I really should have put Nefarious in this thread. I posted on it in the general movies/tv spot, but that film was not only incredibly mis-marketed and decieved as a horror (when it was a conservative hot button topic film) but it was just plain fuckin BAD. Avoid it at all costs.
Beau is Afraid: I've already seen TONS of polarizing viewpoints of this online. One thing is clear, this is a film that is full of metaphoric what the fuck am I watching moments that can easily be taken as confusing narrative choices that make little to no sense and in the very least, completely devoid of logic. I'd say the first hour doesn't appear to have a ton of that weird stuff, in fact in many parts the performances are actually quite engaging but as the film moves onward, it gets more and more fucking bizzare. I think the idea here was Aster was trying to showcase the mental state of the Beau character and perhaps illustrate what panic attacks, paranoia, guilt, shame, codependancy etc actually looks like existentially. At a runtime of 3 hours as well, the film chews away at you in not a good way about halfway through to where it gets so narratively out of control and bloated as fuck that I personally really started to lose interest when it was clear that very little connecting the dots would occur. Some material comes together near the end, but then just as much there is more additional "what does this mean and why is this happening" type of shit. The last hour particularly is a challenge to determine what exactly is all going on here. I would hardly call this any sort of horror, but there are horror-like elements, and actually this is mostly some real deep moments of cynical humor that I felt weird even laughing at because it was so self-depricating. Some in the theater picked up on it, others did not. A bold choice for a third feature film by Aster, but I can't say this hit any successful tones that Hereditary or Midsommar did. It's such an absurdely different film than either of those.
If this was maybe around the 1:45-2 hour mark, taking out some of the shit that really didn't mean shit by the end of it, I probably would have been more into this. But the way it was, it kinda felt like a complete fucking mess in multiple ways, with all of the actors trying their best to make use of what little they were given. Parker Posey's performance, while short and brief, was surely the highlight.