defeated Tony Ulysses & Mike Pocari at 1:57 when Crush pinned Pocari following the Decapitation
Tito Santana pinned Buddy Rose at 2:03 with the flying forearm
Bad News Brown pinned Mike Bee at 2:16 with the Ghetto Blaster; during the bout, an insert promo from Brown was shown saying his fear of snakes had been cured after he went to see a hypnotist in Harlem; then just as the promo finished, Bee pulled a rubber snake out of his tights and Brown ran halfway up the aisle before returning and attacking Bee from behind; after the bout, Brown stomped on the snake and dropped a chair on it
Jimmy Snuka pinned Chris Duffy at 1:50 with a splash off the top
Greg Valentine & the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) defeated Jim McPherson & George Skaaland at 2:02 when Honky pinned McPherson following a double back suplex; during the bout, an insert promo from Valentine & Honky was shown where they claimed their single was #13 in the charts and would soon be #1 like they already were as a team
Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) pinned Jim Brunzell at 3:06 with the flying elbowsmash
The Big Bossman pinned Barry Hardy at 2:25 with the sidewalk slam


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Wrestlemania rematch!
I also enjoyed Dusty working his buddy Black Bart. (Dusty brought him into JCP in 84 and was still putting him over as Big Train Bart in 1996 WCW.)

Why no Dibiase vs Bossman at Summerslam?

Is this the Savage/Brunzell match that Savage decided to make crazy good? I feel like that was a different taping or I am mixing up details.

Quake squashing a wristband? LOL

Warrior was already flailing as a top guy and the infamous "Amanda Ultimate Warrior" segment is taped as a response.

Hillbilly Jim, a previous victim of Quake, makes an appearance to put over Hogan's angle w/ Tenta.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
According to the WCW pod Kamala shared Fri night, the sheets reported JJ Dillon told Vince when he came in to work the office in late Jan that he could land Windham and Luger in short order.
Luger was alleged to have gotten far enough along in negotiations that he was given an early March start date.

My gosh, not only does that wound WCW, but where does Luger fit in with the Zeus and Savage taking up the main event slots vs Hogan?
Does Rude's IC title win get kiboshed so they can build Luger vs Warrior for the summer?
Maybe Luger just slips into Big John Studd's spot and feuds with Andre in some crazy bad matches?

What gimmick is Luger saddled with?


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
WWF @ Staten Island, NY – Susan Wagner High School Gym – June 12, 1984

The scheduled Paul Orndorff vs. Chief Jay Strongbow match did not take place

Bobo Brazil defeated Mr. Fuji

Rocky Johnson defeated Tony Colon

Greg Valentine defeated Tiger Chung Lee

The Iron Sheik defeated Ivan Putski via count-out

WWF @ Valhalla, NY – Westchester Community College – June 11, 1986 (150)

Steve Gelalos defeated Terry Gibbs

Susan Starr defeated Tracy Richards

Jose Luis Rivera defeated Rene Goulet

Tony Atlas defeated Ron Shaw

George Skaaland defeated Gino Carabello

George Wells & Jim Powers defeated the Moondogs via disqualification

Some absolute stinkers! That first card had a solid chance of being 75 percent negative star matches.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
A fun note from Meltz live report from May 88 on a 5 hour TV taping. One of the dark match main events was Brutus vs Honky with Jimmy Hart banned from the ringside. Despite this Hart was at ringside and cheated to help Honky win. Then they plugged a return match for the next month....with Jimmy Hart banned from ringside.

They also promoted free t-shirts for fans attending....and didn't deliver.
It is interesting to note the WWF seemed to make a work rate push at this point signing Owen, Hennig, Terry Taylor and the Rockers in short order.


Integral Poster
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Weren't they doing that stip all across the country with Jimmy dressing up as Peggy Sue to help Honky win? Or was this blatant false advertising?


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Weren't they doing that stip all across the country with Jimmy dressing up as Peggy Sue to help Honky win? Or was this blatant false advertising?
Dave made it sound like they just ignored the gimmick, but with his NWA bias who knows.
The fans were so fed up with squash matches that everyone got booed for the final hour(Hour 4 or 5). They tried to run Savage vs Dibiase as a main event but the fans were toasted.

Similar story at the WCW Sat Night TV taping I attended. They kept plugging Lex Luger was coming up for our main event as endless squash matches and jabronis worked. Super Calo came out for his 3rd or 4th match of the night and somebody next to me screamed "AGAIN!?!?"

My RAW June 96 taping had Warrior wrestle Owen a couple of hours into the show, and that was enough for hundreds of people who left before another hour of tapings and 3 main event dark matches (including Warrior vs Vader) could take place.
It was a work/school night to be fair.
Was @BruiserBrody in attendance?

My first show was early 95 Diesel vs Bob Backlund in the main event. Adam Bomb vs Kwang, Bushwackers vs Bodies, Owen vs Bulldog, Hakushi, Doink etc Only memorable for my reserved Grandpa doing the Bushwackers arm raise and scream.


Thank You, Fuck You, Bye!
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Warren, OH
Interesting. Whenever I rewatch Survivor Series ‘87, I am always pleasantly surprised to see Moolah eliminated in nonchalant fashion halfway through the match. Now I know the rest of the story.

Well I still have no idea why she was on the babyface team, I guess.
All I can think of is they felt they needed to blow off Sherri-Moolah and had established Sherri by heel so Moolah became a face by default.

Although Sherri's "heel turn" was basically "I'm not Sherri Martel, I'm Sensational Sherri" so it's probably not even that deep


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
October 84 — Approximately one hour after Vince McMahon tells AWA announcer Rodger Kent that “you’re with us for life”, Jim Barnett informs Kent that he is fired from the WWF. [WON 1984-11-12]

October 84 – Unable to secure many booking dates anymore, Bob Backlund spends his time making friendships with arena managers throughout the core WWF territory “who aren’t exactly enamored” [WON 1984-11-12] with Vince McMahon. Backlund approaches Verne Gagne with a list of venues that would be receptive, but Gagne turns him down, claiming that if he goes to the Northeast, he will do so on his own. [WON 1984-11-12]

Mickey Massuco

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Elvis Country
Verne Gagne really is the guy who had every opportunity to beat Vince and got in his own way.

That first story is heinous but that’s classic WWE.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Verne's inability and hostility when it came to adapting to things makes it impossible for me to root for him. He just didn't get it. But he was my grandmother's favorite wrestler (my grandfather was a Thesz guy and they got into a pretty funny debate one time) and so he has a place in my heart forever.

Greg would've been a better Red Rooster.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
November 84 – All Japan Pro Wrestling makes overtures to Andre the Giant to leave the WWF. They also attempt to get Dusty Rhodes for their upcoming Real World Tag League series, but Dusty declines because of commitments for Starrcade ‘84 with Jim Crockett Promotions on November 22. [WON 1984-12-03]
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu (winners)​
Bruiser Brody & Stan Hansen​
Terry & Dory Funk, Jr.​
Harley Race & Nick Bockwinkel​
British Bulldogs​
Giant Baba & Rusher Kimura​
Goro Tsurumi & One Man Gang​
Tiger Jeet Singh & Mike Shaw​

I guess we can assume Baba was going to have Andre be his partner? Unless he was going to stay heel like in New Japan and form a super team with Singh or the Fortress of Fat with One Man Gang?
I'd be interested in seeing how much Brody would sell for him.
The Bulldogs pinballing for him would be fun too.


Integral Poster
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Some might argue that it's the McMahons' fault that Hennig, Warrior, or anybody else with that kind of talent, look, and/or charisma didn't get over enough because writing and booking are kind of important in pro wrestling.


Integral Poster
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Hennig's main event push was in late 89 not 88. Also other than Survivor Series 92 he didn't really main event at all as a babyface.

The only evidence is really the late 89/early 90 run with Hogan


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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He was a midcarder the month he was working in 1988 and was a face for like a month in 1992 when the business itself was in decline.

At least mention how he and Hogan weren't breaking records in 1990 in your engagement bait.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Some might argue that it's the McMahons' fault that Hennig, Warrior, or anybody else with that kind of talent, look, and/or charisma didn't get over enough because writing and booking are kind of important in pro wrestling.
Hennig didn't do TV jobs for a year and a half. Dibiase also didn't draw and they gave him the greatest angle in history to build off of.

I think I argued in the Mania rewatch thread that Warrior may have peaked in 89 and maybe should have beat Savage at Mania as his Goldberg/Hogan moment, (Hogan vs Bossman as the co main event). MegaPowers splinter off in their own feud and Rude can build as Warrior's first opponent.
It would be nuts for Vince not to put the belt back on Hogan at WM5 though


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Abbotsford, BC
He was over but not everyone needs to be World Champion especially in the time before they had to fill the massive amount of prime time tv every week.