Master Thrasher
Seven Time Tetris 99 Champ!
They should bring back Brawl For All in Hell In A Cell between Russo and Cornette.
On top of all that, just in general, Dr. Death doesn't exactly strike me as a main eventer in the Attitude era, not by look or character. I can't picture it at all.Gert said:So between watching the Brawl for All episode, plus accompanying podcasts with Cornette and JR, I think they are both full of shit in regards to Dr. Death being a main event guy and Russo costing the WWF millions.
Timeline wise the Austin-Taker feud was going to go all the way to Summerslam and while the September PPV was a Austin-Kane-Taker 3 way and October PPV was Taker-Kane with Austin as a ref; perhaps Austin-Dr. Death could have been a fall program, but short of just inserting him right into a program with Austin I think Dr. Death was totally washed and probably would have looked bad in any summer program before going into an Austin feud.
And with Dr. Death not being a WWF guy, I have a hard time believing he would be inserted right into a main event feud.
Firmino of the 909 said:Greg Valentine just said that Vince paid $80,000 to the authorities to have Snuka's murder case forgotten about.
Avid Warehouse Enthusiast said:My problem with Dr. Death being seen as a potential draw is that half of the audience by that point had just started watching in last year. Where was Doc in 1997? His biggest North American date was a loss to Raven in ECW, which was geared toward smart marks that watched JCP/AJPW/Mid-South/etc. Your average WWF fan probably didn't give a shit about Steve Williams in an era, let alone even know who he was, in 1998.