Apparently Jim Neidhart pitched a finish for Montreal where the Hart Foundation all turn on Bret due to him "abandoning" them for WCW and thus costing Bret the belt. (Per Dean Coles)
If nothing else, that prevents hard feelings for Bret (other than being shunted out regardless) and it sets up Owen vs Shawn to at least be a solid potential main event for IYH in Dec and Feb (I'll let the Taker rumble angle stay).
The WWF might even get a little juice out of Bulldog vs HHH - not only due to the Harts vs DX angle, but if Shawn lays down for HHH to give him the European title, then Bulldog can indignantly call out HHH for being a phony champ and if he wants to be the rep for Europe, he's got to prove himself against England's finest.
I don't buy any of this for one second as it just doesn't make sense...
DX WERE THE HEELS so how the hell does the Hart Foundation turning on Bret help DX? It just puts over Davey Boy, Jim Neidhart, and Owen and doesn't further any real future angles.
#1: It takes away the whole motivation of
OWEN vs. SHAWN... Shawn was gloating he ran Bret out of the WWF and broke up the Hart Foundation. Owen came back to seek revenge on Shawn for what he did and how he/the WWF screwed Bret Hart out of the WWF Title. Simple.
#2: Are DBS/Neidhart/Owen now faces? Heels? As a WWF fan, who cares that they turned on Bret when Bret's now in WCW and can't get revenge on any of them? It's not like DBS/Neidhart can run into a WCW event and beat up Bret either if they're still on WWF TV. It's also zero chance that Shawn or DX would "defend" Bret's honor and have Owen feud with Shawn over that to keep Owen a heel in this scenario while trying to make Shawn/DX into faces.
#3: What do DBS and Neidhart do now? They ran Bret out of the WWF. Do they try to go with an angle where they run other wrestlers out of the WWF? Do they just become heels who gloat how they ran Bret out of the WWF?... okay. Like a Steve Austin or Undertaker or Mankind gives a shit in-character wise. Hell, Austin would be so pissed he wasn't the one that ran Bret out of the WWF.
#4: I can't emphasize this enough,
Bret is in WCW. At best, you've now given your audience a legitimate reason to tune into WCW (your mortal enemy) to see what Bret says/how he reacts to his family turning on him and sending him to WCW. I don't buy the WWF fans suddenly cheering the rest of the Hart Foundation and making them faces to then continue the Owen/Shawn, etc. stuff that followed.