Cackling Co Pilot Kamala
Integral Poster
Watching the first Superstars of '95 on the 'Cock and they explain that the Smoking Gunns had to withdraw from the WWF Tag Team Titles tournament because Bart Gunn suffering a knee injury when his HORSE FELL ON HIM!
During the 123 Kid & Bob Holly Vs Well Dunn match, Billy cuts a cheerful insert promo wishing the 123 Kid & Bob Holly good luck in the tournament. Apparently not very phased by his brother being nearly crushed by a horse. @Mickey Massuco
During the 123 Kid & Bob Holly Vs Well Dunn match, Billy cuts a cheerful insert promo wishing the 123 Kid & Bob Holly good luck in the tournament. Apparently not very phased by his brother being nearly crushed by a horse. @Mickey Massuco