The results for the final day of the New Japan Pro-Wrestling G1 Climax Tournament are in! Congratulations to TETSUYA NAITO in his finals victory over former IWGP Heayvweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi!

Naito and Tanahashi were in top form this evening, wrestling double duty and putting on a nail-biter of a final! Naito has really come a long way over the past while. He had gained a lot of momentum over the past couple of years, putting on amazing matches and really letting his natural charisma show.. but it all came to a halt when he suffered a torn ACL last October , an injury which put him out of action until just this past June. It’s pretty amazing that he was able to come back from reconstructive knee surgery and win the G1 Climax within two months of his return to action. It has been speculated by many that Naito is one wrestler New Japan would be comfortable putting their “ace” label on, and this G1 win really shows the confidence that New Japan has in Naito. Congratulations Naito-san! Check below for the full results run-down and final standings!

G1 Climax 23, Finals: August 11, 2013
Ryogoku Kokugikan – Yokoami/Ryogoku, Sumida

BYES: Tomohiro IshiiKota Ibushi.

1. BLOCK B: Yuji Nagata vs. Yujiro Takahashi
» » » Winner: Nagata (9:06) following the Exploder of Justice.

2. BLOCK B: Toru Yano vs. Minoru Suzuki
» » » Winner: Yano (9:23) via roll-up.

3. BLOCK B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Shelton Benjamin
» » » Winner: Benjamin (10:34) following the Paydirt.

4. BLOCK B:  Tetsuya Naito vs. Karl Anderson
» » » Winner: Naito (13:11) with the Pluma Blanca.

5. BLOCK A: Lance Archer vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
» » » Winner: Archer (14:37) following the Blackout.

6. BLOCK A: Togi Makabe vs. Prince Devitt
» » » Winner: Devitt (8:43) following the Bloody Sunday.

7. BLOCK A:  Satoshi Kojima vs. Kazuchika Okada
» » » Winner: Kojima (11:56) following the Lariat.

8. BLOCK A: Hiroshi Tanahshi vs. Katsuyori Shibata
» » » Winner: Tanahashi (10:56) via small-package hold.

9. G1 CLIMAX FINAL: Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahshi
» » » Winner: Naito (26:44) with the Stardust Press.

Current Standings

Block A Block B
Hiroshi Tanahashi 11 Tetsuya Naito 10
Katsuyori Shibata 10 Minoru Suzuki 10
Davey Boy Smith Jr. 10 Karl Anderson 10
Prince Devitt 10 Shelton Benjamin 10
Togi Makabe 10 Shinsuke Nakamura 10
Kazuchika Okada 9 Yuji Nagata 10
Lance Archer 8 Kota Ibushi 8
Satoshi Kojima 8 Toru Yano 8
Tomohiro Ishii 8 Yujiro Takahashi 8
Hirooki Goto 8 Hiroyoshi Tenzan 6
Block A Archer Devitt Goto Ishii Kojima Makabe Okada Shibata Smith Tanahashi
Archer X Archer (8:14) Goto (8:35) Archer (10:43) Archer (14;37) Makabe (9:07) Okada (11:26) Shibata (6:41) Archer (12:38) Tanahashi (10:56)
Devitt Archer (8:14) X Goto(8:04) Devitt (10:28) Devitt (9:02) Devitt


Devitt (12:56) Shibata (6:56) Smith (7:26) Devitt (11:07)
Goto Goto (8:35) Goto (8:04) X Ishii (bye) Goto (7:13) Makabe (11:20) Goto (12:43) Shibata (bye) Smith (bye) Tanahashi (15:30)
Ishii Archer (10:43) Devitt (10:28) Ishii (bye) X Kojima (11:20) Makabe (14:00) Okada (11:21) Ishii (12:17) Smith (11:17) Ishii (17:42)
Kojima Archer (12:38) Devitt (9:02) Goto (7:13) Kojima (11:20) X Makabe (15:40) Kojima (11:56) Kojima (9:40) Smith (11:43) Kojima (16:07)
Makabe Makabe (9:07) Devitt (8:43) Makabe (11:20) Makabe (14:00) Makabe (15:40) X Makabe (13:55) Shibata (7:23) Smith (10:13) Tanahashi (13:37)
Okada Okada (11:26) Devitt (12:56) Goto (12:43) Okada (11:21) Kojima (11:56) Makabe (13:55) X Okada (9:13) Okada (13:33) DRAW (30:00)
Shibata Shibata (6:41) Shibata (6:56) Shibata (bye) Ishii (12:17) Kojima (9:40) Shibata (7:23) Okada (9:13) X Shibata (9:06) Tanahashi (10:56)
Smith Archer (14:37) Smith (7:26) Smith (bye) Smith (11:17) Smith (11:43) Smith (10:13) Okada (13:33) Shibata (9:06) X Tanahashi (14:35)
Tanahashi Tanahashi (10:56) Devitt (11:07) Tanahashi (15:30) Ishii (17:42) Kojima (16:07) Tanahashi (13:37) DRAW (30:00) Tanahashi (10:56) Tanahashi (14:35) X
Block B Anderson Benjamin Ibushi Nagata Naito Nakamura Suzuki Takahashi Tenzan Yano
Anderson X Anderson (6:28) Ibushi (9:52) Anderson (10:09) Naito (13:11) Anderson (12:54) Suzuki (10:40) Anderson (7:00) Anderson (9:55) Yano (7:24)
Benjamin Anderson (6:28) X Benjamin (10:20) Benjamin (8:17) Naito (8:36) Benjamin (10:34) Suzuki (8:42) Takahashi (7:58) Benjamin (8:20) Benjamin (7:35)
Ibushi Ibushi (9:52) Benjamin (10:20) X Nagata (13:49) Ibushi (13:16) Nakamura (19:18) Suzuki (13:37) Takahashi (8:45) Ibushi (bye) Ibushi (7:32)
Nagata Anderson (10:09) Benjamin (8:17) Nagata (13:49) X Naito (11:40) Nakamura (13:55) Nagata (14:34) Nagata (9:06) Nagata (bye) Nagata (6:46)
Naito Naito (13:11) Naito (8:36) Ibushi (13:16) Naito (11:40) X Naito (14:50) Naito (16:19) Takahashi (9:30) Tenzan (12:20) Yano (9:26)
Nakamura Anderson (12:54) Benjamin (10:34) Nakamura (19:18) Nakamura (13:55) Naito (14:50) X Suzuki (13:44) Nakamura (10:47) Nakamura (bye) Nakamura (11:36)
Suzuki Suzuki (10:40) Suzuki (8:42) Suzuki (13:37) Nagata (14:34) Naito (16:19) Suzuki(13:44) X Suzuki (10:31) Tenzan (11:46) Yano (9:23)
Takahashi Anderson (7:00) Takahashi (7:58) Takahashi (8:45) Nagata (9:06) Takahashi (9:30) Nakamura (10:47) Suzuki (13:44) X Takahashi (9:07) Yano (7:04)
Tenzan Anderson (9:55) Benjamin (8:20) Ibushi (bye) Nagata (bye) Tenzan (12:20) Nakamura (bye) Tenzan (11:46) Takahashi (9:07) X Tenzan (8:39)
Yano Yano (7:24) Benjamin (7:35) Ibushi (7:32) Nagata (6:46) Yano (9:26) Nakamura (11:36) Yano (9:23) Yano (7:04) Tenzan (8:39) X

Written by dubq

writes all sorts of things for CultureCrossfire.com!

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